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"W.L. George - when a male feminist gets it wrong"


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Anonymous Normal Guy said...

Quite frankly, I would prefer Hitler to this man. He says men must suffer a lifetime of misery and of being alone so that the superior eugenically derived race can be realised. Hitler got it over and done with pronto!

They should just say what they mean. Kill all the BETA men!

Friday 17 August 2012 at 00:47:00 GMT+10

Anonymous CamelCaseRob said...

Well, he understood the issues as well as anyone today, but his predictions didn't work out. Giving women financial independence HAS allowed them to pick the most (immediately) desirable males for the fathers of of their children, but there is an insufficiency of such men, so we have the problem of single-motherhood. He seems not to have foreseen sex outside of marriage. And the eugenics effect is one of male children who are cocky/funny/handsome, but not necessarily capable of keeping a society running. I suppose he is correct, on average, that a husband can be more likely today to be correct in believing his wife loves him than was true in the past.

Friday 17 August 2012 at 09:41:00 GMT+10

Blogger Jesse_7 said...

I agree with CamelCaseRob,

If the new competition for men is to entertain etc a women, these traits will be emphasised over the more longer lasting skills beneficial to broader society. At the same time older fashioned male skills, success in work, stability and reliability are still encouraged or expected. The recent argument used to be that women were required to be the super partner, now its very much on the men.

Friday 17 August 2012 at 11:18:00 GMT+10

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with Camel.
There is nothing exceptional about being a dead beat thug if that is what he is suggesting women are going for nowadays(and yes some are).
The average man can be a cad/thug/dead beat and attract women.
Eugenics which is abhorrent has nothing to do with it. Its a chaotic mistake by women encouraged by liberal society.
The end result is ugly/violent/stupid and unreliable children.
The society is then weakened to the advance of coordinated/educated/intelligent men who have a stronger ethnic glue from outside our society.

Friday 17 August 2012 at 15:22:00 GMT+10

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same anonymous.
The thought that I didn't get out which was my disagreement was as some men put women on a pedestal.
I think many people in this discussion are putting dead beat thugs on a pedestal.

Friday 17 August 2012 at 15:26:00 GMT+10

Anonymous JMSmith said...

Your excerpts nicely illustrate the exoteric/esoteric nature of all progressive thought. The aims are always more radical than the inner circle gives out, even to the dupes who support them. By my reading of the 19th century feminists and socialists, I believe that the purpose of feminism and free love was to destroy the family as an instrument of socialization. The ultimate goal was to get children into government schools. Orestes Brownson, an American who was part of the socialist movement in the 1830s, said that this was the case in a book he wrote after his defection. The attack on marriage and proposed public schools “were intended to deprive, as well as to relive, parents of all care and responsibility of their children after a year or two of age,” on the grounds that “parents were in general incompetent” to perform this task. Once the children were in public schools, the socialists planned that expert “teachers and governors” w would train these children to “look upon this life as their only life, this earth as their only home, and the promotion of their earthly interests and enjoyments as their only end.”

Friday 17 August 2012 at 23:02:00 GMT+10

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can recommend two books related to the subject matter written of above, Libido Dominandi, by E. Michael Jones, & The Socialist Phenomenon, by Igor Shafarevich.

The latter is a history of the socialist mentality, & of socialist states, from antiquity, to the present day.

It is available for free on the internet, translated from the original Russian into English, at

It can be printed, which I would advise doing, for all who care to read it, as no one knows how long before it goes into the memory hole.

Saturday 18 August 2012 at 07:36:00 GMT+10

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on both the conservatives and modern liberals and any “ism” for using the government to force people to act in ways they think they should act.

Saturday 18 August 2012 at 07:41:00 GMT+10

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing that should be worth dying for is freedom from men using the government to force people to act out their ideals. Governments should only exist to protect peoples life, liberty and personal selfishness as long as their selfishness does not lead to stealing, cheating, lying or causing harm to another’s private property or themselves.

Saturday 18 August 2012 at 07:43:00 GMT+10

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those two comments are not utopian statements; they are only a method of preventing more moral hazards in an imperfect world

Saturday 18 August 2012 at 07:50:00 GMT+10

Blogger Mark Richardson said...


You have very neatly set out the very liberal principles that I criticise at this blog.

I criticise them on a number of grounds.

First, they assume that a man can live a good and flourishing life in the pursuit of a cut down number of goods that can be attained at an individual level.

So family and nation are out, careers, shopping and travel are in.

Second, people do need an idea of what defines a good person and a good life. So what then happens if a community is not allowed to positively identify these things?

In practice what happens is that a set of negative goods takes over. You become a good person by practising non-discrimination, non-judgementalism and so on. But these concepts of the good are pushed just as intrusively as the positive concepts ever were, and they are corrosive of society.

Third, not even a radically liberal society can adequately function without retaining some kind of positive goods. That tells you something about how misguided liberal principles are.

I am not allowed to walk around my local supermarket naked, nor marry three women, nor shoot up heroin in my local park etc.

Finally, the very language of liberalism promotes a nihilism that a society is unlikely to survive.

It leads to the view that there are not real and significant goods that can be known to men, but only personal, subjective ideals which have no wider application.

Once you accept this, then yes it might seem as if the only thing worth defending is the "freedom" to pursue your own subjective concept of life and so this kind of "freedom" is the only positive thing stopping a complete slide into nihilistic pessimism.

But it's not much to found a civilisation on. And the proof of the pudding is the modern West which has slid into self-contempt and a desire to abolish itself.

We have to have the courage to discuss real positive goods.

Saturday 18 August 2012 at 14:40:00 GMT+10

Blogger Jesse_7 said...

Good points Mark.

Monday 20 August 2012 at 00:00:00 GMT+10

Anonymous Ollie said...

I always had reason to believe that a lot of the male contribution (especially in the role of progenitor) to fembot thought has been whitewashed, likely as a matter of political and ideological expediency.

Seeing this, I realize my assumption was far more correct than I originally envisioned.

How did you ever pull this one out of the memory hole?

Tuesday 21 August 2012 at 00:24:00 GMT+10

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