11 November 2016

Dow hits record high as Wall Street celebrates Trump victory

By Nick Beams, 11 November 2016

The sharp rise in stock prices is being driven both by Trump’s pro-corporate policies and the support he has received from the Democratic Party establishment.

US political establishment rallies behind Trump

Race, class and the election of Trump

Trump’s victory and the debacle of American democracy

German media demands military buildup in response to US election

By Peter Schwarz, 11 November 2016

The newspapers Die Zeit and Die Süddeutsche are exploiting anxiety over a Trump presidency to campaign for the return of German militarism.

Rattled by Trump victory, Canada offers to renegotiate NAFTA

By Roger Jordan, 11 November 2016

More on the 2016 US elections »

New York City transit worker killed, another injured in subway accident

By Alan Whyte, 11 November 2016

Nearly 240 New York City transit workers have been killed on the job since 1946, most of them hit by trains.

State of New Jersey takes over Atlantic City

By Fred Mazelis, 11 November 2016

The administration of Governor Chris Christie—the head of Donald Trump’s transition team—has given the Local Finance Board the power to fire workers and rip up union contracts.

Pittsburgh symphony musicians continue strike against wage cuts and job losses

By Samuel Davidson, 11 November 2016

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra musicians have been on strike for over a month against management demands for a 15 percent pay cut, the elimination defined pension benefits and a reduction the size of the orchestra.

Philippine President Duterte continues US military basing deal, hails Trump election

By Joseph Santolan, 11 November 2016

The decision to continue the basing pact represents a reversal of previous statements by Duterte that he would “separate” from the United States.

Growing crisis surrounds US-backed offensive in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 11 November 2016

The assault on the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa has exposed the sharp tensions between the disparate forces that constitute Washington’s allies.

US-backed Iraqi assault on Mosul enters third week

Aleppo, Mosul and “war crimes”

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Seven die and many injured after tram derailment in London

By Robert Stevens, 11 November 2016

More than 100 emergency workers attended the scene and worked for six hours to free injured commuters.

After Calais camp closure
French neo-fascists step up calls for attacks on refugees

By Francis Dubois, 11 November 2016

Those calling for the persecution of refugees enjoy the more or less open support of the French political establishment.

VW denies emissions fraud in Europe

By Dietmar Henning, 11 November 2016

The arrogant denials of responsibility by VW management have driven the company deeper into the abyss.

Australia: Residents denounce closure of Hazelwood power station

By our reporters, 11 November 2016

The state Labor government and the unions are collaborating with management to axe the plant and destroy 1,000 jobs.

New in Italian

La vittoria di Trump e lo sfacelo della democrazia americana

Di Joseph Kishore, 10 novembre 2016

Tale è la crisi politica negli USA da elevare un osceno ciarlatano e demagogo miliardario alla più alta carica del paese.

New in Turkish

Irk, sınıf ve Trump’ın seçilmesi

Barry Grey, 11 Kasım 2016

Clinton’ın ve Demokratların yenilgisinin altında yatan şey ırk veya cinsiyet değil, ekonomik ve sınıfsal konulardır.

New in German

Rassen- und Klassenfragen bei Trumps Wahlsieg

Von Barry Grey, 11. November 2016

Die mangelnde Begeisterung für Clinton, eine enge Verbündete der Wall Street, die für Militarismus und Korruption steht, beruhte im Wesentlichen auf Klassenfragen.

USA: Das politische Establishment stellt sich hinter Trump

Von Patrick Martin, 11. November 2016

US-Präsident Obama und die Parteiführung der Demokraten stellen sich gemeinsam mit der Republikanischen Kongressfraktion hinter den künftigen Präsidenten Donald Trump, nachdem sie ihn nur 24 Stunden zuvor noch als Gefahr für die Demokratie attackiert hatten.

Reaktion auf US-Wahl: Deutsche Medien fordern Aufrüstung

Von Peter Schwarz, 11. November 2016

Die Zeit und die Süddeutsche setzen die Angst vor Trump gezielt ein, um für die Rückkehr des deutschen Militarismus zu werben.

Europas extreme Rechte feiert Trumps Sieg

Von Alex Lantier, 11. November 2016

Parteien wie der französische Front National und die deutsche AfD begrüßten Trumps Sieg als Beweis dafür, dass sich die extreme Rechte auch in Europa durchsetzen könne.

Der Idiot redet: Slavoj Žižek für Donald Trump

Von Andre Damon, 11. November 2016

Slavoj Žižek, der Liebling der akademischen Pseudolinken, sprach sich für Trump als Präsidenten aus.

Rot-Rot-Grün rüstet Berliner Polizei auf

Von Sonja Bach, 11. November 2016

Rot-Rot-Grün begründet die massive Aufrüstung des Staatsapparats mit Phrasen über „Bürgerrechte“ und „Demokratieförderung“.

