
Greg Sestero on why he loves a great failure

If you sat in a cinema yelling and chucking plastic spoons at the screen, it would be a surefire route to getting kicked out.

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Trailer: The Disaster Artist

Greg Sestero, co-star and key player in the making of The Room movie tells all in this behind-the-scenes story.

But for fans of cult hit The Room, such behaviour is not only tolerated, it’s encouraged. 

Widely acknowledged as the worst movie of all time (Entertainment Weekly called it "the Citizen Kane of bad movies"), the 2003 drama has won a huge fanbase for being unintentionally hilarious and achieving inimitable brilliance in the art of being completely  terrible. 

Pet project: <i>The Room</i>'s writer/director/financier Tommy Wiseau in a scene from the film.
Pet project: The Room's writer/director/financier Tommy Wiseau in a scene from the film. 

The film is the brainchild of Tommy Wiseau, an enigmatic entrepreneur who poured $6 million into his passion project, writing, directing and starring in the movie. It is loosely based around a love triangle between his character, Johnny, his best friend, Mark (Greg Sestero), and Johnny’s girlfriend, Lisa (Juliette Danielle). 

It is a perfect storm of ineptitude: wooden acting, nonsensical subplots, toe-curlingly embarrassing love scenes and, of course, the spoons.  


The audience spoon-throwing stems from a framed picture of a spoon, which crops up in the background numerous times. Whenever it appears, the crowd hurl the    spoons at the screen and shout ‘‘spoon’’.

It’s one of many interactive traditions that are part of watching The Room

Cult hit: Greg Sestero said film students  saw the magic in the movie and wouldn’t let it die.
Cult hit: Greg Sestero said film students saw the magic in the movie and wouldn’t let it die. 

Sestero signed up to the film as a favour to Wiseau,  whom he knew from acting class, and he never expected it to see the light of day. The film tanked on release, bringing in $US1800 at the box office, but it gradually gained huge popularity with students and late-night screenings, finding a home among a crowd who appreciated it for all its terrible glory.

‘‘I just didn’t think people would see it,’’ says Sestero on the phone from Los Angeles. ‘‘And I remember I was really surprised when I watched these groups of college kids, they just seemed riveted by it and they were chanting and repeating the lines. I just thought to myself, this is the perfect audience to see this film. It was that generation of film students who saw the magic in the movie and just wouldn’t let it die.’’ 

The film has since garnered  many famous fans, including Seth Rogen and James Franco , who are collaborating on a movie version of Sestero’s acclaimed memoir of the experience, The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside the Room.

‘‘The story isn’t just kind of mocking a bad movie, it’s really getting behind what it’s like to try and make art and the struggles that come with that,’’ Sestero says. 

It’s that struggle that  has connected with audiences, he says. Instead of watching a handsome A-lister get the girl, they watch as one man’s sincere project fails in spectacular fashion.

‘‘I feel that all of us believe that we’re rock stars or actors deep down,’’ says Sestero. ‘‘And you’re watching this guy shoot for the stars and end up with a trainwreck of a film, and it’s kind of invigorating.’’

Sestero says with hindsight he would still  decide to be in The Room because of the opportunities it has led to, not least the book and Franco-Rogen venture.

‘‘I don’t think The Room is a failure because people love the film, but it’s a failure, I guess, in what he was originally trying to do,’’ he says. ‘‘It’s an interesting journey to watch Tommy start showing this thing as the next Streetcar Named Desire, to now showing up and being this comedic guy that he thinks people want him to be. 

‘‘Living with that tension and that struggle is a very fascinating aspect to the growing cult of the movie.’’

Greg Sestero will be at Q&A; and screening of The Room, at the Hayden Orpheum on July 10, orpheum.com.au, and Cinema Nova, Melbourne, on July 11-12, cinemanova.com.au.
