November 4, 2016

ALERT! National Socialist Movement Rally in Harrisburg, PA

November 5, 2016 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Pennsylvania State Capitol
501 N 3rd St
PA 17120
ALERT! National Socialist Movement Rally in Harrisburg, PA @ Pennsylvania State Capitol

The National Socialist Movement (NS) has decided to make what they call their “fall political rally” in Harrisburg, PA on Nov. 5, a few days before Election Day. It’s not like they think they are going to sway voters or anything – unless you count whatever BS their more suit-and-tie brethren calling itself the “alt-right” can make of it. And of course since they started this umbrella outfit called the Aryan Nationalist Alliance that incorporates Klan groups and your more knucklehead organizations like Aryan Strike Force into the same fold as the NSM, that means they will be out as well. Community members have been organizing around opposing this and they expect a huge turnout on their part. And we will be remiss in saying look out for a Black Dominican NSM associate named Gabriel Diaz should he have the spine to show up again after being caught infiltrating our groups!

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