Intimate pictures of the people who think photography is a SIN: Artist captures his own Hutterite sect for the first time... but was forced to leave because members think his work goes against God

  • Kelly Hofer grew up in a Hutterite commune in rural Manitoba, Canada, and began taking pictures at age 11
  • He is perhaps the only photographer to show the Hutterites from and insider's perspective
  • Hutterites are an Anabaptist sect that share some values with the Mennonites and Amish

Kelly Hofer has been a photographer since age 11 - a remarkable fact considering his craft is considered sinful in the remote Hutterite colony where he grew up in Manitoba, Canada. 

'I think it’s based off the bible verse "thou shalt make no graven image." But I personally think they've taken it out of context.' Mr Hofer told MailOnline.

'I was always told it’s sinful. And it’s frowned upon as well.'

Mr Hofer was forced to leave his family and his people two years ago at age 19 to pursue his love of photography, but before he left he captures some of the first intimate images inside a conservative Christian sect that is closed off from the outside world.

His pictures of the Green Acres Colony are a loving depiction of life in a small community that is struggling to embrace new technology while sticking to the traditional religious principles of leading a simple, communal life.

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A simple life: Kelly Hofer spent nearly all his life documenting life inside the Hutterite commune where he grew up - a place where photography is considered a sin

Outcast: Far from being welcomed, Hofer found that many of his friends and neighbors - especially the older members of his community - were not pleased to be the subject of photographs

Tender: Hofer's images show the gentle, caring nature of his Hutterite community

The Hutterites are a people in transition. They believe in living a simple, peaceful communal life - but are adopting some modern technology, as well

Hofer's images offer an intimacy of daily life in a Hutterite commune that has never been seen before - because he was one of them

Hofer says his Hutterite commune was the best place to grow up. 'It's a carefree childhood - running in the woods, swimming in rivers. It's irreplaceable,' he told MailOnline

The Hutterites, like other Anabaptist like the Amish and Mennonites, form tight-knit communities that are largely based on farming.

Unlike they Amish, many Hutterites embrace technology - if only in a limited capacity. Every home is wired with the internet - but mostly to allow children to connect with Hutterite schoolteachers in other communes hundreds of miles away. 

Cameras are allowed, but only to document progress on work or building construction.

Mr Hofer is entirely self-taught. He fell in love with the craft when he picked up a point-and-shoot camera that his father, the school principal in his community of 110 people, had taken home.

'Being the only Hutterite photographer at the time, no one else in the colony knew anything about photography,' he said.

And the community was anything but encouraging.

Hofer started taking pictures and age 11 and is entirely self-taught. There were not even books about photography in his school library

Cameras are allowed - but only to document work progress like new construction. Taking pictures of people is frowned upon - and even considered sinful

Hofer said he mainly only had problems with members of the older generation of his community. Younger Hutterites didn't object to his photography nearly as much

Hofer's work focuses on the innocence of the close-knit community. Many of his images are of children and teenages

Farm life still plays a huge role in the Hutterite community - with children and teenagers pitching in to learn the importance of hard work

Often when he began photographing his subjects - friends, neighbors and family members - they threatened to tell the minister and have his camera taken away.

At one point, his camera was briefly confiscated.

When he first posted his pictures online, he was called in front of the council of elders and forced to delete the images off his Flickr account in front of them.

But he kept shooting, anyway, because he felt people outside of his commune needed to understand his community.

Some 45,000 Hutterites live in North America - the vaster majority in western Canada and the northern Great Plains if the U.S.

'The reason why I kept doping it is they constantly had the idea that the outsiders didn't understand how Hutterites work. It's to educate the outside world. Hutterties aren’t black ad white they aren’t like the Amish,' Mr Hofer said.

'I'm still trying to educate people. You see Hutterites everywhere but nobody knows Hutterites. Most of the conversations because people want to know about Hutterites.'

Hofer's subjects were all his friends, family and neighbors - his commune only has a population of 110

Farm life: Growing food for the commune is one of the primary activities of the Hutterites in the warm months

Hofer now lives 700 miles from home in Calgary, where he is pursuing his career as a photographer - something that would have been impossible on his Hutterite commune

Hofer described his images as 'warm' and maintains a high degree of love for his community, despite having to leave

There are some 45,000 Hutterites living in North America - most of them in western Canada and the northern Great Plains of the United states

Hofer said he wanted to show the outside world what living in a Hutterite commune was like - in an attempt to help people understand his people

Beauty: Hofer, who has chosen to live in the modern world, still regards the simple beauty of Hutterite life with respect

Hofer is making a new life for himself as a photographer and working to navigate his new life in the modern world

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