
Indian elite welcome Trump’s election

By Deepal Jayasekera and Keith Jones, 19 November 2016

India’s elite calculates Trump’s hardline positions vis-a-vis China and Pakistan will provide New Delhi with a strategic boost over its principal Asian rivals.

SEP public meeting in Colombo: The international implications of Trump’s election

19 November 2016

The meeting will explain the political factors behind Trump’s election and outline the program of socialist internationalism that the working class must adopt.

Trump’s win provokes nervousness and bravado in Beijing

By Mike Head, 16 November 2016

While the Beijing regime is clearly anxious to reach an accommodation with Trump, it is preparing for an historic collision.

One million protestors in Seoul demand Korean president resign

By Ben McGrath, 15 November 2016

The pressure on President Park to step down is growing after the South Korean capital’s largest protest in 30 years.

Sri Lankan budget deepens austerity offensive

By Saman Gunadasa, 15 November 2016

The government has drastically increased taxes on working people while slashing funds for health, education and welfare.

Trump victory triggers uncertainty in Tokyo

By Mike Head, 14 November 2016

The initial conciliatory remarks between Trump and Abe cannot hide the heightened tensions between the two imperialist powers.

Diplomatic row erupts between Sri Lanka and China

By W.A. Sunil, 12 November 2016

The public squabble between Colombo and Beijing over loans is another indication of rising geo-strategic tensions in the region.

Philippine President Duterte continues US military basing deal, hails Trump election

By Joseph Santolan, 11 November 2016

The decision to continue the basing pact represents a reversal of previous statements by Duterte that he would “separate” from the United States.

Australian foreign policy strategists discuss US-China nuclear war

By Patrick Kelly, 10 November 2016

At a forum on “China’s rise,” former defence official Hugh White repeatedly warned of the danger of nuclear war.

Indo-Pakistan tensions escalate

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 8 November 2016

The ongoing clashes along the Line of Control between India and Pakistan highlight the dangerous standoff that has brought the nuclear-armed rivals to the brink of war.

Beijing bars two Hong Kong legislators from taking their seats

By Peter Symonds, 8 November 2016

The Chinese regime fears that advocacy of independence for Hong Kong will fuel separatist movements in other parts of the country including Tibet and Xinjiang.

Mass protests call on Korean president to resign

By Ben McGrath, 7 November 2016

Park’s approval rating has fallen to 5 percent, the lowest of any South Korean president, as a result of the corruption scandal involving her personal confidante, Choi Soon-sil.

Sri Lanka: Deeside plantation workers form action committee

By our correspondents, 4 November 2016

The committee’s establishment is an important step toward breaking from the trade unions, which function as industrial police for big business and the government.

Malaysian prime minister forges closer military ties with China

By Peter Symonds, 3 November 2016

During his visit to Beijing, Prime Minister Najib wrote in the state-run media that former colonial powers should not lecture smaller countries over the conduct of their internal affairs.

Special envoy of Philippine President Duterte resigns in protest

By Joseph Santolan, 3 November 2016

The resignation of Ramos, a central figure in Philippine politics, highlights the extraordinary tensions caused by Washington’s drive to militarily encircle and subordinate China.

SEP public meeting in Jaffna: Imperialist war, Tamil nationalism and the fight for socialism

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 2 November 2016

The Tamil nationalist parties support Washington’s war drive in Asia and have pleaded for US backing to secure privileges for the Tamil elite in Sri Lanka.

South Korea’s president in crisis over corruption scandals

By Ben McGrath, 2 November 2016

Intense conflicts in ruling circles are behind accusations that President Park Gen-hye and her confidantes were involved in illegal activity.

Mine explosion in China kills 15 workers

By Peter Symonds, 1 November 2016

The mine disaster in southwest China took place as President Xi exhorted a conference of safety inspectors to improve safety standards and reduce industrial deaths.

Sri Lanka: New anti-terror measures lay foundations for police state

By Nanda Wickremasinghe, 31 October 2016

While President Sirisena postured as a champion of democracy in 2015, Sri Lanka’s planned anti-terror act is a major assault on the basic rights of the working class.

US SEP presidential candidate addresses Sri Lankan audience

By our correspondents, 31 October 2016

Yesterday’s meeting in Colombo unanimously adopted a resolution supporting the socialist anti-war conference to be held by the US SEP in Detroit on November 5.

