Sunday, May 16, 2004

asstastic, part 2

so, where was i...

ah. yes. I was NOT going to go play duets at the wedding, because I didn't have the time or the preparation or the inclination, especially as Anne was being sketchy and somehow mysteriously only finding out about this track shindig the day before...yeah right. So Friday ended and I wasn't going to do it.

Saturday morning, Greta calls at 10, when I'm finally getting around to deciding whether or not I want to get up, and begs me to do it, because she and Anne haven't been able to agree on a replacement, given that Greta doesn't want to play with people she doesn't know, and all of her friends are too busy or unable to read music. Or they're me. So I do some mental math and figure that I can juggle my schedule and help Greta out, only I'll need to work first, and then to find a violin, because mine is at school because I didn't expect this mess. Greta is dispatched to find me a fiddle, and I get dressed and fed and showered and things. I'm almost out the door to go work, and thence to practice at Greta's...

...when she calls back. Apparently her violin teacher has just called back; she can do it, and I am off of the hook. Which is grand...except that I've totally revamped my schedule to be able to do this thing, and the change just gakks the crap out of me.

So I spend a while goofing online, and then go do my art history research at the art museum, and go to the bank, and go to two branches of the library--one to check out books that I can't get at the other branch, the other to earn my salary. And then I came home, typed up an excessively half-assed art paper, ate some vidalia onion pizza (which kicked) and went to the show.

LEND ME A TENOR: our school's current dramatic endeavor. hysterical and ass kicking. I am deeply and passionately in love. By far the most amusing factor was my mental overload at the implication of a sex scene between two people I lust was a mental image utterly unparalelled. Unfortunately, if I want to have a straight face on the morrow, I need to ditch my smutty inner will detract from the beauty that is calculus.

So I went to the show, and Laurel and Erin and Liz all came and hung on me because they think I'm cool...I think they're deluded. And I talked to oodles of people, and resisted the urge to jump any of them, and got the brush off from kirsten, and went to the relay. And then I walked, played cards, and sat around from 10pm until 5am, when I fell asleep for an hour, only to be reawoken for a team spirit lap. Which I did. And then I tidied up until they let me leave at 9.30.

Must go write the lit paper from hell...analyzing the image of material goods through Mme Bovary. whee.

I think that when Megan calls i will ask her if lewis has a date to prom. he is the least schizophrenic person I know right now, with the exception of megan, who is straight, and anyways is my best friend, and ananyways already has a date, because she isn't scared of people and they aren't scared of her.



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