[ The Age ]

The US election is rigged, and here's the proof

Date: November 6 2016

Paul McGeough

The election is rigged – 11 points of proof:

1. Cussing and swearing: US President Barack Obama defends the rights of a Trump protester at an Obama rally – and Trump hectors Obama for "screaming" at his guy. What the President actually did was to quiet the crowd, telling them to respect the protester's free speech; his military service, implied by his garb; and the old bugger's age. But that's how it goes in a post-factual era – on Saturday Trump was defending one of his local advisers in Florida who took social media heat for referring to Hillary Clinton as a 'c---'; and at the same time denouncing hip-hop star Jay Z for using the F-word and the N-word while performing at a Clinton rally.

President Barack Obama was heckled for his comments directed at a Trump voter.

President Barack Obama was heckled for his comments directed at a Trump voter. Photo: AP

2. Damned activist judges: Ohio judge orders Trump campaign not to attempt to intimidate voters with its "watch" and "monitor" efforts, which it says are intended to thwart voter fraud, which does not exist in the US. But courts elsewhere are addressing official electoral fraud head on: in Arizona, a state law outlawing the collection of absentee ballots is suspended; in Kansas, 20,000 voters allowed to register, despite state claim they can't prove citizenship; in North Carolina; thousands of minority voters are back on the rolls after questionable Republican-driven purge of individual voters.

3. Fox News Kool-Aid laced: News anchor Bret Baier had a great story on Thursday – Hillary Clinton was likely to be indicted by the FBI over alleged pay-to-play scams by the Clinton Foundation. Baier had a great apology on Friday – the story was wrong, which didn't stop Trump from weaving the original erroneous report into his "Crooked Hillary" shtick. Now believing everything written about her, Fox's Megyn Kelly, claims that Clinton is "too chicken" to be interviewed by "one of the top female journalists in the country".

4. Dearth of sex stories – campaign gets boring: Former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal hits pay dirt when tabloid rag The National Enquirer coughs up $US150,000 for exclusive rights for the story of her alleged affair with Trump – but the Enquirer is owned by a Trump buddy and the plan was always to suppress the yarn. None of which is to say that the Enquirer is without political judgment – during the GOP primaries, it claimed in one story that Trump's brain-surgeon challenger Ben Carson had left a sponge in a patient's head after operation; and that Texas challenger Ted Cruz's father had a hand in the JFK assassination. Also, the woman who this week cancelled a press conference at which she was to tell-all of Trump allegedly raping her at age 13 has dropped her lawsuit against Trump.

The National Inquirer paid big bucks for the exclusive rights to a story about former Playmate Karen McDougal's alleged affair with Donald Trump

The National Inquirer paid big bucks for the exclusive rights to a story about former Playmate Karen McDougal's alleged affair with Donald Trump Photo: AP

5. FBI is a Trump front: The Comey letter; reports of an internal struggle, with a faction pushing for a criminal investigation into the Clinton family foundation and wild accusations by former FBI agents make sense when you look at the agency's demographics – 67 per cent white; less than 20 per cent women; about 4.5 per cent African American; and about 6.5 per cent Latino. As Politico magazine observes: "If Trump were running for president with an electorate that looked like that, he'd win in a landslide."

6. Chris  Christie MIA: The New Jersey governor and key Trump surrogate fell off the campaign radar within minutes of a court decision on Friday that two of his closest advisers were guilty in the infamous Bridgegate scandal, when massive traffic jams were caused by the deliberate closure of access lanes to one of New York City's busiest traffic points, to punish a local mayor who had refused to endorse Christie. The governor was to appear with Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday, but was a no-show.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been MIA.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been MIA. Photo: AP

7. First hacked, then bugged: The DNC has told the FBI that an October sweep of its offices, in the aftermath of reports that its computers had been accessed by Russian hackers who had delivered bundles of embarrassing emails to WikiLeaks, had detected a radio signal that might have belonged to a listening device monitoring the chairman's office – but apparently no device was found.

8. Deportation imminent: Melania Trump, wife of the GOP candidate, reportedly earned more than $US20,000 for 10 modelling jobs in the US in the seven weeks before she was legally permitted to work in the US, which is utterly unacceptable under her husband's hardline immigration policies.

Melania Trump reportedly worked as a model in the US before she was legally allowed to.

Melania Trump reportedly worked as a model in the US before she was legally allowed to. Photo: AP

9. Clinton sorrow: Many have said how sorry they feel for Hillary being married to Bill. But on Friday Bill was all sorrow for Melania – for being married to Donald. After a speech on Thursday, when Melania said that as first lady she would campaign against cyber-bullying, Bill had this to say: "I never felt so bad for anybody in my life as I did for his wife going out, giving a speech saying 'Oh, cyber bullying was a terrible thing." I thought 'yeah, especially if it's done at three o'clock in the morning against a former Miss Universe by a guy running for president'."

10. She should have known: It seems that in 2009 Hillary Clinton sent her daughter Chelsea information that  is now deemed classified. Can't tell you anything more about this because the Politico magazine report on it is utterly impenetrable. But she shouldn't have done it.

11. Monkey business: There's no need for an election because the winner has been revealed. A monkey at a tourism park in China's Hunan province, who is described as the "king of prophets", registered his vote for Trump by selecting bananas from next to a cardboard cutout of the GOP candidate, rather that those next to a cardboard Clinton. Apparently, the monkey has a good record in predicting the outcome of soccer matches, but politics is a new line of forecasting for him.