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Let Us Now Praise Famous Trumps


See, earlier, by Peter Brimelow: The Trump Wrecking Ball, The Washington Cartel, And The Jews and GOP Should “Thank Heaven Fasting” For Trump But Instead Plans To Shoot Self In Testicles

trumpdallsSeveral hundred years ago, when I began attending a--completely white--“Grammar School” (= academic Middle and High School) in the north of England, it was the custom to have a “Speech Day” (= Commencement, but in the middle of the school year) at which a first-year student was publicly tortured by having him recite from memory the resounding passage from Ecclesiasticus that begins Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us. It was an annual agony waiting to see if the victim would forget his lines—in which case he would be prompted in a stage whisper by the Headmaster on the dais behind him—but agonizing suspense is not the main reason I think of that scene this Election Day. Whatever happens, it’s time to say: let us now praise famous Trumps.

Election Day suspense may be agonizing, but one thing at least is certain: The next President is not going to be Jeb Bush. Or Marco Rubio. Or even the tragically-misguided Rand Paul.

Yet at one point it appeared absolutely certain that Bush or Rubio would get the GOP nomination. (And it’s not at all clear they could have done better in the general election: for example, WikiLeaks has revealed that the Clinton campaign had even bigger opposition research files on Rubio than it did on Clinton-- Presidential Horse Race 2016: Wikileaks proves Trump was the best Republican to run against Hillary , by Jeffrey A. Rendall , Conservative HQ, October 26, 2016.)

Trump single-handedly destroyed every Establishment candidate. He thus gave America at least another chance to avoid the Amnesty/ Immigration Surge that the GOP elite, in combination with the rest of the Ruling Class, has been conspiring to unleash for more than fifteen years. Read more >>

Trump Has Forever Changed American Politics

"If I don't win, this will be the greatest waste of time, money and energy in my lifetime," says Donald Trump.

Herewith, a dissent. Whatever happens Tuesday, Trump has made history and has forever changed American politics.

Though a novice in politics, he captured the Party of Lincoln with Read more >>

National Data | October Jobs— Immigrant Working-Age Population Grows 9 Times Faster Than Native-Born, Blacks Hardest...

Immigrant displacement of American workers close to a record high, black unemployment jumps and a new immigration surge is underway—right in time for the election.

The government, in its last pre-election snapshot of the economy, reported that employers added 161,000 workers in October. The official unemployment rate dropped to 4.9 percent, from 5 percent. And average hourly earnings rose 2.8 percent year over year, a level not reached since 2008.

The MSM saw as presaging a healthy outlook for the months ahead. “It was pretty positive across the board,” said David Berson, chief economist at Nationwide Insurance.[ Last Economic Snapshot Before The Election Shows Healthy Job Growth, By Patricia Cohen, NYT, November 4, 2016,

Apparently Mr. Berson does not scrutinize the part of Household Employment Survey where data are reported by race and nativity. There he would have seen that seasonally-adjusted unemployment among Black men 20 years and older rose in October (to 8.6% from 8.3% the prior month) while Hispanic men in that age bracket enjoyed a decline (to 5.0% from 5.4% in September). Seasonally adjusted unemployment among white men held steady at 4.1% in September and October.

howard-ea2cbb5e16946279b8a61b430e0e7f8da414ff28-s900-c85This pattern is consistent with the displacement of black workers by low wage, primarily Hispanic, immigrants.[ After Immigration Raid, Locals Line Up For Jobs, NPR, August 28, 2008]

Even the macro picture of continued job growth is belied by the latest Household Survey results.

In October:

No, Mexico Doesn’t Have A Wall On Its Southern Border—But If Trump Wins It Might Build One

Many people say Mexico has a wall on its southern border. It doesn’t. It should. And if it did, we Americans wouldn’t have to deal with all the Central Americans coming to our own border. It would be better for both our nations.

Some outlets are reporting Mexico is going to build a wall against migrants. [ Mexico builds its own wall against migrants, by James Fredrick and Jude Webber,  Financial Times, September 14, 2016].  (The article is paywalled, but you can access it here).

