How to make the perfect green salad

How to make the perfect green salad

Photography by Rob Palmer

In this month's issue magazine cover - November 2011 Eat in, eat out, eat well. Look for the taste liftout on Tuesdays in the Herald Sun, Courier Mail and Daily Telegraph, on Wednesdays in the Adelaide Advertiser, and in Perth’s Sunday Times.

A simple salad makes a great accompaniment to many meals, from barbecues to pasta. To get it right, dress a good mix of crisp leaves with a well-balanced vinaigrette. Here's how you can make the perfect salad at home.

Tip 1:

Try a mix of baby cos lettuce, rocket, mignonette lettuce, coral lettuce or watercress. Red leaves, such as treviso lettuce or red coral lettuce, add extra colour and flavour to a "green" salad, too. Rinse and dry in a salad spinner. If you don't have a salad spinner, place the leaves in a tea towel and shake to remove water. Coarsely tear the leaves or use whole.

Tip 2:

The general rule is to combine three parts oil to one part acidic liquid, such as lemon juice or vinegar. Gradually whisk the oil into the acidic liquid. Add a little Dijon mustard and season with salt and pepper.

Tip 3:

To add a subtle garlic flavour, rub 1 garlic clove, peeled, around the base of your salad bowl before adding the leaves and vinaigrette. For a nutty flavour, heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add nuts and cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes or until toasted. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the nuts to a bowl. Set the oil aside to cool completely. Use the oil to make your vinaigrette. Add the nuts to the salad.


Source - November 2011 , Page 102


Alison Adams

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