Philippine President Duterte says he wants US troops out of the country in two years

By Joseph Santolan, 27 October 2016

The abrupt shift in Manila’s foreign policy toward China is an expression of the immense geopolitical tensions stoked by Washington's policies.

China: CCP plenum on tightening party discipline signals inner crisis

By Peter Symonds, 27 October 2016

The Chinese regime confronts a slowing economy, mounting social and class tensions and Washington’s aggressive “pivot to Asia” aimed at undermining and subordinating China.

Terror attack on Pakistani police academy kills more than 60

By Keith Jones, 26 October 2016

The attack on the Balochistan Police College is said to be the deadliest terrorist attack ever mounted on Pakistan’s security forces.

General strike in northern Sri Lanka over police killing of students

By our correspondents, 26 October 2016

The death of two Tamil students is a continuation of the police-state methods developed during the war and now increasingly being used against working people throughout the island.

Sri Lanka assists India to isolate Pakistan by not attending SAARC summit

By Pradeep Ramanayake, 25 October 2016

The Sri Lankan prime minister has unequivocally backed the Indian government’s efforts to exploit the Uri military raid to undermine Pakistan and boost India’s great power ambitions.

Police murder of two Jaffna University students exposes Sri Lankan Tamil nationalists

By K. Nesan, 24 October 2016

The police murder exposed the Tamil nationalists’ collaboration with Washington and Colombo in setting up police-state forms of rule in northern Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan plantation workers protest union wage deal

By W.A. Sunil, 24 October 2016

The union-plantation association deal locks workers into increased productivity rates for the next two years in exchange for a negligible wage rise.

Philippine president declares “separation from the US” during visit to China

By Oscar Grenfell, 21 October 2016

Duterte’s statements were met with bewilderment and consternation in Washington.

Police attack demonstration outside US embassy in Manila

By our reporter, 21 October 2016

Police violently assaulted the protest, despite the fact that it was led by Maoist front organisations allied to the government.

US SEP presidential candidate Jerry White to address Sri Lankan public meeting via Internet

21 October 2016

The US presidential elections are of enormous political significance for working people and youth in South Asia and internationally.

The autocratic record of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej

By Tom Peters, 20 October 2016

King Bhumibol, who is being glorified by the media and politicians around the world, supported one military dictatorship after another to suppress the working class and the poor.

Philippine president in China seeks to cement closer ties

By Peter Symonds, 19 October 2016

Duterte has signalled that he is open to closer military relations with China and Russia as he seeks billions of dollars in Chinese aid and investment.

Sri Lankan president warns of autocratic measures

By K. Ratnayake, 18 October 2016

Sirisena, who won office on bogus slogans of good governance and fighting corruption, has moved to halt even the limited actions of the Bribery Commission and police.

Thai military consolidates power as royal succession delayed

By Peter Symonds, 17 October 2016

Prem Tinsulanonda, a former head of the army and prime minister, has been appointed regent, with the full powers of the king, for an indeterminate period.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

15 October 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Thai king’s death foreshadows instability

By Peter Symonds, 14 October 2016

Bhumibol’s death was greeted with a wave of nauseating accolades from heads of state and political leaders around the world.

Chinese soldiers protest over benefits in central Beijing

By our reporter, 14 October 2016

The Chinese Communist Party regime is clearly concerned that such protests could trigger wider unrest within the military, and more broadly with society.

Indian Stalinists aid BJP’s bellicose anti-Pakistan campaign

By Wasantha Rupasinghe and Keith Jones, 14 October 2016

India’s principal Stalinist party, the CPM, is playing a foul role in the reckless, bellicose offensive India’s ruling elite is mounting against its nuclear-armed arch-rival, Pakistan.

Sri Lanka: Chauvinist response to large Tamil protest

By Pani Wijesiriwardena, 12 October 2016

The protest in Jaffna over the continued military occupation and abuse of democratic rights was denounced in chauvinist terms by the entire Colombo establishment.

Toxic smog over South East Asia killed over 100,000 in 2015

By John Harris, 10 October 2016

The estimate, which is yet to be verified by an analysis of official mortality data, far exceeds the Indonesian government’s death toll.

