- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 70061
Citarum (Sundanese: Walungan Citarum) is the longest and largest river in West Java, Indonesia. It is also the third longest river in Java after Bengawan Solo and Brantas. It has an important role in the life of the people of West Java, as it supports agriculture, water supply, fishery, industry, sewerage, electricity, etc.
In Indonesian history the Citarum is linked with the 4th century Tarumanagara kingdom, as the kingdom and the river shared the same etymology, derived from the word "Tarum" (Sundanese for indigo plant). The earlier 4th century BCE prehistoric Buni clay pottery-making culture flourished near the river's mouth. Stone inscriptions, Chinese sources, and archaeological sites such as Batujaya and Cibuaya, suggest that the human habitation and civilization has flourished in and around the river estuaries and river valley as early as 4th century and even earlier.
There are three hydroelectric powerplant dams installed along the Citarum: Saguling, Cirata, and Ir. H. Djuanda (Jatiluhur), all supplying the electricity for the Bandung and Greater Jakarta areas. The waters from these dams are also used to irrigate vast rice paddies in Karawang and Bekasi area, making northern West Java lowlands as one of the most productive rice farming areas.
De Citarum is één van de meest vervuilde rivieren ter wereld. Hoewel Indonesië in 2009 een lening kreeg van de wereldbank van 500 miljoen US dollar om de rivier schoon te maken, ziet de Citarum er op sommige plaatsen nog steeds zo uit. Zo lang mensen alles gewoon wegsmijten, zal er afval in de Citarum terechtkomen. De Citarum wordt ook wel de "Rainbow river" genoemd omdat het water op sommige plaatsen en tijdstippen verandert van geel, groen tot rood en zwart, naargelang de de kleuren van stoffen die worden geverfd in de honderden textielfabrieken in het bekken van de Citarum in en rond Bandung. The Citarum is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Although Indonesia in 2009, received a loan from the World Bank of 500 million U.S. dollars to make the river clean, the Citarum st...
Sinopse: Nesse documentário da série 'Unreported World', uma jornada descendo pelo Rio Citarum, na Indonésia, revela o problemático impacto ambiental da explosão populacional e da poluição das indústrias têxteis. Garrafas plásticas, fraldas, sapatos encharcados, lixo doméstico, peixes mortos, corpos inchados de bodes e muitas larvas - bem-vindos ao Rio Citarum, em Java, na Indonésia, de cujas águas imundas, contaminadas e envenenadas dependem as vidas de mais de 35 milhões de pessoas. A população do vilarejo produz, em média, 6000 toneladas de lixo por dia. No total, 10 milhões de pessoas vivem às suas margens, sem lugar algum onde depositar seu lixo, a não ser na água. O investigador e apresentador Seyi Rhodes navegou rio abaixo pelo Citarum para a matéria de Unreported World dessa terç...
Mehr zum Thema, Dokus und Informationen auch auf meinem Kanal zu finden !; - http://www.youtube.com/user/terraiguana - "Indonesien: Citarum der giftigste Fluss der Welt - Bericht HQ" Sie leben vom Abfall: Die Müllsammler auf dem Citarum River, dem schmutzigsten Fluss der Welt. Haushaltsmüll wabert an der Oberfläche. Im Wasser darunter Exkremente und Chemikalien. Mit Herrn Wahyudin machen wir eine reichlich bizarre Bootsfahrt. Seit über zehn Jahren ist der Citarum so dreckig, sagt er. Und er hat ein Geschäft daraus gemacht. Herr Wahyudin ist spezialisiert auf das Sammeln von Plastikflaschen und Bechern. Der Gestank macht fast schwindelig und Herr Wahyudin verschärft den Brechreiz mit Schauergeschichten: “Wir finden oft Leichen hier”, sagt er. „In den fünf Jahren, die ich hier arbeite, z...
