- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 463
Physical Review Letters (PRL), established in 1958, is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal that is published 52 times per year by the American Physical Society. As also confirmed by various measurement standards, which include the Journal Citation Reports impact factor and the journal h-index proposed by Google Scholar, many physicists and other scientists consider Physical Review Letters one of the most prestigious journals in the field of physics.
PRL is published as a print journal, and is in electronic format, online and CD-ROM. Its focus is rapid dissemination of significant, or notable, results of fundamental research on all topics related to all fields of physics. This is accomplished by rapid publication of short reports, called "Letters". Papers are published and available electronically one article at a time. When published in such a manner, the paper is available to be cited by other work. The new Leading Editor is Pierre Meystre. The Managing Editor is Reinhardt B. Schuhmann.
APS TV spoke to the Pierre Meystre , Editor of Physical Review Letters, a premier journal covering all kinds of physics - about the selection process, and where distribution is going in our digital future.
APS TV conducts an interview with Daniel Ucko, the Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters.
Samindranath Mitra, editor at Physical Review Letters. He handles papers on mainly transport properties in semiconductors, 2D materials, and mesoscopic systems.
Physical Review Letters Physical Review Letters (PRL), established in 1958, is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal that is published 52 times per year by the American Physical Society.As also confirmed by various measurement standards, which include the Journal Citation Reports impact factor and the journal h-index proposed by Google Scholar, many physicists and other scientists consider Physical Review Letters one of the most prestigious journals in the field of physics. -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paTVbd2kv8E
Born on Manhattan Island in 1929, Murray Gell-Mann is a theoretical physicist. His considerable contributions to physics include the theory of quantum chromodynamics. He was awarded the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the theory of elementary particles. TRANSCRIPT: I proposed the quarks in a letter to the Physical Rev... no, to Physical Review... no, not the Physical Review… [Q] Physics Letters... Physics Letters, to Physics Letters. See, I had no objection to publishing in a European journal. I had had so many problems with letters to the Physical Review and Physical Review Letters that I didn't really like to publish there at all. I still don't very much. [Q] Do you want to tell any stories about that as an interlude, while we're on it, because that's a very sensitive su...
Nafarroko Unibertsitarearen ikertzaileak lan bat Physical Review Letters aldizkarian argitaratzen dute.
- By: Samindranath Mitra, Editor, Physical Review Letters - Date: 2014-10-23 14:30:00 - Description: How do its editors determine which papers to publish in PRL? What guidelines would be helpful to you as an author and a referee? Why should you submit your work to us? How are journals in general and PRL in particular reorienting amid increasing challenges in the landscape of physics publications? I plan to address these and related issues, including a few changes we're implementing, during my presentation.
Born on Manhattan Island in 1929, Murray Gell-Mann is a theoretical physicist. His considerable contributions to physics include the theory of quantum chromodynamics. He was awarded the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the theory of elementary particles. TRANSCRIPT: I wrote the letter to the Physical Review about what I didn't yet call strangeness. I did call it that privately but I didn't call it that in the… in the letter. But I did call the letter something like 'Isotopic Spin and Strange Particles.' Well, the Physical Review had a lot of problems with my letter. First of all they didn't like strange particles or curious particles or peculiar particles; they wanted new unstable particles because that was more pompous. Then their reviewer had terrible problems with the idea t...
A possible fifth force of nature has been discovered with the identification of a previous unknown subatomic particle found while researchers were trying to find dark matter. The research at the University of California, Irvine, published last week in the science journal Physical Review Letters, was done by theoretical physicists that built on a 2015 study by nuclear physicists at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. "If true, it's revolutionary," said Jonathan Feng, professor of physics and astronomy at the university. "For decades, we've known of four fundamental forces: gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. "If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe, with conse...
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Ну собственнр говоря теперь в замке оказались-в самой длинной локации. И тут раздача пинков поуменьшится, лазер пошёл в дело)) Но в любом случае, пинки будут часто встречатся, просто меньше чем в деревне)
-9 de agosto de 2016 -13 hrs. -Auditorio Marcos Moshinsky, ICN-UNAM -Dr. Adam Szczepaniak (Univ. de Indiana/Jefferson Lab) Información: Conferenciante: Adam Szczepaniak. Institución: Universidad de Indiana y Jefferson Lab. Fecha: 29 de agosto de 2016 a las 13:00. Título: Particle physics on the cloud and the rebirth of hadron physics. Resumen: Last few years brought in spectacular new discoveries and advances in strong interaction physics, from discovery of the quark-gluon superfluid in collisions of heavy ions to possible evidence of matter made out of radiation, the so called hybrid mesons. At the core of these lies the theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the most elegant yet mysterious theory known to mankind. I will discuss current directions in spectroscopy of hadrons and what i...
Физики из Германии раскрыли секрет формирования природных шестиугольных колонн Дороги гигантов на северо-востоке Ирландии и Башни Дьявола в штате Вайоминг в США. Результаты своих исследований ученые опубликовали в журнале Physical Review Letters, а кратко с ними можно ознакомиться на сайте Science News. Башня Дьявола представляет собой природный памятник вулканического происхождения высотой более 1,5 тысячи метров (от уровня моря). Дорога гигантов также имеет вулканическое происхождение. Оба объекта в основном представляют собой совокупность базальтовых колонн, имеющих, как правило, шестиугольную форму. В своей работе немецкие ученые смоделировали условия остывания вулканической лавы и показали, каким образом колонны в США и Ирландии приняли свою форму. Для этого ученые проследили за дин...
Что такое квантовый компьютер? Возможно ли его создать? И какие задачи он сможет решать? Обо всём этом в научном кафе "Эврика!" рассказал научный сотрудник Института физики полупроводников им. А. В. Ржанова СО РАН Илья Бетеров. Илья Бетеров — выпускник физфака НГУ, к.ф.-м.н. Область научных интересов: физика высоковозбужденных атомов с целью приложения к квантовой информатике. Участник экспериментов, проводимых на единственной в России экспериментальной установке, где реализованы лазерное охлаждение и исследования атомов в высоковозбужденном состоянии. Ему принадлежат оригинальные схемы детерминированного возбуждения одиночных атомов и квантовых логических операций с мезоскопическими атомными ансамблями. Автор более 30 работ в журналах, индексируемых в базе данных Web of Science. С 2013 г...
Dr. Divine Kumah, Department of Applied Physics , Yale University The strong interplay between the structure and the physical properties of transition metal complex oxides allows the engineering of their functional properties by tuning their atomic scale structure. Engineering these structural properties requires precise atomic-scale synthesis control achieved using molecular beam epitaxy and advanced techniques to characterize atomic arrangements with picometer-scale resolution achieved using novel synchrotron-based diffraction techniques. We show how this approach is applied to achieve two-dimensional electronic conductivity and an orbital polarization in nickelate heterostructures. [1, 2, 3, 4] We use a combined synchrotron-based experimental approach and first principles theory to i...