Other Languages


Democrats circle the wagons around Trump

11 November 2016

In rushing to support Trump, the Democrats and the media are largely remaining silent about a significant fact of the election: the president-elect lost the popular vote.

Earlier Perspectives »

November 5 Antiwar Conference

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
SEP’s vice presidential candidate Niles Niemuth reviews lessons of the Sanders campaign

11 November 2016

Niemuth called on young people and workers who backed Sanders to join the SEP and fight to build a genuine socialist movement against social inequality and war.

Report by Andre Damon
The global crisis and the danger of world war

9 November 2016

SEP candidate Jerry White addresses Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference

8 November 2016

Broad turnout for “Socialism vs. Capitalism and War” conference in Detroit

Attendees at SEP anti-war conference speak on war danger, US election


Bernie Sanders declares willingness to “work with Trump”

By Eric London, 11 November 2016

Eighteen months after Sanders announced his candidacy, his statement on Trump punctuates a critical experience for the working class.

France’s New Anti-Capitalist Party covers up its support for Libya war

By Kumaran Ira, 10 November 2016

Further signs of auto slowdown as GM announces job cuts

By Shannon Jones, 10 November 2016

The idiot speaks: Slavoj Žižek endorses Donald Trump

By Andre Damon, 9 November 2016

Chicago police fatally shoot 25-year-old man

By George Marlowe, 9 November 2016

More on police violence »

Rolling Stone, journalist found responsible for defamation in University of Virginia rape story

By David Walsh, 8 November 2016

NATO announces largest troop deployments against Russia since Cold War

By Alex Lantier, 8 November 2016

Arts Review

Gimme Danger from Jim Jarmusch

By Kevin Martinez, 11 November 2016

American filmmaker Jim Jarmusch has made a documentary on the not so well-known, but hugely influential rock group, The Stooges.

National Bird: “I don’t know how many people I’ve killed,” says US drone pilot

By Joanne Laurier, 9 November 2016

USA Network’s Mr. Robot, Season 2: Pessimism overtakes anger, with unfortunate results

By Carlos Delgado, 7 November 2016

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

11 November 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Strikers at Momentive plants vote down union-backed sellout deal

By Philip Guelpa, 9 November 2016

Canada: Unifor scuttles strike at Integram Seating plant in matter of hours

By Carl Bronski, 8 November 2016

More on autoworkers issues »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Jerry White speaks on Trump's electoral victory

By Jerry White, 10 November 2016

SEP campaign in West Virginia wins over 900 votes

By Naomi Spencer—SEP candidate for WV House District 16, 10 November 2016

SEP candidates speak with voters at the polls in Michigan

By our reporters, 9 November 2016

The 2016 US elections

Thousands protest in Berkeley in wake of Trump election

By Joseph Santolan, 10 November 2016

Shock in Europe over Trump’s election victory

By Peter Schwarz, 10 November 2016

European far right hails Trump’s win

By Alex Lantier, 10 November 2016

On the eve of the 2016 US election

By Patrick Martin, 7 November 2016

US election campaign reveals mass alienation from two-party system

By Patrick Martin, 5 November 2016

Workers and youth largely absent at Clinton rally in Detroit

US election stokes deep concerns in Australian ruling circles

By Peter Symonds, 7 November 2016

25 years ago: Santa Cruz Cemetery massacre in East Timor

On November 12, 1991, 271 protesters were killed and 278 wounded when Indonesian army units opened fire on an unarmed funeral procession in Dili, the capital of East Timor.

More »

50 year ago: CPSU condemns Mao’s “Cultural Revolution”

On November 7, 1966, at celebrations commemorating the 49th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union issued a sharp statement condemning the “cultural revolution” being led by Mao Zedong in China.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin ends his public absence since Nazi invasion

On November 7, 1941, Stalin took the occasion of the anniversary of the October Revolution to end his months-long public absence from Soviet life.

More »


100 years ago: Leon Trotsky arrested in Spain

On November 9, 1916, exiled Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky was arrested in Madrid, Spain, apparently as a result of information provided by the French police.

More »


Albert Dragstedt (1933-2016)

By Fred Williams, 2 November 2016

A long-time member of the Workers League, which he joined in the early 1970s, and a supporter of the Socialist Equality Party, Albert combined immense erudition with an unwavering dedication to Marxism.

Mehring Books

David North’s A Quarter Century of War now available in ePub and Kindle formats

3 November 2016

Both ePub and Kindle versions of David North’s recent book A Quarter Century of War: The U.S. Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016 are now available from Mehring Books.

Philosophy and Politics in an Age of War and Revolution
A lecture delivered at the Goethe University in Frankfurt

By David North, 25 October 2016

Hundreds attend lecture by David North in Frankfurt, Germany

Socialist Equality Party

SEP public meeting in Jaffna: Imperialist war, Tamil nationalism and the fight for socialism

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 2 November 2016