WA News

'Rob' has got some explaining to do to horrified North Perth neighbours

It was a rude awakening for North Perth residents on Thursday, stepping outside to greet with another beautiful spring day... and some very public profanity.

"Rob is a c---. A c--- lives here. C---. C---. Rob is a c---," an angry vandal had emblazoned over their neighbour's home, on every exterior wall and window in big, bold, black letters.

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An alarmed resident spotted this almost-haiku while out walking the dog. 

His wife said the windows of the home were lined with taped-down plastic and the curtains were drawn. She had never seen anyone go in or out. 

"I don't know anything about the house or the people that live in it but this makes you wonder what kind of people are living here," she said. 

"I'm just concerned, this is a family neighbourhood. Mums walk their kids to school."


Vincent mayor John Carey said he had called City staff as soon as residents contacted him on Thursday. 

The council had a policy in which it cleaned up any graffiti visible from the street for residents, but as this was on private property contractors had to wait to gain permission from the building's owner. 

WAtoday has blurred the image.
WAtoday has blurred the image.  Photo: Supplied

They were attempting to make contact now and the graffiti would be cleaned up as soon as possible but it was unclear at this stage whether the building was a rental or owner-occupied.

"There has been a significant increase in graffiti across Vincent," he said.

"There have been charges laid against a number of people over the past year and we are not talking street art, just meaningless tagging  or vandalism such as this which appears to be the result of anger.

"We have contractors working flat out at the moment every day to clean it up." 

Wembley Police were aware of the incident, but said no official report had been made. 
