An Inspection Of Evil

by Brett Stevens (November 7th, 2016)
An Inspection Of Evil

Bruce Charlton writes an analysis of Evil, which he identifies as the cause of the decline of the West: In other words, the evil can only imagine others as being as evil as themselves. In other words, we can recognise evil by the way of thinking, by the fact that their world view is constrained […]

Two Methods Of Funding Your Civilization

by Brett Stevens (November 7th, 2016)
Two Methods Of Funding Your Civilization

Associated Press reports on a small city run according to libertarian principles, including this momentary glimpse of clarity on the options for funding a human settlement: Their use of cash to pay for infrastructure has depleted reserves and left the city unable to produce the kind of investment income that for years helped hold down […]

What It Is Like To Go Extinct

by Brett Stevens (November 7th, 2016)
What It Is Like To Go Extinct

Species die all the time. One day, there are plenty of them and their worries are personal if anything. Then they notice there are too few of them, and other species that are similar to them are greater in number. Finally they find they no longer have others of their species to be mates, and […]

Liberal Democracy Dies, Realism Rises

by Brett Stevens (November 7th, 2016)
Liberal Democracy Dies, Realism Rises

The next thousand years are ours. For the past thousand years, an idea has steadily been gaining momentum: that popular vote should decide questions of leadership, and that each person possesses “rights” — privileges without duties — on the basis of being human alone. Some say it began with the Magna Carta, which asserted the […]

Entering The Age Of Permanent Holocaust

by Brett Stevens (November 7th, 2016)
Entering The Age Of Permanent Holocaust

Ynet News writes about the age of permanent holocausts: Since World War II, 86 million people have been killed, and mainly slaughtered. According to a study of the American Public Health Association, the figure is 190 million. Five million in Congo. And the world kept quiet. A million during the Russian invasion and control of […]

Be Excellent To Each Other

by Brett Stevens (November 6th, 2016)
Be Excellent To Each Other

If an empath were to visit this land, he would find himself assaulted by waves of doubt, pain and fear. He would probably die. And on the surface, nothing would change: the machines would churn, people would attend jobs, the speeches would continue. Maybe there is something new on cable. An empath, or one who […]

Election Plans

by Brett Stevens (November 6th, 2016)
Election Plans

It has been decided that in this house, we will hope for the best in the election, but spend the day watching Lord of the Rings and thinking on what it is we want for society. That movie series follows the quest of a motley band of officially unimportant citizens in their quest to restore […]

Victor Davis Hanson Comes Close To Seeing The Brutal Truth

by Brett Stevens (November 6th, 2016)
Victor Davis Hanson Comes Close To Seeing The Brutal Truth

From one of the more exciting pieces to be published at National Cuckold Digest, Victor Davis Hanson tells us all about the Clintons: For the Clintons, power is the narcotic of being sought out, of being surrounded by retainers, of bringing enemies to heel and enticing sycophants with benefits. Liberalism and progressivism are mere social […]

Outrage — Not Despondency — Can Save Conservatives After FBI Betrayal

by Brett Stevens (November 6th, 2016)
Outrage — Not Despondency — Can Save Conservatives After FBI Betrayal

After the FBI betrayal, the Left is counting on two things: first, the Leftist base will be energized with a sense of entitlement and revenge, and second that conservatives will as usual become despondent and resignedly throw in the towel as they have for most of the past seven decades. Outrage, not despondency, is our […]

FBI Creates Two-Punch Boost For Clinton

by Brett Stevens (November 6th, 2016)
FBI Creates Two-Punch Boost For Clinton

By now most have realized that the FBI, after beginning an investigation with much fanfare, has declined to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime. The timing was suspicious and now is impeccable. When Director James B. Comey announced that he was re-opening the investigation, outrage was unanimous on the Left — which should have clued […]