Donald Trump

Voters the losers in this awful mess

VOTERS have so little to choose from in the US presidential race that it makes you fear for America’s future, writes Rita Panahi.

Hawkins doesn’t deserve this abuse

Hawkins doesn’t deserve this abuse
JENNIFER Hawkins has been criticised for not condemning Donald Trump but the model and businesswoman shouldn’t have to justify herself, writes Rita Panahi.

Slaughter at sea is a national scandal

Slaughter at sea is a national scandal
AUSTRALIA is quick to criticise Japan for whaling, but the government turns a blind eye to the slaughter of ocean mammals on our doorstep, writes Rita Panahi.

Shut up and get back to business

Shut up and get back to business
BIG banks seem to enjoy lecturing us about issues like pay equality but perhaps they should get their facts right and concentrate on business, writes Rita Panahi.

Sloppy ideas on gender hit schools

Sloppy ideas on gender hit schools
REMEMBER when schools focused on the traditional foundations of education: reading, writing and arithmetic, asks Rita Panahi.

Kyrgios not yet a lost cause

Kyrgios not yet a lost cause
NICK Kyrgios can be an unlikable character on court but he has a prodigious talent and time to turn around his on-court behaviour, writes Rita Panahi.

We can’t let Asia Bibi die for her faith

We can’t let Asia Bibi die for her faith
As Pakistan prepares to execute a Christian woman on trumped-up blasphemy charges, Australia has a duty to add its voice to the global outrage.

Swan’s honesty condemns AFL policy

Swan’s honesty condemns AFL policy
DANE Swan is widely admired for his ability and colourful personality but his admissions of drug taking show him — and the AFL — in a poor light, writes Rita Panahi.

Students refuse to learn tolerance

Students refuse to learn tolerance
UNIVERSITIES were once centres of debate and critical thinking, rather than places where a diversity of opinion is to be feared and shouted down, writes Rita Panahi.

Jail the only answer to brutal crime

Jail the only answer to brutal crime
THE penalty for the kind of brutality inflicted on a defenceless man by two brothers in Prahran should be jail, not a correction order, writes Rita Panahi.

Foolish to make beautiful moment ‘fair’

Foolish to make beautiful moment ‘fair’
LUKE Beveridge handing his medal to Bob Murphy was a beautiful moment. Giving him another medal has the potential to cheapen it, writes Rita Panahi. TAKE OUR POLL

Dan’s actions leaves us baffled

Dan’s actions leaves us baffled
THE Premier’s vision is more troubling by the day, with his government preoccupied with trivial guff amid a soaring crime rate, writes Rita Panahi.

Finger waggers need to find new target

Finger waggers need to find new target
MOST of us change the channel if there’s a personality we don’t like. But that’s not good enough for Sam Newman’s detractors, writes Rita Panahi.

Derryn, it’s a simple matter of trust

Derryn, it’s a simple matter of trust
IT’S not “bunny boiler treatment” that has landed Derryn Hinch in troubled waters, it’s his own relationship with the bottle, writes Rita Panahi.

Messy reality of next generation

Messy reality of next generation
AUSTRALIA has raised a generation of entitled, do-nothing layabouts lacking both ambition and work ethic, writes Rita Panahi.

Hillary can’t handle her own truth

Hillary can’t handle her own truth
THE problem with being a pathological liar is no-one believes you when you’re telling the truth. Hillary Clinton’s relationship with the truth is complicated, writes Rita Panahi.

Our safety trumps civil liberties

Our safety trumps civil liberties
LESS than a week after Islamic State called on supporters to commit terrorist acts on Australian soil, a man has been charged with committing a terrorist act, writes Rita Panahi.

IS magazine shows why we must be vigilant

IS magazine shows why we must be vigilant
ISLAMIC State’s magazine Rumiyah, which has four pages calling for violent jihad in Australia in its latest edition, shows why we can’t be complacent, writes Rita Panahi.

‘We have lost the law out there’

‘We have lost the law out there’
OUR police are under attack from a new breed of criminal with no fear of authority, writes Rita Panahi.

PM’s days numbered if he doesn’t act

PM’s days numbered if he doesn’t act
MALCOLM Turnbull’s approval rating is in free-fall and his days as prime minister are numbered if he doesn’t act to arrest the decline, writes Rita Panahi.

Dan must admit Sky Rail blunder

Dan must admit Sky Rail blunder
NOBODY seems to want Sky Rail except the beleaguered Andrews Government, so when will Premier Dan finally admit he’s blundered, asks Rita Panahi.

Swans go from gay pride to Qatar

Swans go from gay pride to Qatar
FRESH off playing in the Pride Game, the Swans signed a deal with the state-owned airline of Qatar; a country where gay people face horrendous abuse. They’re treating fans like fools, writes Rita Panahi.

Don’t see oppression as diversity

Don’t see oppression as diversity
FEMALE athletes competing in Muslim garb at the Olympics have been celebrated but in fact it’s an example of oppression, not diversity, writes Rita Panahi.

Squatters are hurting real victims

Squatters are hurting real victims
SQUATTERS occupying inner-city houses are using human rights laws to keep out people with a far greater need: victims of domestic violence, writes Rita Panahi.

The Left hand is in our pockets

The Left hand is in our pockets
TAXPAYER funds are being used to push Leftist agendas which are often at odds with mainstream Australian views, writes Rita Panahi.

Koran in class? It’s time to ask tough questions

Koran in class? It’s time to ask tough questions
IT’S time we stopped turning away and took a closer look at the religious doctrine and conduct of Islamic schools, writes Rita Panahi.

Scandal raises so many questions

Scandal raises so many questions
THE alleged funnelling of World Vision funds to terror group Hamas raises many questions about the international aid organisation, writes Rita Panahi.

Save the outrage for real bigotry

Save the outrage for real bigotry
TWITTER erupted when Sonia Kruger said reasonably, scholarships should be won on merit. Why doesn’t real bigotry attract the same fury, asks Rita Panahi.

A vicious price for free speech

A vicious price for free speech
OPINION: Australia’s climate of censorship is becoming intolerably oppressive, with moral guardians ready to condemn anyone daring to stray from accepted Leftist doctrine.

Sonia dares to speak, sparking crazed abuse

Sonia dares to speak, sparking crazed abuse
AUSTRALIAN progressives are displaying just how open-minded they are by mercilessly abusing Sonia Kruger for voicing her opinion on Muslim migration, writes Rita Panahi.