- published: 20 Oct 2016
- views: 31180
BASF SE is the largest chemical producer in the world and is headquartered in Ludwigshafen, Germany. The BASF Group comprises subsidiaries and joint ventures in more than 80 countries and operates six integrated production sites and 390 other production sites in Europe, Asia, Australia, Americas and Africa. Its headquarters is located in Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany). BASF has customers in over 200 countries and supplies products to a wide variety of industries. Despite its size and global presence, BASF has received relatively little public attention since abandoning its consumer product lines in the 1990s.
At the end of 2014, the company employed more than 113,000 people, with over 53,200 in Germany alone. In 2014, BASF posted sales of €74.3 billion and income from operations before special items of about €7.2 billion. The company is currently expanding its international activities with a particular focus on Asia. Between 1990 and 2005, the company invested €5.6 billion in Asia, for example in sites near Nanjing and Shanghai, China and Mangalore in India.
Explosion at BASF Chemical Plant in Germany
BASF brennt!
BASF: Pressekonferenz zum Unfall in Ludwigshafen vom 18.10.2016
Einsatzfahrten zur Explosion in der BASF Ludwigshafen - 17.10.2016
Massive fire engulfs German factory of world’s largest chemicals producer BASF (Aerial view)
BASF — A Great Place to Work
Explosion bei BASF am 17.10.2016 | Einsatzfahrten
Explosion At BASF In Ludwigshafen: 8 People Missing (Compilation) HD
Explosionen bei BASF in Hessen
Explosion Rocks German BASF Chemical Plant
Nach dem Unfall auf dem BASF-Gelände in Ludwigshafen, bei dem sich Explosionen auf dem Gelände des Chemie-Konzerns ereignet hatten, hält die BASF eine Pressekonferenz ab, in der sich zu den Ereignissen geäußert wird.
▬▬▬ Weitere Informationen in der Beschreibung ▬▬▬ Gegen 11.20 Uhr wurde die BASF Werkfeuerwehr Ludwigshafen zu einem Brand im Nordteil der BASF gerufen. Wenige Minuten später gab es eine größere Explosion. Hierbei wurden zwei Personen tödlich- und mehrere schwerverletzt. Zahlreiche Einsatzkräfte aus der Vorderpfalz und Mannheim wurden daraufhin zur Unterstützung alarmiert. Die Berufsfeuerwehr Mannheim besetzte die Werkfeuerwache Süd (stand:18.10.) Weitere Informationen folgen.. Leider bekam ich nicht so viele Fahrzeuge vor die Linse. Dennoch sind erstmalig- und selten gefilmte Fahrzeuge im Video zu sehen. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mehr Informationen zu BJ.112 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Blaulichjäger112 - Homepage: http://www.blaulichtjaeger112.de ►Blaulichtjäger112 - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blaulichtjage...
Fire and smoke have engulfed the premises belonging to German company BASF, the world’s largest chemicals manufacturer, in the town of Lampertheim, local media report. Four company workers were reportedly injured in the incident. RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT Listen to us on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rttv RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
There are endless career opportunities at the BASF sites in Louisiana. . Together, employees in Maintenance, Production, Engineering, Analytical Services, and many more areas help ensure BASF operates in a safe and efficient manner while also being a great place to work. See what opportunities are available for you: www.basf.us/la We create chemistry: Read more at http://www.basf.com.
Am Montag, den 17.10.2016 kam es um kurz vor halb zwölf zu einem folgeschweren Ereignis innerhalb des Gelände der BASF SE in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Zunächst sollte es sich um einen Entstehungsbrand gehandelt haben, dann kam es zur einer/mehreren Explosionen. Ein Toter, mehrere Verletzte und Vermisste sind aktuell zu verzeichnen (Stand 17.10.2016 18:20). Hier im Video sind die anrückende Kräfte, aus dem Süden zu sehen. Die Videos richten sich NICHT auf irgendwelche zu sehende Einsatzkräfte oder Zivilpersonen! Es werden keine unschönen Handlungen, wie Mittelfinger; Beleidigungen etc. rausgeschnitten, denn wer sich so zeigt, rückt sich selbst in den Vordergrund und nicht die Einsatzfahrt. §23 KunstUrhG © JFFFMar Video + Bearbeitung by JFFFMar Die Videos wurden bearbeitet mit: Adobe Pre...
