SBS is looking for participants for a unique upcoming documentary series.
8 Aug 2016 - 10:31 AM  UPDATED 4 Nov 2016 - 2:23 PM

Is there a painful rift between you and a family member?

Have you grown distant from a friend you used to care about?

Has a close relationship ended and you don’t know how to move on?

SBS are looking for people who genuinely want to reconcile after years apart to participate in a compelling new TV documentary series.

Click HERE to apply now. 

A component of the new program is based off the theory that four minutes of interrupted eye contact can increase intimacy between two people.Amnesty International Poland and the Polish ad agency DDB&Tribal produced a video entitled Look Beyond Borders. It applied the theory, developed by psychologist Arthur Aron in 1997, to the refugee crisis, sitting refugees from Syria and Somalia opposite people from Belgium, Italy, Germany, Poland and the UK, with overwhelmingly positive results. 

“It takes a heart of stone to watch this video without shedding a tear. Today, when the world appears rife with division and conflict, it is always worthwhile to look at everything from another person’s perspective. Too often, what gets lost in the numbers and headlines is the suffering of actual people, who, like us, have families, friends, their own stories, dreams and goals. What if we stopped for just a moment and looked at who they really are?” asked Draginja Nadażdin, Director of Amnesty International Poland.

Look Me in the Eye is produced by Endemol Shine for SBS.