Sungai Citarum adalah salah satu sungai terkotor di dunia. Greenpeace mengungkap peran industri yang telah mencemarkan sungai dengan bahan kimia berbahaya yang tidak hanya merusak lingkungan tapi juga mengancam kehidupan masyarakat dan masa depan kita semua. Bantu kami men-Detox Citarum, dan bersuaralah bergabung di http://www.greenpeace.org/seasia/id/campaigns/toxics/Polluting-Paradise/
Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan menyatakan bahwa sungai Citarum akan bisa diminum airnya pada 2018. Tapi investigasi kami di lapangan mengungkap masih banyak industri yang membuang limbah kimia berbahayanya ke dalam sungai Citarum. Jika kita ingin Citarum bersih bebas B3, kita harus mendorong pemerintah untuk menindak tegas pelaku industri yang mencemari Citarum seperti yang dikatakan oleh Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan. Kontaminasi bahan kimia berbahaya industri tidak hanya terjadi di sungai saja, tapi di sekitar kita. Pemerintah harus segera bertindak memastikan masa depan kita yang bebas bahan kimia berbahaya dan beracun. www.greenpeace.org/seasia/id/campaigns/toxics/Polluting-Paradise/
A presentation of the state of the Citarum River in Indonesia. Created by Jessica, Rylan and Lexi
GALAMEDIANEWS TV - Belasan ribu warga mengungsi, sedangkan ribuan lainnya masih bertahan di rumah-rumah mereka yang dibangun meninggi laiknya menara. Hujan deras yang mengguyur akhir pekan lalu, membuat Sungai Citarum tak dapat menampung debit--alhasil air berwarna kecokelatan itu meluber ke kampung-kampung dan badan jalan--memaksa penduduk meninggalkan kediaman mereka. Lalu-lintas lumpuh, warga mengerutkan kening. "Pak Presiden minta duit," kata salah seorang warga sembari berenang mengepak air, mengayuhkan tangan dan kaki menerjang banjir. Banjir menggenang setengah wilayah Kabupaten Bandung sejak Sabtu lalu (12/3/2016). Luapan Sungai Citarum itu merendam ribuan rumah penduduk dengan ketinggian air mencapai satu hingga empat meter. Berdasarkan catatan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Dae...
ENG: During my trip to the Himalayan country of Nepal I came across to such a terrible view. The worst thing was it was happening in the time when ecological action "Green Kathmandu" was conducted... (May 2012) PL: Podczas mojej podróży do Nepalu natknąłem się na taki właśnie niewiarygodny widok. Najgorszy w tym wszystkim był fakt, że akurat w tym momencie w Kathmandu, jak wyczytałem, prowadzono akcję ekologiczną pt. "Zielone Kathmandu"... (Maj 2012)
The world affairs series returns for a new run, starting in Indonesia, home to the planet's most polluted river and a textile industry supplying some of the world's
The shame of dumping and polluting our beautiful state
Trash and pollution is a serious problem threatening the island of Bali. Learn more about the issues, why they exist, and what some are trying to do to help. Is it too late to save this island paradise? See the unabridged version of this talk at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnHr0UVAXS0 Follow Perception Travel on Instagram (@prcptiontravel) and Facebook (facebook.com/prcptiontravel)
Adrenalin packed white water rafting at its best! Visit Dimalachite if you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of town and want to enjoy a bit of country life AND ADVENTURE. Parys is the centre of white- water activities for Gauteng and surrounding provinces. The Vaal River in this area winds through many bush-clad islands, cascading down a series of beautiful rapids. The rapids are not large by world standards but are challenging enough to provide a navigational challenge, thrills and great fun - as well as the odd capsize. In normal river flows we use paddle-yourself 2-seater Crocodile inflatables. If you are experienced and have own kit, you may kayak with us and we provide back-up. During high levels we may use 6-8 seater inflatables with a guide on board. We give a safety t...
La historia del entubamiento del arroyo Cheonggyecheon para hacer una autopista y una avenida sobre él, y la posterior demolición de la autopista para que el arroyo renazca. Es tiempo de derribar autopistas para que se puedan ver los ríos y arroyos de nuevo!
(Ny Trad./S. Wongraven)(Sang/vox Rueslåtten, Wongraven, Nagell)