Monday, 14 November 2016

Refugee Camp or Aged Care Facility

The Australian Government agreed under Prime Minister Tony Abbot to take in thousands of refugees from Syria. His successor Malcolm Turnbull has agreed that approximately 150 can be housed in an Aged Care Facility in Eltham. Eltham is a very leafy, middle class suburb, well known for being the favourite suburb for Teachers and for it's arts and crafts, including the artists colony at Montsalvat.  Into this mix the Australian Government has said it will bring in 150 Syrian Muslim women and children.

This is a terrible idea, but to show how terrible an idea this is I will assume that everything the Government and those on the Left has said about the Refugees is true. We have been told that only the most vulnerable of the Refugees will be housed here and that they will be women and children.

Firstly a community made up of only women and children is entirely artificial. Children need Fathers and women want Husbands and lovers, they want male companionship. There is nothing unnatural or unusual about this, in fact exactly the opposite. So if their male family members are brought to Australia how long will it be before they make their way to Eltham?

An Aged Care Facility is a place for the Elderly to rest after a life of work and family. They deserve that. But instead they will subjected to children. Children are lovely, joyful, playful, loud and demanding, they all of those things. But here in this place of rest they will hear babies crying, toddlers screaming and children being loud. Non of is unnatural or unexpected but this is is in no way consistent with the needs of an Aged Care Facility.

One thing that the Elderly are quite famous for is their resistance to change, they have lived a long time and they are set in their ways. Now they must not only adjust to a large group of people, but to a group who do not share their language, religion or culture. They are alien to each other in every sense. Now some will argue that they will get used to each other, but that misses the point, they should never have been put in this situation in the first place.

Another question that hasn't been answered is how old will these children be? 10, 12, 15, 18 or if Europe is anything to go by 36? It makes a big difference. Teenagers, particularly teenagers without male authority, tend to cause trouble. It's one of the things teenagers do without much effort. When they put effort into causing trouble things can become very serious. We have no idea about the age of these children nor do we know how long they will be here. A child of 10 today is 14 in 4 years time. Will they still be here in 4 years?

No one knows.

There are so many things wrong with this Refugee policy, but this list is long enough. If anything goes wrong remember the Australian Government is to blame because they allowed this to happen.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Left or Social Liberalism

Saturday, 12 November 2016

The Forty-Fourth Month

This month was a very good month, it was my third best month ever!

But first of all I would like to Congratulate my American readers for voting for Mr. Trump, I am very jealous.

In October I had exactly 3200 visitors, which means that on most days I had over 100 visitors each day. My worst day in the past month was the 15th October when I had 46 visitors, my only day under 50. My best day was the 6th November when I had 219 visitors. As I said a very good month.

I also had two links, one for The Middle Ages And Our Future from A Thrifty Homemaker and another for How To Abuse Children For Fun And Profit from Another Politically Incorrect Blog. Thank you for the links they are much appreciated.

My Australian numbers are nearly double what they were last month, which I'm really happy about. For the first time since May 2013 the United States is not the top country, Australia has reclaimed that spot!

I also had 200 German visitors in one day and 35 from Saudi Arabia on another day. The rest are more spread out.

United States
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia

United States
United Kingdom

Australia has nearly doubled as have Germany and the United Kingdom.

The United States is slightly higher.

Ireland is basically the same.

France and Canada are down.

India, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia are in the top 10.

While, Poland, Brazil and China have left.

I have also received visitors from the following countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, Greece, Romania, the Ukraine, Russia, Lebanon, Israel, U.A.E., India, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, South Africa, New Zealand, Mexico, Belize, Brazil, Peru, 

I thank you fore visiting and I hope to see you again.
Mark Moncrieff

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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The Nineteenth Month

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Melbourne Traditionalists in December, 2016

On Monday the 5th December at 6:30pm, the Melbourne Traditionalists will be meeting up again. It has become a regular fixture in our calendar, a chance to get together with like minded people. We talk about how crazy the world is, we have a laugh, we eat and have a drink, all in very pleasant surroundings.

