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Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the huge changes in the region*

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | indigenous struggles | news report author Thursday March 17, 2016 03:28author by Ilan S. - AAtW,, Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Ma'asara, Nebi Saleh, Qaddum, Shikh Jarrah and the South of Hebron Hills

On the twelfth year of joined struggle in Bil'in it lost its glamour. Many of the activists lost the excitement of the direct action confrontation which is not a new thing any more. The expansion of the joint struggle to other locations and the expanding of the non armed struggle in the west bank contributed to it too. Many of the activists just "moved on" to a less intensive ways of life. But, some old time activists can not "let go". The other day, I searched the for the old site of: "This appeal, the first to call on-line for a boycott against Israel, was posted in April of 2001".( and read again our 35 original signatories of this pre-BDS. The majority are still in the struggle. Looking back on my 65 years of struggle I regard, this petition, the joint struggle in Bil'in and my stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution* as the most significant ones.


Open Shuhada street protest 26.2.2016


26-2-16 Today at our weekly Friday peaceful Bil'in demonstration Israeli soldiers fired on us with a new weapon! A new form of tear gas which explodes and which is very very dangerous!

Friday 4-3-16. 5 Israelis and 8 internationals joined the village activists in the weekly demo against occupation and settlers. Before we even started to march the Israeli forces shoot the first warning tear gas canisters of the new kind of nearly 800 meter of range. As we started marching, more sporadic shooting of the new device... and soon a drone was flying above and barrages of tear gas of the new and the regular canisters were shot at us. The wind was changing from time to time and we could evade the gas most of the time.
Near the end of the demo another shower of tear gas canisters was shot, we retreated, and the state forces gradually went away and so did us.

11-3-16 IOF tried to break it up - us up - with tear gas bombs and rubber bullets as normal! There is nothing normal about being fired upon by IOF soldiers even though its our daily life in occupied Palestine! We cannot accept this
You can see how empowering is the tear gas - it energize my running up the hill:
Another demo in the chain of joint struggle of Israeli anarchists against the wall and the non-armed struggle activists of Bil'in (and Ni'ilin, and Nebi Saleh, and Qaddum)...
7 Israelis activists joined international ones and the Bil'iners. Just as we started to march from the village down the hill, the Israeli state forces started to shoot us with the new long range tear gas canisters. The northern wind was friendly to us but the addition of the long range canisters made the old tactic of retreat to out of the range of fire was not working.
In spite of it and the canisters which rubbed our feet, we persisted and were surprised when the state force ended the testing of the new long range canister and went away after less then 20 minutes of confrontation - the shorter demo ever.

Nabi Salih

David Reeb

4.3.16 David Reeb
After six years of popular uprising and six months of the extreme brutal violent Israeli repression, Palestinians in the village of Nabi Saleh confronted the Israeli army to protest the ongoing occupation, land expropriations and extra judicial killings. Protesters reported the army is now using a new, and lethal, kind of tear gas canisters, that are heavier than the previous ones, almost undetectable with a much bigger range. It is only a matter of time before these new canisters cause fatalities, they argued.
For more photos, Please click on the link:

11-3-16 Israeli soldiers shot and injured, Friday, two Palestinian children in Nabi Saleh village, Northwest of Ramallah, and fired gas bombs, causing dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation after the army assaulted the weekly non-violent protest against the Annexation Wall and colonies.
Medical sources said the soldiers shot Mohammad Naji Tamimi, 9, with a gas bomb in his abdomen, before local medics provided him with the needed treatment, and moved him to a hospital. Another child was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet in his cheek, causing a large wound; medics also moved him to a local hospital for treatment, after providing him with the urgently needed medical care.
The sources added that the soldiers fired dozens of gas bombs on the non-violent protesters, and several homes in the village, causing scores of residents to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.
David Rib


4-3-16 Friday, Today in the weekly Kufr Qaddum demo the Israeli army snipers shot two live bullets in the little boy of our friend morad shtewi! Another brave friend was shot while trying to carry the boy to medics.
The two are in stable but difficult condition in a hospital.