US defence secretary announces “third phase” of military build-up against China

By Peter Symonds, 4 October 2016

Ashton Carter made clear that the US would sharpen its “military edge” in the Asia Pacific so as to remain the most powerful military in the region.”

Amid war crisis, Pakistani actors hounded out of India

By Kranti Kumara, 4 October 2016

The Indian Motion Pictures Producers’ Association has passed a resolution banning Pakistani actors, singers and technicians from Bollywood productions.

India and Pakistan teeter on the brink of war

By Keith Jones, 3 October 2016

In anticipation of a possible Pakistani counter-strike, or to facilitate their own war preparations, India is evacuating tens of thousands of people living near the border.

Amnesty International documents torture by Thai junta

By Tom Peters, 3 October 2016

The Amnesty report documents the brutal methods that will be used more broadly as opposition develops to the regime’s austerity measures and brutal repression.

Philippine President Duterte declares end to joint war games with the US

By Joseph Santolan, 1 October 2016

As Duterte has sought to pursue ties with China, Washington, using the pretext of human rights as a means to pressure the Philippine president, has criticized his murderous drug war.

Sri Lankan president at the UN prostrates himself to Washington

By Pradeep Ramanayake, 1 October 2016

The accolades he received simply reflected that fact that Sirisena has dutifully toed the US line against China since coming to power in January last year.

Sri Lankan regime, Tamil nationalists reject ex-LTTE members’ poisoning allegations

By K. Nesan, 1 October 2016

The Tamil nationalist parties, like the Sri Lankan regime and its imperialist backers, are desperate to cover up the crimes of the Sri Lankan civil war.

After Kashmir attack, US media threaten to support India in war with Pakistan

By Kumaran Ira, 29 September 2016

Washington’s anti-China “pivot to Asia” is fueling war tensions between Pakistan and India, which have escalated since Islamist militants attacked an Indian military base in Kashmir.

Workers’ strikes spreading throughout South Korea

By Ben McGrath, 29 September 2016

The South Korean working class is fighting against government-led attempts to cut wages in public and private businesses.

India launches campaign to “punish” Pakistan

By Wasntha Rupasinghe, 28 September 2016

The publicly announced steps India has taken against Pakistan are of a diplomatic and economic character. But behind the scenes feverish preparations continue for a lethal “counterstrike.”

Indian workers and students speak out against US war drive

By our correspondents, 28 September 2016

Indian workers and students discussed mounting global tensions and New Delhi’s role in the US military preparations against China.

Pakistan replies with belligerence to Indian threats

By Sampath Perera, 27 September 2016

The Pakistan Air Force conducted war exercises last week, including over the skies of the national capital, Islamabad, and on the highway connecting it to Lahore.

Workers and youth at Jaffna protest speak out against US-backed Sri Lankan regime

By Subash Somachandran and K. Nesan, 27 September 2016

There is growing anger among Tamil workers and youth against the Tamil nationalists’ support for US imperialism’s foreign policy and for its client regime in Colombo.

Japan scrambles fighter to intercept Chinese military aircraft

By Peter Symonds, 26 September 2016

While the Chinese planes were outside Japanese air space, the incident highlights the sharp tensions in North East Asia amid the ongoing US military build-up in the region.

Sri Lanka government raises VAT following IMF demands

By Saman Gunadasa, 26 September 2016

The increased taxes highlight the International Monetary Fund’s control over Sri Lankan financial and economic affairs.

Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the imperialist war drive! Fight for socialist program!

21 September 2016

The Indian government’s deepening involvement in the US preparations for war against China is occurring behind the backs of the Indian working class and poor.

War danger surges as India blames Pakistan for attack on Kashmir base

By V. Gnana, 19 September 2016

Seventeen Indian soldiers were killed yesterday morning in Indian-administered Kashmir when fighters assaulted a military base at Uri.

Japan to conduct South China Sea patrols with US

By Peter Symonds, 19 September 2016

Japan has no claims in the South China Sea but, like the US, is exploiting the territorial disputes to further its own interests in South East Asia.

Philippine foreign secretary says Manila will no longer be US “little brown brother”

By Joseph Santolan, 19 September 2016

As President Duterte downplays the South China Sea dispute with China, Washington is mounting a cynical “human rights” campaign to pressure the Philippines back into line.