If your in Melbourne, Australia and you'd like to attend please send me an email at uponhopeblog (AT)

Guiding Principles of the Melbourne Traditionalists

1. Loyalty to the Crown of Australia

2. Loyalty to our British and Western heritage

3. Loyalty to the family, Husband and Wife, Mother and Father and their children

4. Opposition to Liberalism, Right Liberalism, Left Liberalism and Feminism

5. Opposition to the destruction of White Australians, opposed to Multiculturalism, Mass Immigration and Diversity

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Why I Have Unlinked From the Thinking Housewife

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Report From the Eltham Rally

In the last two days my post letting people know about the Eltham Rally, that took place today, has been viewed 198 times and in the last 24 hours I have had 124 visitors to the site from Australia. Which I think is a record, so the interest is there.

Today I went to the Eltham Rally to show my opposition to putting Syrians and Iraqi's into an Aged Care Facility in Eltham. The rally was held at Andrews Park which is right next to the Railway Station and within view of the Judge Brook Aged Care Facility. Even before I arrived the traffic was backed up into the next suburb. I later found out that was because the Police had blocked off the main street in Eltham so that the Left could have their rally. So I had to park quite some distance from the Park.

I walked to the Park and saw that the Police were out in force and there was no sign of the Left. I got lost as I went the wrong way and then couldn't find the underpass under the railway tracks, but that only wasted about 10 minutes so no real problem. As we got closer to the rally I saw that there were a few Leftists, maybe 10 or so on one side of some tennis courts. They didn't say or do anything. Then I came across the first Police line, I was asked if I was going to the Rally and when I said yes they let me through. The same happened at a second Police line. It was clear that the Police have learnt to keep the two sides apart.

The Rally was late in starting as we waited for The True Blue Crew to arrive. They arrived with massed Australian flags and loud cheering, it was a great way to start off the Rally. There were about 200 people in attendance, some came a long way, from the Southern Suburbs of Melbourne, from Mildura and Bairnsdale in country Victoria, we even had people fly in from Sydney. Having said that the majority came from Melbourne and I'd say about 10% were Eltham locals.

The Australian Party For Freedom ran the Rally and it's leader Nick Folkes was the MC. He introduced each speaker and in doing so basically gave his own speech, which I thought worked quite well. There were around 6 speakers, each had their own way of talking about the issue as well as letting people know about the broader issues. One was of particular interest, a local spoke and told how he had been harassed by the Left who had found out where he lived and knocked on his door at all hours of the night to intimidate him. The Left sure are tolerant!

The only harassment from the Left today was one guy yelling out, who was quickly moved on by Police and some chanting which we could barely hear. In total I saw maybe 30 Leftists and that was in total. The Police as I said were out in force, maybe 40 uniformed Police, another dozen mounted Police and a further 20 riot police( although there called something else) in their robocop armour. What all this proves is that while the Police have gotten better at keeping the two sides apart, they have absolutely no idea what either side is up too. The amount of Police was way out of proportion, although I did notice that the Police made an effort to have friendly relations with the organisers, I have no idea if that was the case with the Left or not.

After the Rally I helped pack up and then we went to the Eltham Hotel to have a drink and a chat. Quite a few went and I spoke to a number of people who are as committed as ever to fight on, it's such a good feeling to see some real fighting spirit. Speaking of which I spoke to one of the founders of The True Blue Crew and asked him about how they started. He told me that they were sick of seeing the Left attack people at Rallies and that he thought a group of young men who weren't going to take any rubbish was what the movement needed, I think he was spot on. The Coburg Rally in late May proved that when the Left tried to shut down a United Patriots Front Rally through violence and failed. Since then the Left has avoided our Rallies.

