
James Franco, Seth Rogen's The Room revisit gets thumbs up from 'Mark'

His role in The Room - regarded by many as the worst movie ever made - could have killed Greg Sestero's career. Instead, it has been the making of him.

''What happens when your dream comes true, but in the opposite way?''

James Franco and Seth Rogan take on <i>The Room</i>.
James Franco and Seth Rogan take on The Room

That’s the question posed by actor Greg Sestero about his experience on the worst movie of all time, which threw him into the spotlight but for all the wrong reasons.

The Room, which has been described as ''the CItizen Kane of bad movies'', was released in 2003, reaping just $1800 at the box office (from a $6 million budget) before catching a second wind with an audience who embraced it for its endearingly relentless display of flaws. 

Actor Dave Franco, brother of James.
Actor Dave Franco, brother of James. Photo: Getty Images

But for Sestero, the film didn’t end a career that hadn’t yet really begun – it launched one. His role as handsome, baby-faced Mark made him part of the global cult phenomenon that emerged from this cinematic catastrophe. 

And now his book on the experience, 2013’s The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside the Room, is being turned into a film by James Franco and Seth Rogen. It will star Dave Franco as Sestero, in yet another surprising twist to Sestero's journey with The Room


''It was kind of a full-circle moment,'' Sestero, 35, says on the phone from Los Angeles. ''Of being dealt this film that people see as the worst movie ever made and [to be] able to turn it around into something that could be its own movie, it’s made all the effort worth it.’’

Written, directed and produced by eccentric Tommy Wiseau, The Room is loosely hung around a love triangle. It is completely capitvating in its appallingness, from wooden acting to incomprehensible plotlines to bizarre dialogue. 

Greg Sestero played Mark in <i>The Room</i>, widely regarded as the worst film of all time.
Greg Sestero played Mark in The Room, widely regarded as the worst film of all time.  

While Sestero’s book touches on the hilarity of the film – he only stepped in as a favour to Wiseau, whom he knew from acting classes, and never expected anyone to see the film – it’s also an interesting, thoughtful take on the quest for fame, the drive for art and the flawed American dream. 

It was announced in February that James Franco’s Rabbit Bandini Productions had snapped up the rights to the book; he will direct, co-produce and star, working with Rogen’s Point Grey Pictures.

Earlier this month Dave Franco announced during an LA screening of The Room that he would play Sestero, with James Franco signed up to play Wiseau. 

''I think James is passionate about the project, and that’s where it starts,’’ Sestero says. ‘‘Making a great film, you’ve got to have a vision and you’ve got to be passionate about it. And Seth Rogen is obviously one of the best producers out there, so I think the book’s in really good hands.’’ 

He says Rogen and Franco understand the humour and have a firm grasp on its meaning. ‘‘The story isn’t just kind of mocking a bad movie, it’s really getting behind what it’s like to try and make art and the struggles that come with that. There’s so many different dimensions to the story and they’ve done comedy, they’ve done drama – it’s a perfect mix for the film.’’

Sestero says it’s early days yet in terms of production – ‘‘it’s going to be really, really exciting’’ – but the prospect of yet another layer to The Room’s spotlight for him is something he’s taking in his stride. 

‘‘It’s just kind of like a roller-coaster,’’ he says. ‘‘I’m just happy to have the chance to be able to do something creative and that’s the kind of road that I hope to take.

‘‘I’m sure it’ll be definitely a new chapter and a very, very entertaining ride.’’

Greg Sestero will speak at a Q&A; and screening of his behind-the-scenes documentary at the Hayden Orpheum, Sydney, on July 10, and Cinema Nova, Melbourne, on July 11 and 12.
