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From the Food desk

Our coverage of what's happening on plates locally and around the world.

Paola Abraini has been carrying on the tradition of making su Filindeu for over 40 years and is one of just ten people around the world who know how to do it.
The new site is expected to be double the size and attract twice as many visitors.
Italian woman Emma Morano, who turns 117 later this month, has eaten the same thing every day since she was 20 years old.
How many cups of tea does it take to change a light bulb? Just kidding.
They're deliciously moreish morsels with an international pedigree.


From Nov 6 - 12 it's Australian Food Safety Week! The theme is 'Raw and risky foods' so here's a few things to think about.

We've all done it. Opened a can of food, and, rather than storing or disposing of whatever is left, just put the can straight into the fridge. But is this dangerous?...
Not quite as gross as it sounds.
Highly-poisonous botulinum toxin (the stuff in Botox), played a formidable role in the history of food and warfare. It is still a factor in food today, and can...
You may think you're being more healthy and savings savvy by bringing leftovers to work the next day, but there are risks associated with reheating some foods....
This time of year, most fridges are stocked up with food and drinks to share with family and friends. Let’s not make ourselves and our guests sick by getting...

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