UN chief praises pro-US Sri Lankan government

By Pradeep Ramanayake, 17 September 2016

Ban indirectly admitted that the UN did nothing to stop the wartime massacres in Sri Lanka, saying the world body had made “serious mistakes.”

Protesters continue to defy Indian state violence in Kashmir

By Kranti Kumara, 16 September 2016

India’s government is resorting to increasingly desperate measures to quell the popular protests that have convulsed the Kashmir Valley for the past ten weeks.

Death toll rises in Bangladesh factory fire

By Sarath Kumara, 16 September 2016

The Tampaco Foils disaster highlights the unsafe conditions and shoddy construction for which Bangladesh is now notorious.

Philippine president calls for US special forces to leave Mindanao

By Joseph Santolan, 15 September 2016

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s statements mark a further souring of ties between Manila and Washington under the new president.

American B-1 bombers send menacing warning to North Korea

By our reporter, 14 September 2016

The fly-past at South Korea’s Osan Air Base was also designed to send a message to Beijing to ramp up pressure on North Korea.

US and allies threaten North Korea with sanctions and military attack

By Peter Symonds, 12 September 2016

Another round of punitive measures over Pyongyang’s latest nuclear test will exacerbate tensions on the Korean Peninsula and heighten the danger of war.

North Korea carries out fifth nuclear test

By Ben McGrath and Peter Symonds, 10 September 2016

The test comes amid escalating geo-political tensions in Asia as the US seeks to reassert its dominance, heightening the danger of war.

Separatist candidates win seats in Hong Kong election

By Peter Symonds, 8 September 2016

The new “localist” parties represent layers of the Hong Kong ruling elite who regard Beijing’s dominance as an impediment to their business interests.

Obama cancels meeting with Philippine President Duterte

By Joseph Santolan, 6 September 2016

The real source of the tensions is Washington’s increasing displeasure over Duterte’s failure to play his assigned role in the US pivot to Asia.

Opposition plots regime change in Maldives

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 6 September 2016

The US and its allies are hostile to President Yameen, not because of his record of human rights abuses, but his ties to China.

Obama and the US secret war in Laos

By Peter Symonds, 6 September 2016

Obama is the first US president since the Vietnam War to visit Laos, the scene of one of US imperialism’s bloodiest crimes, even as his administration is preparing new wars on a far greater scale.

Philippine president declares “state of lawlessness” after bomb blast

By Joseph Santolan, 5 September 2016

While stating that this was “not martial law,” Duterte told the press that the military would be “running the country.”

Tens of millions strike against Indian government’s right-wing economic policies

By Deepal Jayasekera, 3 September 2016

The strike is an expression of mounting opposition in the working class internationally against assaults by governments and corporations on jobs and working conditions.

Rana Plaza disaster case postponed in Bangladesh

By Sarath Kumara, 3 September 2016

The court delay further underscores the indifference of all sections of the ruling elite for the plight of garment workers.

War clouds overhang Obama’s Asian trip

By Peter Symonds, 1 September 2016

Obama will attend international summits in China and Laos amid escalating geo-political rivalries, particularly between Washington and Beijing.

Indian workers need a socialist strategy to oppose pro-investor “reform,” austerity and war

By Deepal Jayesekera, 1 September 2016

For the unions and Stalinist Communist parties, Friday’s all-India strike is a means of defusing social opposition and diverting it behind the big business political establishment.

US war planes and battleships to start using Indian bases

By Deepal Jayasekera, 31 August 2016

With the signing of the basing agreement, India is being transformed into a “frontline” state in the US drive to isolate, encircle, and prepare to wage war on China.

Tens of millions of Indian workers to join one-day protest strike

By Sathish Simon and Kranti Kumara, 31 August 2016

The widespread support for the strike is an expression of mounting working-class anger and militancy and part of a global resurgence of class struggle.

US deepens military ties with Sri Lanka

By Vilani Peiris, 31 August 2016

Washington wants to use Sri Lanka as one of its bases in the event of war with China.

Taliban captures key Afghan district in fierce fighting

By Peter Symonds, 31 August 2016

The latest attack takes place against the backdrop of geo-political intrigue that is drawing the entire region, including Afghanistan, into US preparations for war against China.

North Korea tests submarine-launched missile

By Peter Symonds, 25 August 2016

The primary responsibility for escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula lies with the US and its military build-up throughout Asia aimed against China.