There were also about 10 or so Journalists, mostly freelancers and one Channel 7 TV crew and one from SBS, the Multicultural Station. I was asked by one freelancer if I would do an interview on camera but I said no, he was polite and moved on. I think talking to the media is a mistake, they prove each and every time that they are our enemy. Although I have seen some at a few Rallies and some even came to the Eltham Hotel and drank with us. In case the Left turned up? I have no idea, although everyone was friendly enough. While at the Hotel we even had a visit from the local Police who came down to say hello and to make sure everything was alright, again the Police are making a real effort to build bridges.

When I got home I knew that the Rally would be on the Channel 7 news, it was the lead story. Sometimes the News is neutral, most times it's not. This one sure wasn't neutral, it was very much on the side of the Left. It showed footage of the Lefts march through Eltham and their estimate of around 200 seemed about right. They didn't show any of the Rally, even though they were there I was less than a metre away from them at one point. They showed The True Blue Crew arriving and a verbal exchange between two people. It was quite pathetic really. Later on in the broadcast the United Patriots Front was featured when a story came up about changing the racial vilification laws. The report was mentioned because some Politicians want them abolished, but that wasn't the impression Channel 7 gave. No their idea was to use pictures to show a UPF Rally and imply that they are very much needed, the propaganda from the Media never ceases.

I know more Rallies are planned for 2017, I for one plan to be attending and if your at home thinking you should be doing something to protect our future, get out there and start fighting!

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Multiculturalism And Mass Immigration I

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Eltham Rally 5th November 2016

If your in Melbourne Australia this coming Saturday, 5th November come along to the rally in Eltham. The rally is being held to protest the Governments decision to bring in 10,000 Syrians and to put around 100 of them into an Aged Care Facility. The Facility is now owned by the St Vincent De Paul Society, a Catholic charity. The Judge Brook Memorial Village was bequeathed by the late Judge Brook and was only for people aged 65 years or older. But neither the Government nor the St. Vincent De Paul Society will say exactly how many Syrians and what age they will be, although they have hinted that they will house women and children there. Even if that is true it still isn't good enough.

The rally starts at 12pm (Midday) in Andrews Park in Eltham.

Facebook Event

You might think that this is an issue that doesn't affect you, but once this is done here it will be done right across the country. So why is a charity so keen to put up these Syrians? Because the ever generous taxpayer will fund it all and modern charities love free money!

And just to rub salt into the wounds St. Vincent de Paul, was captured by Barbary pirates and kept as a slave by Muslims for two years.

I hope to see you there as I will be.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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 Taxes, Budgets and the Economy

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Affordable Housing, How Do We Get Back To It?

Today throughout the Western world we have the issue of housing affordability, houses are expensive and becoming more expensive. This didn't happen overnight, it has been growing for decades. And our "Leaders" put up all kind of schemes to bring things under control but non of them work...or ever will.

They have tried tax breaks and in Australia they even gave out a first home buyers grant of $10,000. They have tried releasing more land, good agricultural land, to be paved over for housing, they have even tried high rise living. But non of it has worked because each of these ideas is based on the very Liberal idea that every problem is an economic one. There are a number of reasons why house prices have increased and they do not really want to fix any of them because at heart the real problem is Liberalism itself.

What are the issues?


Two Income Families


Foreign "Inventment"

Right Liberal Economics

Lets look at each in turn:

As society has become atomised, as people are denied the ability to form permanent relationships with the opposite sex, then there is a requirement for smaller housing and more of it. Instead of a family of 5 living in the same house, we now need a number of houses to accommodate the same number. More housing, more cost.

With both men and women working, households that remain together have much more income to spend on housing. And everyone knows it, so prices have gone up, nothing complex there, if more money exists then prices go up to get a bigger slice of that money.

Added to this are Foreigners who immigrate into a country. They need somewhere to live and that means more housing, ever more housing. More housing and up goes the price.

Then we have Foreigners who never even arrive in the country, but their money does. It's called Foreign "Investment", but "Investing" in housing only increases the price as it increases demand. So why would Foreigners be interested in owning housing in another country? For two reasons, first of all property in the West is protected, it's very hard, although not impossible, to take someones property away from them. That is not true in non Western countries, in many countries property is only protected if your powerful or if you have powerful friends, but at any time it can be taken from you. To protect themselves people who can buy property in the West. Secondly it gives them ties to a country so if they want to immigrate they can point out that they have ties to the country as they own property.