Daboos Hassan


Al Jazeera spoke with 11 villagers on the anniversary of Bilin's weekly protests against Israel's separation wall.
Reporting: Nigel Wilson -- Photos: Mary Pelletier


Saturday 20-2-16

Don't say we did not know #490
On Wednesday evening, 24th February, 2016, some Palestinians held a memorial ceremony near the Cave of the Patriarchs or Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, in memory of the massacre perpetrated there in 1994. They lit candles and screened a documentary film about the massacre. The military arrested three Palestinians who tried to participate in the ceremony. Two settlers threatened the participants. Then, the settler Anat Cohen arrived in her car. She shouted at the participants, and drove slowly at them, injuring some. The soldiers did not intervene. She got out of her car and again shouted and attacked some participants. Again, the soldiers did not stop her. Instead, they started using “crowd dispersal methods”.

Don't say we did not know #491

On Wednesday, March 3, 2016, IDF soldiers arrived to Khirbet Tana (near Beit Furiq) and demolished 13 buildings including 7 homes.
On February 4, 2016, the IDF demolished all the buildings of two families in Maqaser (near Hamra checkpoint in the Palestinian Jordan valley. West Bank - re. Don't say... # 486). On February 29th they returned, demolishing all the tents and sheepfolds the inhabitants received from aid organisations.

Don't say we did not know #492
Josephine (a German citizen) is married to a Palestinian resident of Hebron, They live in area H2. She filed an application for residency status with the Palestinian home office, which in turn passed it on (official requirement) to the Israeli authorities – and it was refused. Josephine fears that if she visit her family in Germany she will not permitted to return. The German consulate in Ramalla advised her to take her case to the Israeli court.
On Monday and Tuesday (March 6 and 7) government agents accompanied by police destroyed grain crops belonging to Negev Bedouins: 150 dunums (dunum=1000 sq.m) in Umm Al Hiran (East-North of Hura), 300 dunums in El-Sera (near Kseife), 200 dunums in Tell Al Milh (near El-Sera), 150 dunums in Wadi Al Na'am (near Ramat Hovav).
On Wednesday, March 9, they demolished Al Araqib yet again.

Questions & queries:
* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution

Related Link:
author by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionalipublication date Wed Mar 30, 2016 17:02Report this post to the editors

Palestina-Israele, la lotta unitaria non si ferma nonostante i giganteschi cambiamenti in corso della regione*

Nel dodicesimo anno di lotta unitaria a Bil'in si riscontra un calo di tensione. Molti attivisti hanno
perso l'entusiasmo per l'azione diretta che non è più una novità.
A questo ha contribuito anche l'estendersi della lotta unitaria non-armata ad altre località
della Cisgiordania. Molti attivisti hanno giusto scelto di
"dedicarsi" ad un modo di vita meno dispendioso. Ma, alcuni vecchi attivisti non riescono a "mollare".
L'altro giorno, cercavo su il vecchio sito di: "questo
appello, il primo on-line a chiamare al boicottaggio contro Israele, è stato postato nell'aprile
2001".( e vi si possono leggere ancora 35 firmatari di quell'appello pre-BDS.
La maggioranza di loro sono ancora attivi nella lotta. Riguardando ai miei 65 anni di lotta, considero, questa petizione, la lotta unitaria a Bil'in e il mio racconto sull'anno 2100 -
50 anni dopo la rivoluzione"* come le cose più significative della mia vita.


Open Shuhada protesta di strada del 26.2.2016


26-2-16 Oggi settimanale manifestazione pacifica del venerdì a Bil'in con spari dell'esercito israeliano
contro di noi con nuove armi! Un nuovo tipo di candelotti lacrimogeni che esplodono e che sono molto pericolosi!