But the title is misleading. It’s not a literal wall, but a metaphorical “wall,” and not even an effective one.

The piece takes the view of a Central American planning to come to the United States and claims “Mexico already acts as a formidable barrier.” It also quotes a nun who runs a shelter for illegals in Mexico City. She moans: “Mexico has become a wall for migrants.  The current [Mexican] policy is to arrest migrants to stop them from getting to the US border.”

Thus, the term “wall” is a metaphor for “some Central Americans get caught in Mexico and deported back to Central America.” Not very impressive.

deportationsfrommexicoThe Mexican policy for dealing with its own illegals is a hodgepodge. Though Mexico doesn’t have walls on its borders with Guatemala and Belize, Mexican authorities do detain and deport illegal aliens. And the American government has reportedly put pressure on Mexico to do more. Nonetheless, plenty are still getting through. According to the article, Mexico deported a record 175,000 Central Americans last year, but the United Nations estimates 400,000 enter Mexico annually. Read more >>

Memo To R. Douthat, D. Brooks: Your “Conservative Intellectuals” Are JUST NO GOOD—Which Is Why We Have Immigration...

Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively at

No doubt because of the impending presidential election, we've had some musings on the past and future of conservatism in the pages of the New York Times this past few days.

Ross Douthat [Email himwas first up with a column titled What The Right's Intellectuals Did Wrong In the October 26th edition.

His very short answer, in three parts:

  • The follies of President George W. Bush delegitimized him, and the conservative intellectuals who supported him, in the eyes of conservative voters, leaving them susceptible to coarse populist appeals.

  • Conservative intellectuals looked too kindly on the new populist-conservative media outlets that have come up the past 25 years: talk radio, Fox News, the Drudge Report, These outlets, says Douthat, are "fact-averse and irresponsible." Our intellectuals should have taken charge and disciplined them, instead of smiling indulgently at their populist caperings, says Douthat.

  • Conservative intellectuals, powered by populist energy, should have conducted a Long March through the institutions of the managerial state: the academy, the Main Stream Media, the courts, the bureaucracy. They failed to do this.

Result, according to Douthat:
So it is that today, three generations after Buckley and Burnham, the academy and the mass media are arguably more hostile to conservative ideas than ever, and the courts and the bureaucracy are trending in a similar direction.

Two days later, October 28th, David Brooks [Email him] took up the issue in a column headed The Conservative Intellectual Crisis .

Again, he fingers three causes of the crisis. We're really in Read more >>

NATIONAL REVIEW, Conservatism Inc., Plan To Cave EVEN MORE On Immigration!

Conservatives are fond of saying, “Being a liberal means never having to say you’re sorry.” Unfortunately, the same is true of Conservatism Inc. functionaries. They acknowledge conservatives are facing demographic extinction. They admit it is happening because of immigration. But they refuse to listen to the very people who warned them about this. Instead, they will continue skipping towards annihilation and drag the entire country with them.

Exhibit A: the recent cover story from National Review telling us, once again, how Republicans need to “adapt to a diversifying electorate or lose their influence” [ Can the GOP Overcome Demographic Change in Red States , by Tim Alberta, [Email him]November 7 2016].

Incredibly, the hook of the story is the tale of an American couple who used to live in California before fleeing the state.
The state had been overrun, first by immigrants legal and illegal, their cultures and traditions in tow, and then by liberal politicians who seized control of the government by catering to these constituencies and turning their communities into Democratic garrisons. The state became majority-minority in 2001; whites are now 39 percent of its population and dwindling. In turn, the GOP is essentially extinct, representing conservative enclaves around California but irrelevant in statewide elections.

They fled to Arizona, but the same process of ethnic cleansing via mass immigration is underway there as well. So they are supporting Donald Trump in order to stop it.

Needless to say, author Alberta does not sympathize with their solution.
But Trump cannot deliver that; nobody can. The country will soon look very different. And the biggest contributor to that change—the single trend that could propel the GOP toward oblivion—is the ethnic diversification of the electorate.

Alberta’s brilliant suggestion: Republicans need to somehow win the votes of the very people this couple is fleeing from! Read more >>
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