The Indigenous Broadcasting Program


The Indigenous Broadcasting Program (IBP) provides policy and funding to support to Indigenous community radio broadcasting for the purpose of addressing the broadcasting needs of Indigenous people living in remote, regional and urban areas of Australia. Its objective is to strengthen Indigenous broadcasters and build a more sustainable Indigenous broadcasting sector.

The IBP aims to:

  • support the operations of Indigenous-owned and controlled radio broadcasting services, including Remote Indigenous Media Organisations
  • support the development and broadcast of programming that promotes local Indigenous culture and languages
  • enhance Indigenous broadcasting services by supporting national representation that serves and develops the sector’s capacity
  • support broadcasting services that are able to inform and educate Indigenous Australians on accessing the range of health, legal, education and housing services available to them
  • help develop an Indigenous broadcasting sector that meets all governance and business managements requirements
  • provide opportunities for broadcasting workers to develop professional skills and experience.

Support for the Indigenous Broadcast and Media sector has:

  • ensured the broadcasting needs of remote communities are addressed
  • enriched the Australian communications landscape by supporting the production and broadcasting of local Indigenous content
  • provided support for the promotion of Indigenous languages and culture
  • promoted the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians
  • strengthened pride in Indigenous cultural identity
  • provided the opportunity for creating activity-generated income that is reinvested back into communities
  • provided employment and training opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • assisted in the development of the Indigenous communications sector through the provision of support to peak bodies
  • assisted the sector to adjust to digital technology.

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