Hasil pencarian
  1. Orang Lihat semua

  2. 17 menit yang lalu
  3. 20 jam yang lalu

    This specimen is unfit for high office Brandis to face Senate grilling on Bell Group

  4. 4 jam yang lalu

    Malcolm chats with Donald

  5. 5 jam yang lalu
  6. 5 jam yang lalu

    Today's is "poltroon". Please use it in at least one tweet today.

  7. 6 jam yang lalu

    So remember when the coalition attacked Bill Shorten for saying some of Trump's policies are barking mad? Good times huh.

  8. 7 jam yang lalu

    The shame of silence. Donald Trump tarnishing the USA.

  9. 15 jam yang lalu

    Hey American faux-Christian nutjobs, how can Jesus make his second coming if he can't get a Visa?

  10. 16 jam yang lalu

    RT : Christ ! The Foreign Minister's entered herself in the Eurovision Song Contest.

  11. 16 jam yang lalu

    Mt: "My job was to 'become' the Prime Minister, not 'be' the Prime Minister".

  12. 16 jam yang lalu

    It certainly is not your job, Mr Turnbull, now resign & give it to someone who will do the job.

  13. Reports that a Melb High school boy has been denied a US visa. A kid going on an excursion to space camp. Born in Oz.

  14. 19 jam yang lalu

    NOT ONCE did say . Not once .

  15. 19 jam yang lalu

    Wtf, he just stated that his Uncle died 3 weeks ago in USA, & now can't go the funeral. Muslim are buried within 24hrs! BS story

  16. President Trump's protections against Islamic Extremism are a good start but I would go further & include Afghanistan & Saudi Arabia

  17. 19 jam yang lalu

    The perils of Pauline, or why I learned to stop worrying and love the racist.

  18. 20 jam yang lalu

    'It's not my job.' The distant cousin of 'I was just following orders.'

  19. 20 jam yang lalu

    PM Malcolm Turnbull doesn't know what his job is. Suggestions please

  20. 22 jam yang lalu

    Well said . Great to know we have at least one leader in this country.

  21. 22 jam yang lalu

    Luckily wasn't PM in 1939. "It's not my place to critique Germany. What the Germans do is their own business"

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