

Demolition of the Corkman Hotel is just the tip of the iceberg

Just east of Yarra Bend Park, on the gentle slope of a quiet hill, there hangs in its frame an antique school bell, seemingly suspended mid-swing by a heavy coat of paint.

Alongside the bell, equally frozen in time, are the last vestiges of a European cottage system consisting of an 1887 school and chapel building and its two timeworn siblings – a dining hall and a cottage designed for housing children with mild intellectual disabilities. Historians have come to regard the site as an example of extraordinary Victorian innovation, and one of high national significance.

The new homes built on the Kew Cottages site, photographed in 2002.
The new homes built on the Kew Cottages site, photographed in 2002. Photo: Michael Clayton Jones

The three buildings and the bell have been lucky to survive one of the more controversial chapters of the state's recent political history – the privatisation of an enormous tract of public inner Melbourne land, formerly known as the Kew Cottages. The result was a spanking new estate of three hundred or so almost identical low density luxury homes, developed by the Walker corporation in a rocketing property market, and referred to by some as the tissue box houses.

When the project was launched in 2005, the schoolhouse, dining room and cottage were promised to the public as community resources. While complaining at the time of development dollars being lost to the preservation of the buildings, the former Bracks government claimed the moral victory of striking "the right balance between preserving the heritage values of the site and delivering better services for people with disability".

For more than 10 years now, the community has been deprived of a valuable resource. A local group known as the Kew Cottages Coalition have pleaded for the buildings to be used for childcare, conservation and a cafeteria. Contrary to previous government promises of consultation, however, public voices have largely been sidelined

Recently, the Walker Corporation's contract was recently extended by the Andrews government, and some locals are again concerned that the cultural significance of the site will be concealed. New planning applications propose alterations to the buildings that appeal residential in their nature, including the addition of garages and fences. Whether this would conform with the government's own Cultural Heritage Asset Management Principles is debateable.


In Parliament last month, the Shadow Minister for Planning, David Davis, appealed passionately on behalf of the Boroondara Council to prevent the public's historic buildings being handed over to the Walker Corporation. In the meantime, wire fences have been erected around the site and bricks and tiles have begun to fly. Work commenced with the demolition of a later addition to the children's cottage.

It remains to be seen whether the Minister for Planning, Richard Wynn will get involved – only last week he was interviewed with steam coming out of his ears in front of the rubble of The Corkman Hotel, so perhaps there is some hope.

All of this proves what many of us have known for some time – that the heritage protection system has not kept up with the evolving needs of the community. The appalling demolition of The Corkman Hotel is just the tip of an iceberg. While millions of construction-boom dollars continue to flow into the heritage consultancy industry, heritage authorities remain for the most part toothless and too under-resourced to monitor or respond to the steady flow of permit breaches.

As Melbourne's population density inevitably increases – as it ethically must – material resources are being placed under increasing pressure. Public infrastructural and cultural spaces like that of the historic Kew Cottage buildings are rarely seen in new urban landscapes. Such spaces are mainstays of socialisation and wellbeing. But the heritage protection system often either fails to recognise the public dimension of historic architecture and landscapes, or ignores the right of the community to have future access to the significant structures of its past.

The hawking of a public assets like the deeply historic Kew Cottages buildings constitutes the rejection of a golden opportunity for heritage protection and the enrichment of the community – all for the sake of a few dream homes that are unlikely to be affordable for most of the Melburnians who are trying to break into the housing market.

The time is ripe for us to reassess heritage laws and their administration, with the best interests of the community to be given priority over exclusive or private development.

Jefferson Kinsman is a lecturer at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.


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