There are posters and a video criticising women applying makeup on public transport.
Sarah Norton

4 Nov 2016 - 11:04 AM  UPDATED 4 Nov 2016 - 11:09 AM

A new transport campaign in Japan is calling women, who apply makeup during their commute, "Mittomonai" ("ugly to see"). It has been deemed - by some - as going a step too far.

Tokyu Corporation – that owns multiple railway lines around Tokyo – has put up posters inside trains implicating that women who put makeup on during their commute are “undignified.”

They have also made a 30-second online video commercial that shows a woman dancing in the faces of other women who are applying makeup on a train. The dancer is clearly unimpressed.

Many people have commented under the video on YouTube.

“How’s this an issue big enough to warrant an awareness video?” one commenter asked.

"This commercial is so aggressive. Women should put makeup [on] if they want!!" another wrote.

The campaign isn’t just targeting women’s makeup habits. There are other videos targeting impolite commuting behaviour such as pushing through other passengers and being disrespectful with luggage in tow.

In Japan eating or drinking on a train is generally frowned upon, as is speaking on your mobile phone. Some people believe putting on your makeup is in a similar annoyance category, but not everyone agrees.

Public transport in Japan often use campaigns to promote good manners for commuters.

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