Thursday, October 02, 2003

talkin' with ella...she's mad crazy cool

staircase56: so...i had a boyfriend this summer
staircase56: (terribly exciting, please ooh and aah)
EsteValier: SWEET
EsteValier: it is esciting
staircase56: definietly rocked for a while there.
staircase56: and guess where it happened, me being me being me and all
EsteValier: LdB??
staircase56: you betcha.
staircase56: point of fact, you know the guy
EsteValier: !!!!!!
staircase56: (knew, back in our year)
EsteValier: whooo??????
staircase56: he was a tweeker then, 2nd session
EsteValier: gimme a name!!
EsteValier: wait a minute
EsteValier: JACK?
staircase56: mcdaniels? igor? from georgia
staircase56: ?
EsteValier: yeah
staircase56: that jack?
staircase56: ...
staircase56: yes.
EsteValier: AH MY GOD
EsteValier: HE DIDN'T TELLME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
EsteValier: I'll KILL him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
staircase56: so what does my impartial outsider have to say
EsteValier: oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!
staircase56: no such thing, it's over and staying that way.
staircase56: because he's an ass.
EsteValier: how so?
staircase56: we got together, as it were, over the weekend...then, by tuesday, we just...stopped...talking...
EsteValier: whoa
EsteValier: that's so unjacklike
staircase56: at least partly my fault, because god knows i'm awkward around people i like (especially people i like a lot) but also...
EsteValier: aw, you really liked him?
EsteValier: oh, SO, Adele/Adeline and Marc??
EsteValier: whoa!!
staircase56: when he was around the other guys --marc and alpha--it was as though i didn't exist.
EsteValier: grrr.....
EsteValier: I'm going to bed,actually, sleepy time for sleepy bears!
staircase56: still do,'s largely because there hasn't been anyone else to occupy my mind, i susppect, and partly because he was my first boyfriend apart from the guy i married in kindergarten (and who didn't get married in kindergarten?) and partly because it all ended so strangely and i think it may have been my fault
staircase56: but don't let me keep you up or anything
EsteValier: that's hilarious
EsteValier: actually, I'm a kindergarted polygamist
EsteValier: but I'll tall that story another time
staircase56: oooh the scandal
EsteValier: g'nite
staircase56: sweet dreams, peace
staircase56: 'n stuff
EsteValier: don't think about him TOO much, he's just JACk, after all
staircase56: yeah...i know...
staircase56: sexual frustraion is such a bitch
staircase56: frustration
staircase56: gar
EsteValier: I know!


so this is my issue with public schools:

they teach us this idiotic 5-paragraph essay format, and to a certain extent i can see how this is useful, because without it 9th graders just write gibberish. They don't have any organization at all unless you hand it to them--this is not a criticism, this is a reasonably accurate observation. So i understand that, at first, it's important that people write an introduction, 3 body paragraphs with claims, quotes, and warrants, and a conclusion. Fine.

The thing is, this whole system gives people this fucked up idea of writing a thesis before they write the paper. This is utter bullshit. How in the name of all that's good in the world can you know what you think on an issue before you've thought about it? And so people get bogged down trying to have a position on a subject before they're ready, trying to make their opinions fit some bullshit they've spewed out just to have something in their intro, and this is why teens can't write anymore--because they've all bought into this claptrap about an essay needing a beginning, middle, and an end. Which may be true, but that doesn't mean they have to be created in that order.

And i've never really bought into all of that "the schools are brainwashing us" bullshit, because i think you're only brainwashed if you choose to relenquish control of your mind. Still, i do think that education can fuck up the priorities of young and impressionable minds. People I know --smart people-- write bullshit essays because they try do pick a direction without thinking about their choices--it's like drawing a cabinet while blindfolded and then trying to construct a cabinet to match it.