ACT News

Police investigate suspicious shooting death at Watson

ACT Policing have confirmed a 37-year-old man who died in suspicious circumstances in a unit in Watson on Thursday night had sustained a fatal gunshot. 

Police were called to the Windeyer Street unit block at about 7.45pm after reports of a disturbance and found a man with serious injuries.

ACT police officers remove a dead body from a block of flats in Windeyer street Watson.
ACT police officers remove a dead body from a block of flats in Windeyer street Watson. Photo: Karleen Minney

Police and paramedics tried to render first aid but the man died at the scene.

Police said they were providing support to a woman who was also found inside the unit.

Neighbour Paul Hagedoorn said he was startled by what he described as "a very loud gunshot" and called police.
Neighbour Paul Hagedoorn said he was startled by what he described as "a very loud gunshot" and called police. Photo: Karleen Minney

A neighbour of the man, Paul Hagedoorn, who lives in the unit block connected to the crime scene, said he heard a loud conversation over the sound of his television at about 7.30pm, but could not decipher the gender of the voices.

He was then startled by what he described as "a very loud gunshot" and called police.


"Police arrived about 20 minutes later," he said, saying they knocked on his door "after a while" to take his statement.

Mr Hagerdoorn said he often saw the man come and go from the unit block and would "speak to him in passing but I didn't want to have much to do with him".

At 11am on Friday, police said no one had been taken into custody and police were following several lines of inquiry.

Acting superintendent Rod Anderson confirmed they were examining the possibility the death was related to domestic violence.

Police have not yet released the injuries suffered by the man, or said where he was shot.

Police were also unable to confirm whether the death was linked to the bashing of a man at the same unit block last month.

"We'll look at that incident in totality and there are a number of avenues of inquiries and determine if there is a link at all," acting superintendent Anderson said.

The street and unit block were taped off by police on Thursday night as detectives and forensic officers examined the scene.

One frustrated resident who was not able to access the units on Thursday night verbally clashed with police officers at the scene.

By Friday morning, the road was no longer taped off but the entrance to the unit block was and two police cars were parked outside the crime scene. 

Forensic officers and detectives were seen examining the middle and top staircase of the unit block before carrying a body out of the block at about 8.30am.

Officers could also be seen taking multiple brown paper bags, which appeared to be evidence bags, out of the apartment, as well as some belongings.

The unit block is across the road from Majura Primary School, Watson Preschool and the Watson shops.

Families with young children walking to school along the footpath out the front of the scene had a clear view of forensic officers removing the body.

One child, who appeared of primary school age, was walking alone along the path and asked the waiting media if someone had died.

Acting superintendent Anderson said residents of Watson should not be concerned, "Canberra is one of the safest cities in Australia and we believe this was an isolated incident and people shouldn't be concerned about their safety," he said.

Police said the crime scene will remain in place over the weekend.
