
Latest science news

First fossilised dinosaur brain tissue identified

A 133-million-year-old fossilised dinosaur brain was found by Jamie Hiscocks in 2004. It is shown next to a two-pence coin.

British and Australian scientists have identified an unassuming brown pebble, found more than a decade ago by a fossil hunter in southern England, as the first known example of fossilised dinosaur brain tissue.

China recalls 10,000 webcams after hack

Chinese firm Hangzhou Xiongmai has admitted its cameras and other devices are vulnerable to being taken over by hackers, ...

Up to 10,000 webcams will be recalled in the aftermath of a cyber attack that blocked access last week to some of the world's biggest websites, Chinese manufacturer Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co has told Reuters.

Haunting photos document the path of a comet

The comet pictured on March 29 this year.

They are the hauntingly beautiful black and white images that would not look out of place at any distinguished photo gallery. But they're the product of years of hard work by some of the world's top scientists and engineers.