Center for a Stateless Society
A Left Market Anarchist Think Tank & Media Center

Jason Lee Byas

Jason Lee Byas is a fellow at the Center for a Stateless Society ( He is also a senior campus coordinator for Students For Liberty, and lives in Norman, OK.


Agorism: Libertarian Politics Beyond Policy
03 Sep 2016
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & The Future of Agorism
Anarchism and its Deeper Commitments
01 Dec 2015
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & Property, Occupancy and Use
The Moral Irrelevance of Rent
25 Nov 2015
Feature Articles & Property, Occupancy and Use
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy and Use Spectrum
23 Nov 2015
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & Property, Occupancy and Use
Non ci Sono Soluzioni Facili al Terrorismo Bianco
27 Jun 2015
Italian & Stateless Embassies
There are No Easy Solutions for White Terrorism
22 Jun 2015
The Weekly Abolitionist: Do We Want Cops & Politicians in Prison?
30 Sep 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Why Abolition Must Be Emphasized
15 Sep 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
It’s Not Just About Michael Brown
29 Aug 2014
Market Anarchy Reading Groups for Students!
15 Aug 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
O que Obama diz com suas bombas
11 Aug 2014
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
What Obama Says with His Bombs
11 Aug 2014
Volume 1, Issue 3 of THE NEW LEVELLER now online!
22 Jul 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & Supporter Updates
The Weekly Abolitionist: “Remember All Their Faces, Remember All Their Voices”
14 Jul 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
For a New Levelling on Feed 44
29 May 2014
Feed 44
Volume 1, Issue 2 of THE NEW LEVELLER now online!
18 May 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & Supporter Updates
Abolishing Capital Punishment is Not Enough
01 May 2014
“The New Leveller” on
29 Apr 2014
Media Appearances
Volume 1, Issue 1 of THE NEW LEVELLER now online!
04 Apr 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & Supporter Updates
A Thick and Thin PSA
28 Mar 2014
Left-Libertarian - Classics & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Introducing The New Leveller!
12 Mar 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & Supporter Updates
Without Government, Who Will Block The Roads?
13 Jan 2014
Obama Prova Ser Realmente Eficaz em Matar Pessoas
01 Dec 2013
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Four Questions for Amia Srinivasan
14 Nov 2013
Left-Libertarian - Classics & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Some Thoughts on the Distinction Between “Economic Freedom” and “Social Freedom”
05 Nov 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Obama Proves He’s Really Good at Killing People
04 Nov 2013
A Radical Constitutional Amendment to Protect Whistleblowers
08 Aug 2013
There Are No Humanitarian Interventions
16 Jul 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Christopher Dorner e o Caos Inerente ao Governo
01 Mar 2013
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
One Reason Not to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline: Justice
23 Feb 2013
Christopher Dorner and the Chaos Inherent to Government
13 Feb 2013
Dear Conservative America
15 Nov 2012
The Conscience of a Vulgar Libertarian
04 Nov 2012
Election 2012: Neither Candidate Has Anything to Fear from the Real “Entitlement” Class
22 Sep 2012