Saturday, May 22, 2004


so today was a reasonably shitty day...i ran around like a madwoman and got abso-fucking-lutely nothing of any merit done. I did, however, listen to several mediocre bands, get orange popsicle on my nice white shirt, NOT see the play that I wanted to, and alienate my entire family.

PMS is merveilleux, n'est-ce pas?

I don't even know if it was menstrually based...if it is, it's way early, but it wouldn't be the first time...and at least this way i wouldn't be on the rag during prom and grad parties and re-meeting igor and such. Thing is, it was just one of those things where you're all over the map, utterly irrational, and (and this is the worst part) YOU KNOW IT, and you try so hard to keep yourself under control, but the next thing you know you're practically drawing blood from your little brother's arm with your fingernails and the entire restaurant is staring at you.

We worked it out, eventually...we were back to talking and joking in a few minutes. still, it makes me worry about camp--how am i going to cope with this there? Although clearly I can, as i've done it in years past. This year it seems worse, though. Probably all the school stress and whatnot, so maybe it'll be better at camp.

speaking of camp, it turns out the reservation (for a plane ticket) that we made ois for the wrong time. more stress, especially given how much my mom was panicking.

yes, you did read that rightly (those of my non-existent readers who were paying attention three paragraphs up)--I'm going to prom. This because student council decided to pay half of everyone's ticket, making tickets for singles only $10. My mother gave me the money and informed me that I was going, and that there was not a damn thing I could do about it. Which I suppose is OK...although I'd still really like to be asked.

my lord, will it never stop raining? We've had ceaseless storms for the past several days...actually, it seems that the one on thursday night was quite impressive...too bad I slept through it entirely. exhaustion works, people.

and I didn't get all my hours in at work this week, because i forgot that we close at six on saturday, instead of at nine, so then i felt stupid over that...i can't wait to get out of here.

the only upside of today was a pair of sonnets i wrote on returning home. They belong to my brain and i, and so please don't steal them, and tell me if you'd like to use them (or even if by some miracle you find your way here and read them)

On nudity:

I ought not wander naked through my home,
my mother tells me, for it’s without class
my flesh to wave across the twilit glass
to any pervert who should chance to roam.
It’s, further, a bad precedent to set,
for I’m to college in a year or less,
and if I act as such, she must confess,
she does not like to think of what I’ll get.
And yet, I figure, is it not my right
to be at ease within my own domain,
where all is as I say it ought to be?
So if you should, some strange and eerie night
come press yourself against my windowpane,
I give you leave to see what you may see.



There is no god within this damned machine—
A devil would be closer to the fact,
Some demonling, whose one and only act
Is to corrupt and make all things unclean:
The screen is filthy, what or how I try,
And things are slow to load and slow to part,
The graphics on this break my weary heart,
And every time it freezes up, I cry,
Oh crap! Oh Hell! Oh, rid me of this thing,
This evil beast in cyberspastic form,
This monster in a plastic shell encased!
Oh, bring me back my sweet word-processing.
Return my poor computer to its norm,
And let my money be not gone to waste.

so that was fun. again, please don't steal these...they only took about a half-hour together, but they're mine, and i have no other skills that are even remotely salable.

off to be a deviant...see you crazy cats later.


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