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  2. To the media who tried their best to rig this election...HOW DO YOU LIKE US DEPLORABLES NOW?

  3. Good God..."a ring of steel". You might as well have put all the flags out Malcolm. Dog whistling by another name.

  4. At these key moments in history we are duty bound to ask: "What would Georgina Downer do?"

  5. . Re your reference to "cheap" base load power what allowances are you making for health😷 & enviro costs & subsidies?

  6. Still NOTHING on front-page about pressing issues & appalling behaviours of Oz gvt. ABC using foreign news as smokescreen for LNP.

  7. เด็กหญิงมุสลิมวัย 10 ขวบ เขียนจดหมายถึงโดนัลด์ ทรัมป์ ขอร้องให้เขาเป็นคนดี

  8. The scene on today during the . Networks are encouraging this towards .

  9. Seriously? says needs to "reign in some of his supporters" while showing vid of anti-Trump leftist riots

  10. Anti Trump rally in NYC swells to many thousands

  11. Huge anti Trump protest outside Trump Towers in NYC shouting 'not my president '

  12. Hillary's concession speech was so eloquent and poised. We missed out on a great opportunity.

  13. "White non-educated voters were Trumps driving force."

  14. Une journaliste aurait reçu SMS d'1 gros donateur de la campagne «C'est fini. Il est président»

  15. Taking no chances outside the Trump election party in New York

  16. just reported that the Canadian Website for Visa applications just crashed -

  17. Just took a poll of Nate Silver's hair and it looks like the middle of the country voted against him.

  18. college education doesn't equal intelligence. Stop harping on this. I know plenty of hard working, self made people who never went.

  19. Snuffy of is pissing his pants tonight.

  20. . is winning in Starbucks America. But is winning in Budweiser America. diff? Bud Amer is pumped.

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