
What is Anterior Uveitis?

Acute anterior uveitis (AAU) is the most common form of uveitis and is named so because it occurs in the front of the eye. It predominantly occurs in young and middle-aged people. Plenty of cases happen to even healthy individuals and may only affect one eye, but other cases are associated with gastrointestinal, lung, and infectious […]

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Vision Insurance: Is it worth it?

It’s likely that you’re already paying for standard medical insurance, dental, and any other mix of add-on types of insurance. So it’s a fair question to ask, “Is vision insurance worth it?” Some would ask you to think, “Is being able to see worth it?” but that’s a little bit extreme. At the end of […]

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Inflammation and the Body

Inflammation is a natural bodily process intended to help heal an injured area by flooding it with blood and nutrients. However, inflammation can cause a host of problems in our bodies that interfere with daily functioning when the body overreacts, reacts too often, or begins attacking its own cells. Treating inflammation can ease a host […]

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What is diabetes

What is Diabetes?

Many people know the basics about diabetes or know someone suffering from the condition, but there are many finer details they haven’t been made privy to. Diabetes is a condition that can lead to many other health problems, including eye health problems, so it’s worth going over the different types of diabetes, how they’re caused, […]

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what is radicals

What Are Free Radicals

  A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that has an unpaired electron and is therefore unstable and highly reactive. Free radicals can be formed through natural human processes or as a result of the environment. Free radicals can result from diet, stress, smoking, alcohol, exercise, inflammation, drugs or exposure to sunlight […]

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why you should see your eye doctor

The Importance of Visiting Your Eye Doctor

Are you the type of person who doesn’t visit the eye doctor on a regular basis? If that’s you, you’re not alone. It’s much more common for people to submit to a twice-yearly exam at their dentist’s office. Or at the very least, they’ll go to their doctor at least once a year for a […]

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