Saturday, 1 October 2016

Through Chinese Eyes

Cant say I am down with the Chinese worldview. Dont want to live in a Chinese dominated world. We have no one to blame but Adam Smith.

And the 2020 Oscar for best picture goes to " The liberation of Castration"

Surveillance and detention not serve and protect

Toronto is one of the safest high density cities in the world.  The cop cars used to be highly visible yellow, then white and now batman. Symbols are important, and this sends the wrong message from the top down. I advise counselling for the management that made this horrible decision.

Your doing it wrong!

Shipping container housing should have panels on the outside covering HVAC and wiring. The panels would allow zero emission housing with virtually no heating needed.

As I have said before this type of housing should be Canada's aid focus, to the world and to our own needy citizens.

John Wayne Was a Nazi

Not PC for sure but at one time he was the most admired man in America and I was a huge fan.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Oy I love yor

Like the old testament
I love everything
aboot your book
and design
and the flaws
are just wallpaper
I cant see
cause you
are beaming at
full 4k tv

I can go several ways until the utimate greif

Yeah I am almost 59 
and my ex friends
are in obituraties
and I still
feel 19

But age is not glacial
you go to sleep one
day young
and wake
up old
and thats my
there unless
some great
DNA thearpy
is spread to this
over populated
just so it goes

Today I am really 19
in every way
except my face
looks old
but my body
is just a fat boy
from any age
and thats
the thing
no one knows
about aging
the body stays
young while the face'
ages and the hands
and I guess that
was just Gods
plan to keep us

But right now
I am in my prime
and do not want
to give in to 
the long game
to late to mature
I am a kid
always was
always will be
cause if you want
to be young
there is no
other song
to sing except
a head banger