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Obama Defends Heckler at Clinton Rally3:25

President Obama defended a heckler at rally on Friday in Fayetteville, N.C. for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He cautioned supporters to stay focused on the issues. Photo: AP

Donald Trump closes in on Hillary Clinton — who’s hoping Jay Z’s star power can bring her extra black votes

HILLARY Clinton sure knows how to draw a crowd.

Rapper Jay Z and his wife Beyonce took to the stage at a rally in Cleveland to drum up support for the Democratic presidential hopeful.

“We have to think about the future of our daughters, our sons,” said the American glamazon.

Speaking of celebrities, Robert De Niro embarrassed Arnold Schwarzenegger at a VIP cocktail reception in Los Angeles, it emerged today.

Apparently De Niro refused to pose for a photo with the Trump supporter.

“If you’re supporting Trump, I want nothing to do with you,” said De Niro.

Meanwhile the Trump campaign has been hit with a restraining order barring his camp from harassing or intimidating voters in Ohio.

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