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  • Hobart


187 jobs available in Hobart

Hugging the banks of the Derwent River, with snow-capped Mount Wellington as a backdrop, Hobart is the capital city of the island state of Tasmania and is internationally known in the yachting world as the finish of the gruelling annual Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.

First settled as a penal colony in 1804, the fledgling Hobart Town soon became a major port and centre of the whaling and sealing trade. With a population now numbering just over 200,000 people, Hobart is known for its arts scene, food and beautiful scenery and was listed by travel gurus Lonely Planet at number seven in their Best of Travel 2013 publication.

Salamanca Place, on the waterfront, is lined with 19th century sandstone warehouses and cosy pubs and bustles with throngs of people each Saturday for the famous Salamanca Market. Some of Tasmania's finest wineries are just out of the city, including Moorilla Estate, now also home to the amazing MONA (Museum of Old and New Art), a stunning underground private art gallery established by gambler and art collector David Walsh.

Famous Hobartians include Hollywood swashbuckling legend Errol Flynn and former real estate agent Mary Donaldson, now better known as Crown Princess Mary of Denmark.

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