Tuesday, May 18, 2004


I hate my printer so very, very, very much.

and at the concert tonight, there was this gospel singer--the award people brought him, i think--and he sang a song about how you'd better devote your life to jesus today, because tomorrow it could be too late.

i got really insanely hacked off about this, because i felt--and still feel--that it is wrongitty wrong wrong to bring religion into school. i mean, education about religion is one thing...and i don't even object too much to the choir singing christian music, because it's pretty and is anyways one of the foundations of western music. so that's ok...but somehow womething that was clearly written within a few years (and is ugly, as far as i'm concerned), is just not ok. And i'm very nearly christian, and if i'm that pissed off...although i tend to take shit like this personally.

after, anne wanted me to go get a banana split with her. only my desire to graduate kept me from going, and then cramming the ice cream down her throat and leaving her to suffocate. the perfect crime...the evidence all melts.

so tomorrow i'll be going to the overtones office to ask that they add in a half sheet with the appropriate version of my poem. because, you know, a sonnet about the superiority of sonnets only works IF IT'S ACTUALLY A SONNET, DAMNIT!

only i hate confrontation, so maybe i won't.

we'll see.

forget what else.


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