Wegen der Rauchwolke nach Explosionen bei BASF in Ludwigshafen rät der Kreis Bergstraße Anwohnern, Fenster und Türen geschlossen zu halten. Auch in Lampertheim kam es in einem BASF-Werk zu einer Verpuffung mit Verletzten. Auf dem Gelände gab es am Montag eine Verpuffung an einem Filter, wie der Chemiekonzern mitteilte.
Job Interview Question & Answers for freshers - Free English Lessons. Blog : http://www.learnex.in Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai Straight out of college and looking for a job or probably you already have an interview lined up. Here are few tips for freshers that will help to ace the job interview.You have completed your education and heading towards a new phase of life and you really don't want to goof up. So let's look at some tips to answer the most common questions asked to a fresher in a job interview. 1) Tell me about yourself..... Remember the person asking you about yourself is not someone you met in a coffee shop,if all goes well he or she will be your boss or your employe...
n Kauai, community is vital to daily life. It’s what binds people together, in good times and in bad, ensuring survival, growth, and prosperity. Each member of a community is like a seed which grows over time to take its place within the community and contribute to the spirit of Ohana. Emelie shares what she does at work, outside of work and how she contributes to the greater community of Kauai. In Kauai, community is vital to daily life. It’s what binds people together, in good times and in bad, ensuring survival, growth, and prosperity. Each member of a community is like a seed which grows over time to take its place within the community and contribute to the spirit of Ohana. Keith shares what he does at work, outside of work and how he contributes to the greater community of Kauai. We...
1 dead, at least 6 hurt in blast at BASF plant in Germany BERLIN (AP) — An explosion at a facility belonging to chemical firm BASF in southwestern Germany killed one person and injured at least six others on Monday, authorities said. Another six people had yet to be accounted for several hours after the blast. The explosion occurred in the late morning at a river harbor in Ludwigshafen that is used to unload flammable liquids and liquefied gas. Plant manager Uwe Liebelt said it was preceded by a fire in a pipeline between the area where the liquids are unloaded and storage tanks. The explosion happened after the company's fire service arrived at the scene.
BASF employs more than 1,500 people in the Baton Rouge region at manufacturing locations in Geismar and Zachary, Louisiana. The area offers all of the amenities of a big city while preserving the charm and character of smaller, tight-knit communities. The area is home to some of the best food in the country, unique music and entertainment, and incredible outdoor sports for participants and spectators, while also providing leading health and education opportunities. To learn more, visit www.basf.us/la-jobs. We Create Chemistry. Read more at http://www.basf.com
BASF welcomes agricultural journalists from the United States to tour of million bottle wine cellar in Ludwigshafen, Germany - 9/30/13
What does Red Hook, Brooklyn, have to do with BASF? The New York City neighborhood is a microcosm for challenges that today’s cities face – challenges BASF is trying to solve by bringing together architects, designers, urban planners and other thought leaders at the Creator Space(TM) tour stop in New York City May 26-30. For more on Red Hook and the tour, visit: http://creator-space.basf.com/nyc We create chemistry: www.basf.com
Speaker: Martin Brudermüller, Vice Chairman, Board of Executive Directors, BASF SE
HOUSTON, TX, September 4, 2012 -- From BASF/Total - BASF Corporation and Total Petrochemicals
Parts of Siena Cathedral were closed to the public, as they were in dire need of restoration. So, over the course of three years, BASF contributed to their restoration by providing the materials that were used to reconstruct the entire bed of the roof and transepts. With a number of rooms and walkways at the top of the structure now open to the public, visitors can experience what has been dubbed the ‘heavens’ of the cathedral for the first time in the cathedral’s long history.
the night speeds though at its breakneck pace
gotta run to keep up, gotta keep on the case
and the people that you meet
well they're speeding too
i get up, i get in a cab
the driver says he loves his wife, she's in the slammer
he's got some advice 'cause i'm new here
we're in the land, We're in the land
the land of everything and nothing at all
Wait till it takes you by the hand
its got it all, but it's got no soul!
we're in the land, la la la land
the land of everything and nothing at all
i'm sorry, i do not understand
finally get to the place where i'm supposed to be
i met a girl and a girl met me
and she's lets me in on
just how to see the light here
she says her life was in disarray,
till she found these pills that took the pain away