Federal Politics

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd slams Insiders host Barrie Cassidy in angry refugee tweet

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Former prime minister Kevin Rudd has attacked Insiders host Barrie Cassidy, challenging him over comments about Labor's record on treatment of asylum seekers and refugees.

Days after Mr Rudd ripped into Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over the government's proposed lifetime ban on resettled asylum seekers entering Australia on business or tourist visas, the former Hawke government adviser and respected commentator accused Mr Rudd of hypocrisy, because Labor had reinstated harsh offshore processing in the lead up to the 2013 election.

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It's on: Turnbull v Rudd

The former PM is still upset over not being nominated for the UN top job while Turnbull has hit out at Labor's refugee policy blaming Rudd. Courtesy ABC News 24, Sky.

Mr Rudd said he had been moved to make his first significant comments on domestic Australian politics in three years, using an opinion piece for Fairfax Media to argue Mr Turnbull was doing everything he could to appease the "mad right" of the Coalition party room and that his "latest legislative folly should be opposed".

In an angry tweet on Sunday, Mr Rudd labelled Mr Cassidy a "dedicated Shortista, Gillardista" and challenged him to point out any factual errors in the 1200 word opinion piece.

Mr Cassidy said he was "mystified" by Mr Rudd's comments, particularly given that former Labor leaders' names were being used as insults. 


"I'm flattered that he still remembers who I am.  

"I don't think Kevin will ever be a Barrista," he joked.

Not happy, Barrie: former prime minister Kevin Rudd.
Not happy, Barrie: former prime minister Kevin Rudd. Photo: Andrew Meares

Government MPs including Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann hit back at Mr Rudd.

Insiders host and former Labor government staffer Barrie Cassidy
Insiders host and former Labor government staffer Barrie Cassidy Photo: Supplied

"We are not going to take advice from Kevin Rudd, who from the lofty heights of his apartment in New York, somehow wants to give us a lecture on how to control Australia's borders," Mr Dutton said.

Labor received draft legislation on the government's plans on Friday.

On Sunday, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said the plan was "ludicrous" and unfair. Labor's caucus will consider the legislation as Parliament resumes this week.