Venerdì 4-3-16. 5 Israeliani ed 8 internazionali si sono uniti agli attivisti locali per la settimanale
manifestazione contro l'occupazione e contro i coloni. Prima ancora che partisse il corteo le forze israeliane
ci hanno sparato il primo avviso di lacrimogeni di nuova generazione da quasi 800 metri di distanza.
Appena partito il corteo, ancora qualche sporadico lancio di lacrimogeni nuovo-tipo... e all'improvviso un drone che
si alza al di sopra dei candelotti di nuovo e vecchio tipo sparati sopra di noi.
Il vento era mutevole e siamo riusciti ad evitare il gas il più delle volte.
Verso la fine della manifestazione un'altra raffica di lacrimogeni contro di noi, ci siamo ritirati e
le forze di stato gradualmente se ne sono andate e così abbiamo fatto noi.

11-3-16 L'esercito israeliano ha cercato di disperderci con candelotti lacrimogeni e proiettili di gomma come
se fosse una cosa normale! Non c'è nulla di normale nell'essere presi di mira dai soldati israeliani anche se ciò fa parte
della nostra quotidianità nella Palestina occupata! Noi non riusciamo ad accettarlo.
Si può vedere quanta forza diano i gas lacrimogeni - quanta energia nella mia corsa su per la collina:
Un'altra manifestazione nella catena della lotta unitaria degli Anarchici Contro il Muro e
degli attivisti della lotta non-armata di Bil'in (e di Ni'ilin, di Nebi Saleh, e Qaddum)...
7 attivisti Israeliani si sono uniti agli attivisti internazionali ed a quelli locali. Appena partiti in corteo
dal villaggio giù lungo la collina, le forze di stato israeliane hanno iniziato a spararci addosso con
il nuovo tipo di candelotti a lunga gittata. I venti da nord ci erano favorevoli ma
la lunga gittata dei nuovi candelotti rendeva inutile la nostra vecchia tattica di ritirarci oltre il raggio di
Nonostante ciò e nonostante i candelotti che ci cadevano tra i piedi, abbiamo resistito e siam rimasti sorpresi
quando le forze di stato hanno smesso di testare i nuovi candelotti e se se sono andate dopo
meno di 20 minuti di scontri - mai manifestazione fu più breve.

Nabi Salih

David Reeb

4.3.16 David Reeb
Dopo 6 anni di rivolte popolari e dopo 6 mesi di estrema, brutale e violenta repressione
da parte israeliana, i Palestinesi del villaggio di Nabi Saleh si sono scontrati con l'esercito israeliano per
protestare contro l'occupazione in corso, contro gli espropri della terra e contro le uccisioni.
I manifestanti hanno raccontato che l'esercito sta ora usando un nuovo e letale tipo di candelotti lacrimogeni,
che sono più pesanti di quelli vecchi, quasi imprevedibili data la loro gittata più lunga. E'
solo questione di tempo prima che questi nuovi candelotti possano provocare vittime.
Per altre foto, Please fare click sul link:

venerdì 11-3-16, soldati israeliani hanno ferito due bambini palestinesi a Nabi Saleh
a nord-ovest di Ramallah, ed hanno sparato candelotti lacrimogeni, provocando decine di intossicati per gli effetti
dell'inalazione dei gas; dopo di che l'esercito ha attaccato la manifestazione non-violenta contro il
Muro dell'Annessione e contro le colonie.
Fonti mediche hanno dichiarato che i soldati hanno sparato un candelotto su Mohammad Naji Tamimi, di 9 anni, colpendolo all'
addome, succesivamente soccorso con cure sul campo e poi ricoverato in ospedale.
Un altro bambino è stato colpito al viso da un proiettile d'acciaio ricoperto di gomma, causandogli una
vasta ferita; i dottori lo hanno ricoverato nell'ospedale locale, dopo le cure urgenti sul campo.
Le fonti dicono che i soldati hanno sparato decine di candelotti sui manifestanti
non-violenti, su parecchie case del villaggio, causando parecchio disagio ai residenti per gli
effetti dell'inalazione di gas.
David Rib


venerdì 4-3-16, oggi nel corso della manifestazione settimanale, cecchini dell'esercito hanno sparato due
proiettili veri contro il figlioletto del nostro amico Morad Shtewi! Un altro coraggioso amico è stata colpito mentre
stava cercando di portare il bimbo dai dottori.
I due sono in ospedale in condizioni stazionarie ma difficili.


