
It's the season for saving to enjoy a debt-free new year

Forty-nine sleeps until Christmas sounds like an eternity if you're a kid, but for adults it will be here in the blink of an eye.

The good news is there's still time to get organised so there's no blow-out to the budget.

Starting Christmas shopping early pays off for Santina Gambrill, shown with her husband Aaron and children Jaden and ...
Starting Christmas shopping early pays off for Santina Gambrill, shown with her husband Aaron and children Jaden and Tara and Ruby the dog. Photo: Wolter Peeters

Leaving it too late can be a recipe for stress and impulse spending that can leave a debt headache when the credit card bills fall due in February. 

Australians will splurge $9.77 billion on Christmas presents this year – up 28 per cent on last year, according to the results of a 2000-person survey by comparison site We will each spend $539 on average – up from $419 in 2015.

And it's not just presents, there's also the food and alcohol for Christmas entertaining, decorations, new clothes for parties, and summer holidays soon after.

"With unemployment at the lowest level three years and interest rates at an all-time low, Christmas shoppers are feeling confident," says Bessie Hassan, money expert at Finder.


But that doesn't mean you should let yourself get bamboozled by all the pre-Christmas sales and hype, Hassan says.

Experiences important

Santina Gambrill, 40, who does most of the planning and shopping for Christmas for her family, tries to buy presents at sales.

And she likes to use lay-by for Christmas presents as a way of managing cash flow if she doesn't have the money at the time.

Lay-by is where you progressively pay the purchase price over a period of up to 12 months and take possession of the goods when the final payment is made. 

Gambrill, the head of creative and performing arts at a Sydney school, starts Christmas shopping early.

She will take a present back to the store if, closer to Christmas, if it no longer suits her children, Jaden, 10 and Tara, 9.

She and her husband try not to spend too much.

"I try not to go over-the-top," Gambrill says. "We are not big users of credit cards. If we don't stick to the budget I'm sure we would have a blow-out at the other end and you cannot enjoy Christmas if you are stressed."

Husband Aaron says with 19 nieces and nephews in the extended family there is an "understanding" between all the parents not to spend too much on presents.

"Experiences are more important and that is what the kids enjoy," the 42-year-old relationships manager says.

"And with us that is travelling. The kids remember the fun things they do, whereas they don't remember that extra box of Lego they are given."

Budgeting tips

One of the benefits of early preparation is you've got a better chance of sticking to your plans. If you know what presents you want to buy and you have time on your side, you can be opportunistic with pre-sale opportunities. You can also share the load by getting family members to bring a dish if you're hosting Christmas lunch.

David Rankin, who runs a financial coaching service, Sort My Money, says it is important to allocate money in advance for the most expensive time of the year.

"It's a great way to prevent finances from going into the red," Rankin says.

"Before deciding on the amount of money for Christmas spending and gift buying, put together a comprehensive budget and cash-flow forecast that will help determine the final figure."

It's a time of year when there are plenty of other financial demands for a family. Rankin says you should include all additional expenses such as food, drinks and socialising.

It's easy to set up a savings account online where the savings are put aside for the Christmas expenses.

When it comes to present-buying, ask the recipient what they actually want, either directly or indirectly, to help avoid costly speculative spending.

"Alternatively, gift vouchers can be great presents to give as the Christmas period is followed by a sales period with most retailers starting their sales on Boxing Day," he says.

Be sure that the recipient is aware of the expiry date so the voucher can be redeemed with in the set time-frame, he adds.

Debt hangover

Advertisers play to our emotions in the lead up to Christmas to get us to spend more.

Dianne Dejanovic, a senior financial counsellor at the Consumer Action Law Centre in Melbourne, says it can sometimes be hard not to feel the pressure and to over-spend.

She says the pressure to buy presents for friends and family means, for some, if there is no money in the budget then other financial commitments can go onto the backburner.

"We get those who are in rent arrears and sometimes people cannot meet their mortgage repayments," Dejanovic says.

"We see a big increase in enquiries in February when the bills from Christmas spending come in. 

"Your family and friends might actually be hiding financial problems and it can be a relief for them to receive a small gift from you."

Dejanovic says to avoid using credit if you cannot afford to pay it in the next billing cycle.

And don't just make the minimum payment on credit cards as the interest is compounding at high rates of interest.

Finder's Bessie Hassan warns consumers to be careful when using credit cards with interest-free periods.

"While interest-free balance transfer cards could be a lifeline for those who've splurged over the Christmas period, the interest-free period on transfers to the card may only be applicable for a certain period, which typically ranges from 12-18 months," Hassan says.

"If the transferred debt isn't completely paid off before this period expires, interest is charged on the whole amount going back to when the transfer was made."

Be mindful that after the interest-free period expires, the rate will revert back to a higher rate. The offers can also have high annual fees attached.

Hassan also says be careful of cash advances on credit cards, as interest rates are usually more than 18 per cent  and can be as high as almost 30 per cent. And there is no interest-free period with interest when the cash is withdrawn. 

Shopping tips

Shopping expert, Kathy Sheeran, founder of Shopping Confessions, says you will find it difficult to contain spending without a list . "Make a list and check it twice," she says. 

"Don't even think about Christmas shopping without a list," she says. "If you are unprepared you will impulse buy and over-spend."

And look at ways to save. She says that most people don't realise that a lot of retailers actually "price beat", rather than just price match.

"They don't necessarily advertise this fact," she says. "Ask a competing retailer to beat the sale price – you'd be amazed how much you can save by simply asking this question."

There are other ways to save such as comparing prices online. Buying online can be tricky for clothes and shoes but it's always a risk when shopping for someone else anyway, Sheeran says.

Sheeran has been "burnt" after she has received an item and wanted to return it but the store refused a refund and gave her store credit instead.

Good online retailers have good returns policies, she says.
