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SBS News

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Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders has welcomed the formation of a new anti-Islamic party in Australia.
A symposium in Melbourne on the supposed threat posed to democracy by Islam has been used to discuss formation of a new anti-Islamic political party. The party has the backing of Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders who says the new party will officially be launched in Australia in 2015. News of the party's debut has been condemned by both the Coalition government and the Labor Party as well as human rights activists.
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More than 1,000 Australian partner visas have been cancelled after being identified as either bogus or belonging to people living overseas.
Experts say the system is being swamped by the popular route for permanent residency, but lawyers believe the government has come down too hard. Each year, thousands migrate to Australia using partner visas, but the government is cracking down on those abusing the system. 1053 visas have been cancelled since July 2010. Some of the cancelled visas were exposed as fake relationships, but most involved people with permanent or temporary visas who we...
milkybar06's profile photoHakan Braxton Kemal's profile photo
In effect it has come a llitle too late but glad someone has acted upon this interest.
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SBS News

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Former Defence Chief Peter Cosgrove was today named new governor-general to succeed Quentin Bryce in March.
Former Defence Chief Peter Cosgrove is today tipped to be announced as Australia's new governor general. Despite ongoing speculation about his appointment, General Cosgrove has to date remained silent on the rumours that he will succeed Quentin Bryce, whose term ends in March. Born in Sydney, Mr Cosgrove graduated from the Royal Military College, Duntroon, in 1968.
milkybar06's profile photo
Brilliant guy
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SBS News

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Amidst the rubble of a lovely old house in Balmain, builder Michael Simitzis is busy with his team of men sawing, drilling and measuring.  At times, he steps in to advise and direct one of his apprentices but mostly, the group just goes about their business. But just months earlier, the builder was faced with the difficult task of letting a young apprentice go because his literacy, numeracy and communication skills were so poor that he was incapa...
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SBS News

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It is as close as you can get to the action without getting wet. This year SBS is taking spectators closer to the Sydney to Hobart action than ever before. World News Australia sports reporter Nick Vindin will be on board "Southern Excellence II," a 70 foot carbon fiber yacht chasing a win on corrected time. In what is his first ever off-shore race, Nick will be providing reports for World News Australia (SBS ONE 6.30pm) every night of the race f...
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The rise of Bitcoin has sparked a wave of other similar digital currencies, known as cryptocurrencies, around the world. Dogecoin is the latest and while it was meant to be a bit of a joke, it is now challenging Bitcoin as the cryptocurrency of choice.
These digital currencies operate online in an unregulated market, providing direct payment for goods and services for various items. Dogecoin is the latest with its moniker inspired by a Shiba Inu dog meme, which went viral last year and is mainly used for tipping on the internet. It was meant to be a bit of a joke but now there are more transactions of the cryptocurrency than Bitcoin. Still Bitcoin is the market leader, worth $10 billion. 
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An Iranian asylum seeker in the Christmas Island detention centre is criticising the way Australian authorities are handling rape allegations, leaving her feeling desperate and in danger.
The woman claims to have been raped by a fellow detainee in a family compound and says it was only after going on hunger strike that her allegations were taken seriously. The 23-year-old Iranian woman claims she first raised the rape allegations with authorities over a month ago. After going on a hunger strike, she says Federal Police came to interview her and medical examinations were completed, but then she heard nothing more.
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Thousands of children across New South Wales today marked their first day at school, but for one Western Sydney student the occasion had special significance.
Like most children, Noran Zahrooni was terrified of starting school today. But it wasn't teachers or lessons that had him anxious. The six-year-old and his family arrived in Australia late last year after fleeing war-torn Syria. Father Farhan Zahrooni told SBS his son was traumatised by the conflict and struggled to understand he was now safe. "In Syria they usually targeted schools, so he thinks that if he goes to school he will be in danger and...
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SBS News

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PM Abbott has appointed climate denier Maurice Newman to be chair of his Business Advisory Council. In 2010, Newman told journalists they should present both sides of the debate. Back then he felt the need to restrain himself. Now unleashed, Newman is in full flight mimicking the anti-vaccinators, writes Clive Hamilton.
By Clive Hamilton Governments are worried. Vaccination rates are falling under the influence of a campaign of misinformation by a small minority of fanatics. Scientifically there is no debate about immunisation, with every relevant health authority strongly endorsing vaccination. But anti-vaccination activists refuse to accept the evidence, claiming that “every issue has two sides”.
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SBS News

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The directive says applicants who arrive in Australia by boat will receive the lowest priority in the family migration scheme. Mr Morrison has told SBS in a written statement that the measure was undertaken to ensure “that the limited places under our family reunion programme are not taken up by IMA [Illegal Maritime Arrival] families at the expense of other applicants.” The move is retrospective, meaning applicants who are permanent residents in...
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Watch the full memorial on SBS's live stream here from 8pm AEST. Barack Obama and Raul Castro will both offer eulogies for Mandela at a sweeping memorial service to be held at the Soweto stadium that hosted the 2010 World Cup final.
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