Daboos Hassan


Al Jazeera ha intervistato 11 residenti del villaggio di Bil'in nell'anniversario delle proteste contro
il muro della separazione costruito da Israele.
Reporting: Nigel Wilson -- Photos: Mary Pelletier


Sabato 20-2-16

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°490
Mercoledì sera, 24 Febbraio 2016, alcuni Palestinesi hanno fatto una cerimonia commemorativa vicino
alla Grotta dei Patriarchi o anche Moschea Ibrahimi ad Hebron, in ricordo del massacro
perpetrato lì nel 1994. Hanno acceso candele e proiettato un documentario sul
massacro. I militari hanno arrestato 3 Palestinesi che cercavano d partecipare alla
cerimonia. Due coloni hanno minacciato i partecipanti. Poi è arrivata in auto la colona Anat Cohen.
Ha urlato contro i partecipanti, guidando l'auto lentamente contro di loro, ferendone alcuni.I
soldati non sono intervenuti. Lei è scesa dall'auto ed ha continuato ad inveire ed aggredire alcuni
dei presenti. Di nuovo, i soldati non l'hanno fermata. Hanno invece iniziato ad usare “metodi di
dispersione di massa”.

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°491

Mercoledì 3 marzo 2016, i soldati israeliani sono arrivati a Khirbet Tana (vicino Beit Furiq) dove
hanno demolito 13 edifici tra cui 7 abitazioni.
Il 4 febbraio 2016, l'esercito ha demolito tutti gli edifici di due famiglie di Maqaser (vicino
il posto di blocco di Hamra nella Valle del Giordano. Il 29 febbraio sono ritornati ed hanno demolito
tutte le tende e gli ovili che i residenti
avevano ricevuto da organizzazioni di assistenza.

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°492
Josephine (una cittadina tedesca) è sposata con un palestinese residente a Hebron, vivono nell'
area H2. Ha compilato una richiesta di certificato di residenza presso gli uffici palestinesi,
che a loro volta l'hanno girata (come richiesta ufficiale) alle autorità israeliane – che l'hanno
respinta. Josephine teme che se torna in Germania a trovare la sua famiglia, non le sarà permesso di fare ritorno
in Palestina. Il Consolato Tedesco a Ramalla le ha consigliato di portare il suo caso in un tribunale israeliano.
Lunedì 7 marzo e martedì 8 marzo, agenti governativi accompagnati dalla polizia hanno distrutto
coltivazioni di grano di proprietà dei Beduini del Negev: 150 dunums (dunum=1000 mq) ad Umm Al Hiran
(nord-est di Hura), 300 dunums a El-Sera (vicino Kseife), 200 dunums a Tell Al Milh
(vicino El-Sera), 150 dunums a Wadi Al Na'am (vicino Ramat Hovav).
Mercoledì 9 marzo, hanno demolito Al Araqib per l'ennesima volta.

Questions & queries:

*Ilan Shalif

Anarchici Contro Il Muro

Blog di Ahdut (Unità - organizzazione comunista anarchica israeliana):
Documento politico di Ahdut sulla lotta palestinese:

Traduzione a cura di Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali

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textPalestine-Israel, The Tsumud/persistence of 13 years of joint struggle will continue as long as it t... 15:13 Sat 01 Oct by Ilan S. 1 comments

