Saturday, January 05, 2008

by J.S. #16

Jim Croce "On Air / The Coventry Lads"

Sending you the debut of Jonathan Swift brought me the idea to continue sending some "early works" of others.

So I'd like to start with a Jim Croce collection that contains songs from about 1963, outtakes, rare radio performances and 17 minutes of storytelling by Jim.

File includes artwork.

Hope you'll enjoy!

Best wishes,

New link:


Anonymous yabanjin said...

Thanks! I love me some Jim Croce.

06 January, 2008 15:54  
Blogger rockymustard said...

Thanks. Call me sentimental, but it's about time Jim Croce got some well deserved blog time.
Nice, rare songs here. Thanks for sharing a part of musical history with us.
Do you have the Maury Muehleisen solo LP?
Keep up the great work.
rocky mustard

07 January, 2008 05:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please check here:

His sister Mary is selling them. She also compiled a 2nd CD as you can see there.

07 January, 2008 11:52  
Anonymous Manila said...

I agree with rockymustard. Great to see a Jim Croce post, and such an interesting one too. Thanks, J.S.

07 January, 2008 17:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Manila!
Hope you like the other "early works" too.


08 January, 2008 05:55  
Blogger rockymustard said...

Thanks so much for the Muehleisen website.

08 January, 2008 07:36  
Blogger JGH1 said...

Wow! I sourced the first 5 tracks of this Croce comp from a tape i recorded back in the early '80's.... nice to see it making the rounds.


10 January, 2008 23:24  
Blogger wkc said...

thank you for the reup!

26 February, 2008 10:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you please reopen this one ? It really looks great but all the links are dead now. thanks again for the share!

07 April, 2008 10:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badongo works fine ...

13 April, 2008 00:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone have the first album Jim & Ingrid Croce(1969) ?
I think the reissue is Another Day, Another Town..


23 April, 2010 21:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

could you please repost Jim croce on air covenrry lads?

02 June, 2015 14:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does someone have Jim croce on air/coventry lads cd for sale or an mp3 download?

14 June, 2015 10:07  
Blogger Lizardson said...

Recently reuped:

15 June, 2015 14:41  

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