Nepal’s Maoist prime minister walks a tightrope between India and China

By W.A. Sunil, 24 August 2016

The political turmoil in the small landlocked country has been fuelled by rising US-driven geo-political tensions across Asia.

US-South Korean war games inflame Asian tensions

By Peter Symonds, 23 August 2016

While nominally aimed against North Korea, the exercises consolidate Washington’s military alliance with Seoul as it makes preparations for conflict with China.

Over 1,800 extra-judicial killings under new Philippine government

By Joseph Santolan, 23 August 2016

The official figures—at least double the media estimates—reveal that Duterte has launched a crusade of mass murder under the guise of a “war on drugs.”

North Korean official defects as US pressure on Pyongyang intensifies

By Ben McGrath, 23 August 2016

Massive job cuts planned in South Korean shipbuilding industry

By Ben McGrath, 22 August 2016

Workers are bearing the brunt of the industry’s financial instability, while the trade unions work to prevent a unified struggle.

Japan prepares to expand military role abroad

By Ben McGrath, 17 August 2016

So-called humanitarian missions, as in South Sudan, are being exploited to further Tokyo’s remilitarization agenda.

India: Kerala’s Stalinist-led government pursuing pro-business agenda

By Kranti Kumara, 17 August 2016

Kerala’s chief minister has appointed a neoliberal economist with close ties to the US financial elite and Federal Reserve as his top economic advisor.

Thai junta exploits bombings to clamp down on opposition

By Tom Peters, 16 August 2016

Thailand’s military regime has seized on last week’s horrific events to arrest political opponents.

Chinese-South Korean tensions rise over THAAD anti-missile deployment

By Ben McGrath, 15 August 2016

South Korea is lining up more explicitly with Washington and its war drive in the region, using North Korea’s nuclear tests as a pretext.

Chinese power plant explosion kills 21

By John Braddock, 15 August 2016

The incident at a coal-fired plant is the most recent of the industrial disasters that kill and maim thousands of workers and residents in China each year.

Sri Lankan government imposes IMF privatisation demands

By Saman Gunadasa, 13 August 2016

The IMF regards Sri Lanka’s state-owned enterprises as a burden on the economy as well as a potential source of profit for investors.

Anger mounts over government handling of floods in China

By John Braddock, 30 July 2016

With widespread media and internet reports accusing officials of negligence, Beijing is increasingly nervous about deepening social opposition.

Sri Lanka’s National Unity Government alliance extended

By Vilani Peiris, 29 July 2016

The deal is aimed at establishing a strong regime committed to Washington’s geo-political strategy and the imposition of the IMF’s austerity demands.

Military crackdown ahead of Thai constitutional referendum

By Tom Peters, 29 July 2016

The draft constitution empowers the military junta, which seized power in a 2014 coup, to continue its rule even if elections are held.

Philippine President Duterte delivers State of the Nation Address

By Joseph Santolan, 26 July 2016

Duterte’s speech was a repugnant mixture of proposals to assist big business in the exploitation of cheap labor and statements sanctioning the murder of alleged criminals.

US stokes divisions over South China Sea at ASEAN summit

By Peter Symonds, 25 July 2016

The Philippines and Vietnam are at loggerheads with Cambodia over a reference in the final communiqué to the recent UN-backed court ruling negating China’s maritime claims.

Arch-rivals India and Pakistan take opposed stands on Hague court’s anti-China ruling

By Deepal Jayasekera, 22 July 2016

While India has lined up behind Washington in supporting the provocative ruling issued in The Hague, Pakistan has backed China’s rejection of it.

US and Chinese officials visit Sri Lanka, highlighting growing regional tensions

By K. Ratnayake, 22 July 2016

China has attempted to strengthen its relations with Sri Lanka since the US-inspired regime-change that ousted former President Mahinda Rajapakse.

US admiral holds “frank” talks in Beijing over South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, 20 July 2016

The Chinese regime is playing directly into Washington’s hands by resorting to its own reckless military measures that heighten the danger of conflict.

Foreign minister resigns as Maldives political crisis intensifies

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 18 July 2016

Bitter infighting, driven by the geo-strategic demands of the US and India, is deepening within the Maldives ruling elite.