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Dictatorship and relativism

What sense does it make to speak of a “dictatorship of relativism? I discuss the point in Catholic World Report.


When love, mercy, and dignity lose their meaning

My new piece at Crisis Magazine deals with the Christian and the secular liberal understandings of those things.


More on marginalization and its paradoxes

Once more I discuss marginalization at Crisis Magazine, this time with an emphasis on its inevitability and its growth under a regime of global inclusiveness.


Norms, abnormality, and false liberation

I have a column in the current Catholic World Report on the effects of normalizing sexual oddity.


The technocratic war on traditional identities

Such is the title of my latest column over at Catholic World Report.


In praise of exclusion and marginalization

I have a piece on some such topic over at Crisis Magazine.


Liberalism vs the good

There’s an interview with me on that topic over at The Ordeal of Consciousness.


Brexit, Trump, and identity

That’s the topic of my latest column in Catholic World Report. There are cracks in the post-identitarian global order, and it’s driving people bonkers.


What to do in odd circumstances

I talk about American Catholics, the Benedict Option, and the Overton window in my latest piece at Catholic World Report.


Beyond populism

I have a piece in the August issue of Chronicles about what’s needed in view of the populist upsurge symbolized by Trump’s rise and most recently Brexit.


For the restoration of reason and reality

Current in Crisis Magazine: my piece on restoring sanity in an age that disintegrates thought.


When should we ignore tradition?

My most recent piece in Catholic World Report suggests grounds for ignoring tradition.


More Thoughts on a Pastoral Church

My June piece at Crisis Magazine discusses why current ways of speaking about the matter don’t make a lot of sense.


Rights and choice as supreme standards

Crisis Magazine has something I wrote on the topic.


Tradition: its necessity and discontents

My current column at Catholic World Report goes into those issues.


Liberalism as a religion

I discuss the religion of liberalism at Sydney Traditionalist Forum.


People still read Sartre!

A lecturer and adjunct professor of philosophy in Ohio has commented on a column on natural law I published recently at Catholic World Report (republished at Crisis).

He’s an existentialist whose great heroes are Sartre and Beauvoir, so he doesn’t think much of it.


Podcast with Tom Woods

I was a guest on Tom Woods’s podcast yesterday, discussing my book The Tyranny of Liberalism.


Pieces published elsewhere

I’ve been busy, and haven’t been adding links to new items published at other sites. I think these will bring me up to date:


Liberalism, conservatism, and Catholicism

I explore the differences and connections among the three tendencies in my latest piece at Crisis Magazine.



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