And last but not least is the often bizarre economic ideas of Liberalism. Liberalism believes that there should be little to no restrictions on the movement of people, goods or money. It also believes in the autonomous individual, that society is made up of random individuals all going about there separate business. So Liberalism is happy that families are not together, because they believe in individuals not in families. They support immigration and Foreign "Investment". Why? Because it grows the economy and growth is the holy grail of Liberal economics. Nothing is higher or more important. It is this growth that is the poison and until this obsession is fixed then nothing will get better.

So if we want to make housing more affordable what would need to be done?

The best would be to do all of these things, but even some of them would help greatly.

1. Help men get and keep jobs, because it encourages marriage and family

2. Encourage marriage and family

3. Help keep families together

4. Stop immigration

5. Either stop any Foreigner from owning property or allow a reciprocal agreement whereby only countries that allow your citizens to own property can buy property in your country.

6. Discourage people from owning multiple houses as this forces prices up. It would also allow more people to own their own home instead of renting.

All or any of these would help bring house prices under control. Of course it would not happen overnight but within a decade housing could be brought under control. Pricing could be returned to a more sustainable level. Money spent on housing is dead money, it does not grow wealth, it grows debt.

Upon Hope - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Friday, 28 October 2016

Why Do Children Need Parents?

Conservatives have always said that Liberalism would destroy the Family. Today we can see the destruction for ourselves. We live in a time when people talk about children having three parents as if it's no big deal. It would be a rare person in the West who didn't know someone who was divorced or a child who was born out of wedlock. The Family which has existed for as long as human knowledge allows us to know is being destroyed right before our eyes. The times we live in are so bad that I feel I should put in writing a defence of why children need parents.

The times we live in are so bad I need to define the Family, the Family is not artificial, it is natural. The Family is a biological grouping, biological Father, biological Mother with their offspring, that is the Family. Any time the Family is defined as something else, that definition is wrong, it is that simple. Now in my experience someone will then bring up adoption, but Conservative's understand something that everyone seems very eager to forget and that is that an adoption is a tragedy. It means that a child has for whatever reason lost their parents and now must be cared for by someone else. Family is a celebration of life and the future, it is not a tragedy nor is it artificial.

Children have a right to be raised by their own parents and only death, illness or some other grave misfortune should change that. Only in the most extreme of circumstances should a parent and child be separated. A child should be raised by both a Mother and a Father because each parent provides things that only their sex can provide. Together they can combine their time, effect, resources, intellect and patience. Together they can rely on each other's strengths to cover the others weakness. Each brings something different to parenting.

Children need Mothers, Mothers pay attention to the little things, they look after the day to day as well as the minute to minute things that need to be done. They know all the little things that are important, who likes what and who, what time everything needs to be done. Mothers provide a loving and secure environment, looking after the physical and emotional needs of their children. They have the empathy that helps build a child's emotional future.

When things are put like that it makes it seem as if Fathers aren't really required, but.

Children need Fathers. Fathers don't pay much attention to the little things, instead they expand a child's world. They provide an environment in which children feel safe, a child looks at their Father as the biggest and strongest man in the world, who wouldn't feel safe living with such a man? Fathers push their children and expose them to new experiences and to a wider world. A world of laughter and teasing, of physical contests and of discipline.

Mothers teach softness, Fathers teach toughness, we need both.  

Now not all parents live up to these standards, people are of course individuals but in the main most parents do live up to these standards. Conservatives do not seek a perfect world with perfect people, what we want is for people to have the best life available to them. Of course people argue, of course they fight, of course they are nasty. Non of that is surprising, thats real life, because we understand that people are not perfect. But we do not need to reinvent the Family, it is not perfect nothing is but that doesn't mean it is not best, because it is best, the way nature intended.

Upon Hope - A Traditional Conservative Future
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