
The Bonney Upwelling and blue whales: annual visitors from the deep

Last week, strolling among the stalls at a beachside festival, I passed an old man patting the shoulder of a harried-looking woman.

"The sun," he said. "Will still rise tomorrow."

An adult blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) dives.
An adult blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) dives. Photo: Michael Nolan

It's no blinding flash of insight, but it remains a reassuring message to those whose anxiety about the future is a-jangle, which seems to include a fair slice of the world's population in this era of Brexit, Trump and Hanson.

The festival I was attending, it happens, was dedicated to a phenomenon at least as profound as the sun's comforting rhythm, though a lot slower and less familiar.

The blue whale is the largest animal to ever live on the planet.
The blue whale is the largest animal to ever live on the planet. Photo: MR1805

It was in celebration of an ocean tide that occurs but once a year along a small stretch of Australia's coast.

The Bonney Upwelling, it's called. It's a sort of miracle beyond the end of the Great Ocean Road.


Each year around the end of October and the beginning of November, cold water from great depths funnels through underwater canyons, welling up and spilling across the continental shelf clear to the shores of what is known as the Bonney coast between the towns of Portland in south-west Victoria and Robe in the south-east of South Australia.

The upwelling of Antarctic water drops the surface temperature by several degrees and turns those waters frantic with life.

The chill tide, packed with nutrients, hits the surface in a wild flourish of photosynthesis, microscopic phytoplankton exploding and feeding great clouds of krill.

It is so important to a fishing town like Portland that its biggest annual event is called the Upwelling Festival. 

Fish swarm, seabirds wheel and dive, penguins and dolphins fly beneath the waves, crayfish scuttle and seals frolic.

And all those billions of krill, tiny crustaceans, prove irresistible to the greatest creatures that have ever lived upon the the Earth: blue whales.

A single adult blue whale, so big its tongue can weigh as much as an elephant, its heart the size of a Volkswagen, eats three or four tonnes of krill every day off the Bonney coast during the upwelling.

Here is a rhythm that renders the restless doings of humans insignificant.

If you were of a romantic mind – and who isn't from time to time? – you might imagine the upwelling as a surging attempt by the separated continents of Antarctica and  Australia to reach out and rejoin.

Indeed, the upwelling occurs between Portland and Robe because this stretch of coast is closer to the continental slope – about 20 kilometres – than any other in mainland Australia. The continental slope, falling away to the depths, is where the Australian continent finally tore itself free of Antarctica 30 million years ago.

Whatever the romance of it, science began working out what has been happening along the Bonney Coast only during the 1960s.

Come late October/early November, the wind shifts to blow along the shore from the south-east. The wind is strong enough to skim the warm surface of the ocean westwards and, through a process known as Ekman Transport, 90 degrees out to sea.

This is the moment the Antarctic waters, deep down, have been waiting for.

They begin rushing up through the canyons of the continental slope to fill the space left vacant by the force of the south-easterlies.

And the blue whales know.

They surf the upwelling in quest of a feast.

Since almost 400,000 blue whales were slaughtered between 1900 and the 1960s, they have remained endangered, perhaps only 10,000 or so left, their lives something of a mystery.

No more than 20 feeding grounds for these huge creatures have been identified worldwide.

The area of the Bonney Upwelling is one of only two feeding grounds known in Australia – the other is the Perth Canyon off the West Australian coast.

Dr Peter Gill awaits the upwelling at his home in the bush not far from the coast near Portland. He is the chief executive and chief research scientist of the Blue Whale Study, an organisation dedicated to unravelling the mysteries of the greatest cetaceans.

Gill discovered the Bonney coast feeding ground in 1998, and has never lost his fascination.

About four years ago, his research paid off in a way that still enthralls him: spotting from a small plane, he counted an astonishing 70 blue whales off the Great Ocean Road in a single day. The upwelling had called them to their annual banquet.

He got a call this week from an acquaintance informing him that a mother and her calf had been spotted off Cape Bridgewater, a few kilometres west of Portland.

The annual rhythm of the upwelling, in short, was under way.

Right on time.

Much of the world awaits, its heart in its throat, for the outcome of an election next week that will decide whether a dangerous bozo will lead the most powerful nation on Earth, with consequent knock-on effects to nations including our own.

In times like this it is worth reminding ourselves that though the likes of Donald Trump might come and go, the sun will always come up tomorrow, which means vastly more.

And yes.

Every year the cold deep waters of Antarctica will erupt just down our coast, and the greatest creatures ever to exist on Earth will return to feast on clouds of the tiniest crustaceans.

Call it a miracle if you wish. It's near unbelievable. But it's true.

