
"Know Your Rights" guides launched!


On 17 July, 2008, AMCRAN launches its long-awaited series of publications Anti-Terrorism Laws: ASIO, the Police and You. This series includes the third edition of the Know-Your-Rights guide in English, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, and Urdu. Click here to download booklets.

Media Release: Muslim Civil Rights Group concerned about new anti-terror law proposals Print E-mail
Friday, 14 August 2009


Sydney, 14 August 2009 - A Muslim Civil Rights Group today cautioned against the proposed anti-terrorism law amendments announced by the Attorney-General Robert McClelland. 

"While we welcome the proposal to limit the period of detention without charge, we are concerned about other proposals that seek to broaden the current regime of anti-terrorism laws in a way which exacerbates its flaws," said Dr Zachariah Matthews from the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN). 


"The changes to the definition of terrorist act to include psychological harm and the new offence of 'urging violence against individuals in a group' effectively widen the already over-reaching anti-terror laws, and no evidence has been presented to explain why these are necessary.  

"There are also many opportunities missed, for example, not removing the notoriously broad 'possessing a thing' or the association offences."

"We assert that significant safeguards should be strengthened instead to prevent the further erosion of civil rights and the disproportionate effect on minority communities such as the Muslim community."

For further information, contact:

Dr. Zachariah Matthews
Ph: 0412 330 166
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