ABS Release Advice  
Latest ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 04/11/2016 Released Today  

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Catalogue NumberTitle

Friday 4 November 2016
8501.0Retail Trade, Australia, September 2016
Contains monthly estimates of turnover for retail establishments. Trend, seasonally adjusted and original estimates are included for industry groups and states and Australia in current price terms. More detailed current price data classified by state and industry sub group are available from the downloads tab on the ABS website

Monday 7 November 2016
Replacement Content
Australian System of National Accounts, 2015-16
This replacement contains corrected data in Table 72. Unit Labour Costs: GDP per hour worked - Nominal - Non-farm and GDP per hour worked - Real - Non-farm. This is due to a correction in the calculation of this data. This does not impact any other tables.
7218.0.55.001Livestock and Meat, Australia, September 2016
This publication presents statistics on livestock slaughterings and meat production. These statistics are based on a monthly collection from abattoirs and other major slaughtering establishments and include estimates of animals slaughtered by country butchers and other small slaughtering establishments. More detailed information on this series can be obtained by referring to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) quarterly publication, Livestock Products, Australia (cat. no. 7215.0). Additional time series spreadsheets containing state/territory and national data are available from the Downloads tab for this publication. These spreadsheets contain original, seasonally adjusted and trend estimates for slaughtering and meat production for bulls, bullocks and steers, cows and heifers, cattle (excluding calves), calves, sheep, lambs and pigs.

Tuesday 8 November 2016
3301.0Births, Australia, 2015
Contains statistics on live births and fertility for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions, based on calendar year of registration data. Information on characteristics of the child include place of usual residence, sex, Indigenous status, and age, marital status and country of birth of parents.
Additional Information
Building Approvals, Australia, September 2016
These data cubes present Building Approvals data for small geographic areas.

Wednesday 9 November 2016
5372.0.55.001International Merchandise Trade: Confidential Commodities List, October 2016
The Confidential Commodities List (CCL) details all import and export commodities which have been subjected to confidentiality restrictions since 1 January 1988. Also included is a description of the information contained in the CCL and some details about the impact of confidentiality restrictions on ABS merchandise trade output.

Thursday 10 November 2016
3401.0Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, September 2016
The monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) publication contains statistics on the travel movements of persons arriving in, and departing from, Australia. The focus of this publication is to provide information and analysis of short-term movements (i.e. less than one year), in particular short-term visitor arrivals (STVA) and short-term resident departures (STRD). Statistics on permanent and long-term movements (i.e. one year or more) are also available, however, permanent and long-term movements in this publication are not an appropriate source for migration statistics. For information on Net Overseas Migration (NOM) refer to Migration, Australia (cat. no. 3412.0) and for quarterly NOM data Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0).
5609.0Housing Finance, Australia, September 2016
Contains time series data for secured and unsecured housing finance commitments for owner occupation, commitments for construction or purchase of dwellings for rent or resale, and loan outstandings to individuals/households for housing. For secured housing finance for owner occupation, this publication presents the number and value of commitments made by banks, permanent building societies, wholesale lenders n.e.c. and other lenders, provided to individuals/households. These commitments are classified by construction of dwellings, the purchase of new and established dwellings, the refinancing of existing dwellings and alterations and additions to dwellings.
6226.0Participation, Job Search and Mobility, Australia, February 2016
This survey will inform on the following broad labour market issues - Labour force participation potential, underemployment and marginal attachment. as well as job search experience and labour mobility. This information can be cross classified by characteristics such as duration of job search, last job details, hours worked, industry and occupation as well as personal characteristics.
First Issue
Microdata: Participation, Job Search and Mobility, Australia, 2016
This microdata release will inform on the following broad labour market issues - Labour force participation potential, underemployment and marginal attachment, as well as job search experience and labour mobility. This information can be cross classified by characteristics such as duration of job search, last job details, hours worked, industry and occupation as well as personal characteristics.

Friday 11 November 2016
No scheduled releases today.