It is not because the Jews rule US... It is because Israel play an essential part in the Imperial struggle between US and Russia. Though the oil is less important to US economy it is still important to its partners. The western empire elite came to Peres ceremony because Israel helped to return Egypt to US sphere of influence. Protected Jordan from being taken by pro Russian Syria, Pushed Syria out of Lebanon for a while... and supply important services all over the world. Thus, the struggle against Israel apartheid is going to be much harder than the abolishing of it in Southern Africa. However, we have here the joint non armed struggle, the tens of thousands international activists who come here to participate and return home with the torch of struggle. The Israeli Jews who participate every week in the joint struggle refute the "anti-Semitism" false claims.

textPalestine-Israel, The Israeli "loses management" diminished the intensity of the weekly confrontatio... 14:49 Sun 21 Aug by Ilan S. 1 comments

After so many years it is hard to get used to the replacement of tear gas and bullets with threat of arrests if we cross an imaginary line. For many years we worried about the day when the Israeli state decision makers will minimise or even stop the the harsh repression of the weekly joint demonstrations against the occupation, the settlers and the separation wall. On 27-5-16 was the first demo in Bil'in the state forces did not shoot us. It took a dozen such non shootings to realize it is a real strategic shift. The last Friday they even "invited" us to return the demo to the area near the new separation wall - forbidden for us for about a year. It seems the multi millions invested in the struggle against the B.D.S. recruited a more intelligent managers who was able to force the army to swallow their pride and stop harassing the Friday demos and the international activists participating in them.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle is still kicking even if on lower level* 17:34 Tue 12 Jul by Ilan S. 1 comments

The joint non armed struggle of the Israeli anarchists against the wall with local activists which confronted the Israeli state forces was unique at the beginning and drew to it less radical Israelis. Along the years were efforts to unite the local struggles and rise the level of activity but both Palestinian and Israeli authorities thwarted it. Alternative projects in the less radical Israeli circles diminish the pool the AAtW recruit. In the Palestinian side some of the successes and softening of the Israeli suppression contributed its share for dropping out of the on going joint struggle. The radical change of suppression of the Friday demos in Bil'in - mainly not shooting us any more with bullets and tear gas grenades, and the Ramadan rose some second thoughts even in the most persistent activists. But, the Tsumud (persistent) moral was regained in the relative big demo of 8 July.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the drop out of activists* 02:41 Wed 08 Jun by Ilan S. 1 comments

Two consecutive Fridays without being shot at after 11 years can destabilize even long time activist like me.... For 13 years the anarchists against the wall initiative and Palestinian partners continue the struggle even when the expectation for practical gains diminished. Changes in the separation fence/wall are less likely than ever. The remaining road blocks are the ones which are not just for marginal harassments. The diminishing hardship inflicted on activists opened other personal options than struggle. However, there are still a hard core of old time activists and some new of the younger generation. The contribution of the joint struggle to gains in the international support is more obvious than ever, and even less radical joint struggles continue in parallel like Sheikh Jarakh, Taayush in the south and "militants for peace".

textPalestine-Israel, The eleven years joint struggle in Bil'in as a seed for the third youth intifada.* 16:36 Sun 21 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

At the beginning, the joint struggle in Bil'in of the Israeli Anarchists Against The Wall with the local activists differed only with a consisted Fridays direct actions against the construction of the separation fence. The Israeli state response was a prolonged effort to block the participation of the Israeli activists that failed due to geographic conditions, persistence of the Israeli activists, and our ingenuity. One of the restricting factors on the suppression efforts of the state forces was wide spread sympathy for these demos in the Israeli media, and public. In a desperate efforts the army sent covert agents to initiate stone throwing from the demo on the state force. After a long while they succeeded. Youngsters of the village got into the stone throwing habit. For years it was all over the media and contributed to the stone throwing culture of the Palestinian youth. This was a significant contributor factor to the already 4 months old "Children Intifada".

