Monday November 14, 2016
| Last update: Monday at 10:33 PM
Miami protest against President-elect Donald Trump.
(Fight Back! News/Staff)
Miami, FL - Over 4000 people took to the streets of Miami Friday night, Nov. 11 to protest the presidential election and President-elect Donald Trump.
Minneapolis, MN - A group of more than 50 students, led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), took over the first floor of Coffman Memorial Union, the University of Minnesota’s student center, for a public...
Asheville, NC - Over 400 people came out for a protest in here Nov. 12 against President-elect Donald Trump.
Minneapolis, MN - 100 people marched through North Minneapolis, Nov. 13, to remember Jamar Clark, and continue the fight for justice and against police crimes.
Tucson, AZ - More than 300 people gathered on Nov. 12, joining the wave of protests across the country with loud and clear messages of rejection of the new president-elect Donald Trump and his agenda of right-...
New York, New York - After days of unrest following the results of the U.S. presidential election, tens of thousands of people continue to flood the streets of downtown Manhattan, Nov. 12, in direct opposition to the new...

Marching in Washinton DC for Black Lives, Philando Castile, and Alton Sterling
A Statement on the Shootings in Dallas and Struggle Against Police Crimes by the Joint Nationalities Commission, Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
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More than 1000 people rallied with the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC on the opening day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in...
Bishop Antonio Ablon
On July 16, three vans stuffed with passengers traveled the badly eroded, muddy, narrow road from Pagadian City to the village of Guinoman in Western...
Marching against Trump at Cleveland RNC
The world watched in horror on the night of July 21 as billionaire casino mogul Donald J. Trump officially became the Republican Party's nominee...