WA News

Lucky punter wins $1.7 million Hillarys house and half a million in cash

In a week when Australians were betting millions on the Melbourne Cup a Perth punter had a massive win closer to home.

Neville Biggins, from Warwick, won the 2016 MSWA Mega Home Lottery.

Warwick man Neville Biggins won the 2016 MSWA Mega Home Lottery. He gets a brand new luxury house in Hillarys and half a ...
Warwick man Neville Biggins won the 2016 MSWA Mega Home Lottery. He gets a brand new luxury house in Hillarys and half a million in cash. Photo: Joel Barbitta

His $100 ticket returned him a brand new luxury house in Hillarys worth $1.7 million plus $500,000 in cash.

"I'm in a state of shock. I'd been out with my friends and we were watching the prize draw on the TV and my name came up and I just sat there and said 'I don't believe it,' he said.

"Then my little God-daughter flew through the door and did about six cartwheels and said, 'it's you, it's you."

Until he had the big win Neville had been struggling financially and looking for extra work.


"I'll probably update my car. I work from Monday to Friday and I've been trying to get some shift work just to get a little bit of extra money and I've been struggling just at the moment, but now this has happened I can't believe it."

As well as the $2.2 million first prize MSWA's Mega Home Lottery gave away 8,350 prizes worth more than $5.1 million, including luxury cars, overseas holidays, TVs and laptops.

"For MSWA the Mega Home Lottery is a win-win situation," said CEO Marcus Stafford.

"It's great to see someone like Neville have his life changed forever. And we invest the proceeds from the lottery in helping make the lives of people with Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological conditions better."

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