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M. Woodhead BSc Hons 14h
Sussan Ley waits till Friday arvo to announce axeing of school immunisation register & Yr 7 pertussis vax
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Pauline Hanson 20h
Regardless of the courts decision today in Brisbane it has now become clear that there needs to be a parliamentary enquiry into 18C
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Pauline Hanson 12h
I think & should look at using some of their bloated salaries to compensate victims of failed lawsuits
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Bruce Haigh Nov 3
My voice and others like it pushed off The Drum, the ABC, out of the public debate by racist ignorant biggots of the Right
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Bevan Shields 20h
The hide of Malcolm Turnbull to blame Labor for the government's monumental stuff-up on the backpacker tax is breathtaking
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#StopGreed 10h
Turnbull & attacking / dismantling / destroying MEDICARE in full swing, vaccinations & payment changes. Labor was right.
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Catherine King MP 10h
Friday afternoon for Turnbull Gvt: Dump school vaccination register. Underfund GP visits for chronic patients. Not good enough.
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Nick #DELCON 11h
Gillian Triggs needs to resign after the QUT 18C debacle. The kangaroo court should also be abolished.
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JillHennessyMP🔴⚪️🔵 13h
Absolutely appalled at reports Malcolm Turnbull would cut whooping cough vaccine & put babies lives at risk
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Chris Kenny 14h
Three years and what would have been hundreds of thousands of dollars to stop the state branding you a racist. Some justice.
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mark dickenson 14h
Senator Scott Ludlam is the exception to the rule, a good Senator & a decent human being. I hope he wins the battle he confronts.
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♡ 15h
Sending love to heroic . Anyone not depressed & anxious in these times isn't paying attention.
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Bevan Shields 17h
We contacted One Nation for comment prior to publication of the story. They hung up on us...
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Pauline Hanson 17h
published a story about me attending a rally. It's a blatant lie. Pathetic Gutter Journalism- they should be ashamed
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John Wren 18h
Frankly I'd rather live next door to 30 Syrian refugee families than a single one of your dead-shit supporters.
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Tim Stephens 24h
The states are acting b/c the Commonwealth is failing to live up to its promises
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Fr Rod Bower Nov 3
The rant about that did not challenge. For $200k pa you'd think she could get facts right
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Bruce Haigh Nov 3
If you want my voice back on The Drum protest to the ABC. I come for free, nil cost to tax payers - seen as a public duty
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Bruce Haigh Nov 3
People have asked. I was pushed off The Drum. No explanation, no thanks. EP's knew my son had just died. Hurtful rejection
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Volt-aire's: bastard Nov 3
At what point will the MSM declare Abbott/Turnbull gov infinitely worse than the Gillard/Rudd gov. The silence is deafening!
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