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle in the focus of the extreme right "leftists' bashing"* 15:09 Sun 14 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

The mounting international pressure on Israel with the B.D.S. as catalyst, initiated a rightist onslaught on the activists of the joint struggle. With cooperation of the main TV channel, two activists were arrested - even blamed to be involved in murder of a Palestinian collaborator of settlements... only to be released unconditionally weeks later. As part of the onslaught I got few seconds in the rightist item in the main TV news program summing our position that no state is a solution - not two states and even one democratic state is impossible to achieve before the Zionist settler colonialist project will be defeated by social revolution in the whole region. In another wide distribution of the rightist video item I was presented as claiming that the chant in the joint demos for freedom to Palestine from the river to the see is not a call for a state for the Palestinians, but for a joint secular democratic state for all the inhabitants - Palestinians, Jews, and others... It seems we owe them rightists for the wide publicity.

textPalestine-Israel, The first serious crack in the Israeli Zionist ruling elite* 16:55 Thu 28 Jan by Ilan S. 0 comments

It is hard to assess what is the part of the joint struggle and the B.D.S. in the serious crack in the Israeli elite. It was expressed by the leader of biggest opposition party - The Zionist List which suggested a partial agreement of withdrawal (even from part of the expanded Jerusalem). Since 1967 war, all the years the official position was that Israel will retreat from most of the occupied territories of the 1967 war if the Palestinian will agree to a peace pact that will include among other conditions the non return of the 1948 refugees. As it was clear that no Palestinian leadership will be able to do that it was clear to all that the monolithic consensus of the Zionist parties is to continue the occupation for ever. It is not surprising that even the leader of the radical leftist Zionist party Merets oppose this radical suggestion for withdrawal with out the (non achievable) final peace pact.

textPalIsra, It is already one state even if no one recognize it as such except the hard liners rightist... 21:12 Wed 13 Jan by Ilan S. 0 comments

The bad news are that the overwhelming majority of the Israelis support it - including the centrists and even the Zionist left (who claim they want "two states" solution but with impossible pre conditions). The good news are that the imperial powers whose support to the status qua are gradually yielding to public opinions pressure of their citizens who do not agree with the Israeli apartheid-transferor regime. The non armed joint struggle initiated wide attention and drew participants from all over the world with international movement dedicated to put end to the Israeli occupation. (A short video about two kids in Bil'in got in few days two million views.). The anarchists against the wall and other like minded among the palestinians and abroad still struggle for the end of the Zionist settler colonialist/transferor project and not just for the end of 1967 occupation. [Italiano]

textPal-Isra: The third intifada is officially in... the joint struggle do not yield to mounting pressur... 20:11 Mon 21 Dec by Ilan S. 0 comments

The Israeli authorities admit it have no solution or a strategy to stop or even restrict the third "unorganized" mainly individualist and of youth. The mass arrest of hundreds of under age children do not seems to have any effect. The transfer efforts do not stop, and even increase in the Jordan valley, area C, Jerusalem, and even within the 1948 borders. The controversy in the Israeli media is mainly about the admitting it is already one state and about initiating a better Bantustan order before international pressure will force a more substantial retreat from 1967 expansion. The B.D.S. media news are usually restricted only to dramatic additions in it. The Nebi Saleh community is in the focus of the efforts to stop the joint struggle and its Friday demos. In spite of it, the regular Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, Ma'asarah, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarrah, West of Hebron Hills are accompanied from time to time by other communities.

textPal-Isra, The one state the joint struggle try to change*. 14:08 Mon 30 Nov by Ilan S. 0 comments

You struggle when you have hope for a developing change. You struggle when you refuse to accept the present as the only possible future. You struggle even when the hope is low just to keep your dignity from evaporating. And there are people their rage is so strong that no reasoning can hold them back. Now, when the hope for a better common future evaporated, and the hope for a nice personal future is even lower, the anger of lot of youth is stronger than the preservation of life instinct... it is just waiting for a chancy trigger to pull another boy or girl and send them to a suicide mission. And the mighty Israeli state just start to admit that their brutality reached the wall it cannot overcome. The military elite already stated to reveal it in the open that the new emerging "individualist" Intifada cannot be stopped by force. For those who are not burnt out or desperate the non armed joint struggle is the only sane road. [Italiano]

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