
Cash-strapped Australian Bureau of Statistics forced to cut 150 jobs

The jobs of more than 150 Australian Bureau of Statistics public servants are to be axed as the cash-strapped bureau struggles to balance its shrinking budget.

Workers at the bureau, which finished the past financial year more than $36 million in the red, were told on Friday morning that management will be looking to get up to 150 employees to accept voluntary redundancies in a process that is to begin immediately.

The axe is falling weeks after Chief Statistician David Kalisch said data collection on a range of topics could all stop ...
The axe is falling weeks after Chief Statistician David Kalisch said data collection on a range of topics could all stop because of the financial pressures. Photo: Andrew Meares

The job cuts are the latest in a string of bad news stories for the Bureau which is still dealing with the fall-out from August's dramatic Census debacle and ongoing financial strife.

The axe is falling just weeks after Chief Statistician David Kalisch said data collection on foreign ownership of agricultural businesses, industrial disputes, motor vehicle sales, livestock slaughter, and crime offenders and victims, could all stop because of the financial pressures the bureau faced.

The Bureau said the voluntary redundancies are "part of a planned approach to transform its workforce for the future" and confirmed "at least 100 packages" would be offered.

"The voluntary redundancies are necessary as we transition from higher staffing levels required to implement the 2016 Census," a statement said.


"With the Government's $257 million investment to modernise the ABS' ageing IT systems and processes, the agency will achieve efficiencies and require fewer staff in coming years.

"As the ABS shifts from manual processes and identifies efficiencies, staff with skills that are not essential for the future (including staff in roles that are no longer required) may apply for packages." 

Portfolio Minister Michael McCormack  was travelling in Queensland on Friday and unable to answer questions with his office referring inquiries back to the ABS.

The federal opposition was sharply critical of Friday's development with Shadow Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh saying the job cuts showed the Coalition was taking its attack on public servants to the "next level."

"Now the very public servants who have worked so hard to rescue the census disaster are being forced to pay the price for the Turnbull Government's mismanagement with their jobs," Mr Leigh said.

"This government's ideological obsession with downsizing the public service has blinded it to the important work that ABS staff do to inform public policy and help allocate government resources to where they are needed most." 

The Community and Public Sector Union's deputy national secretary Melissa Donnelly was quick to blame the latest round of job cuts on Turnbull government cuts to the bureau.

"The ABS is an absolutely critical national institution," she said.

"Its data is a cornerstone not just of effective government but is also extremely valuable to the private sector.

"Cutting these 150 jobs has been forced on the ABS by the Turnbull Government's stupidly short-sighted budget decisions.

"We are seriously concerned that the ABS is continually being forced to make decisions solely based on its meagre budget.

"The bureau needs adequate funding to provide robust, accurate data, and that's clearly not currently the case."

The ABS says it is implementing workforce changes in consultation with the CPSU and consistent with its legislative requirements.
