Showing posts with label Diplomatic Immunity Zine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diplomatic Immunity Zine. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Diplomatic Immunity #3

All gone but you can download this issue here:
Contains: elitists opinions, ingnorant comments + interview with ZUDAS KRUST (from indonesia).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

new shit

just in:
Nerveskade / Perdition - split 7" - Really great stuff from both these bands from the US of A. Nerveskade remind me a lot of the great Disorder, while Perdition share the noise but are heavier and sound more akin to DOOM. This split bloody shreds!!! $8

Ive also made a 2nd issue of the Diplomatic Immunity punx newsletter. twice the content of the first one (8 pages...mostly filler). Elitist opinions, ignorant comments and an interview with Perth punks Clenched Teeth. Its FREE yo.

Full Distro here: