CEOs say redefining merit is the key to promoting women

From left to right standing: Diane Smith-Gander, John Lydon, Andy Penn, Kathryn Fagg, Dr Martin Parkinson, Meredith ...
From left to right standing: Diane Smith-Gander, John Lydon, Andy Penn, Kathryn Fagg, Dr Martin Parkinson, Meredith Hellicar, Alan Joyce, Elizabeth Broderick, Shayne Elliott. Sitting from left: Jayne Hrdlicka, Ian Narev and Cindy Hook.

There's a backlash by male middle managers against women getting promoted according to Chief Executive Women and the Male Champions of Change.

In their joint report In the Eye of the Beholder – Avoiding the Merit Trap they say merit must be redefined to include broader leadership skills and potential.

In a spirited roundtable discussion, ASX20 CEOs, top directors and the nation's top bureaucrat, Martin Parkinson, revealed how they are dealing with the pushback and promoting diversity to help their businesses navigate disruption.

Roundtable attendees: Shayne Elliott, CEO ANZ; Alan Joyce, CEO Qantas; Dr Martin Parkinson, Secretary Department Prime Minister and Cabinet; Andy Penn, CEO Telstra; Kevin McCann, NED; Ian Narev, CEO CBA; John Lydon, CEO McKinsey & Company; Elizabeth Broderick, Convener, Male Champions of Change; Kathryn Fagg, NED Reserve Bank; Meredith Hellicar, CEO Merryck & Co; Cindy Hook, CEO Deloitte; Jayne Hrdlicka, CEO Jetstar; Diane Smith-Gander, Chairman Broadspectrum, President CEW; Tony Boyd, Chanticleer, AFR and Joanne Gray, Editor BOSS, Leadership AFR.

Dr Martin Parkinson said that understanding an organisation's culture and contextualising arguments is crucial in the ...
Dr Martin Parkinson said that understanding an organisation's culture and contextualising arguments is crucial in the push for diversity.

Diane Smith–Gander: Chief Executive Women and Male Champions of Change share a common goal. We want to see an increase in women's representation in the leadership in Australia. The problem that I'm seeing at the moment is that as we take those actions we're getting some push back. And the push back that we're getting is this concept of merit. It's the people that say "Look, all of that's fantastic. But really isn't it about just the best person for the job?" We need to expect that everybody in business should be judged on their merit. We don't want it to be a factor of ethnicity or gender that people are being judged on. The research shows us that the more an organisation describes itself as a meritocracy, the greater the gender bias in that organisation actually is.

There's a fantastic story with Jetstar and Qantas about how you've moved to address gender balance and the concept of merit in senior technical roles.

Jayne Hrdlicka: Our Chief Pilot was retiring. We had an opportunity then to rethink what we were going to do from a leadership standpoint. The names that were coming up were the same old names that had been in leadership ranks for the pilot community forever. It just struck me that there was more to the story.

As I looked at the job description, I realised that there was no chance anybody other than the same people that have been in leadership in the past would ever be leaders in the future. So we started thinking about what we needed for this point in our history. And what we needed actually was great leadership skills, once you'd met the technical qualifications for the role.

Of the top two candidates, one man, one woman … the woman [Georgina Sutton] was streets ahead. So the lesson for us clearly was technical skills were absolutely critical ... But gee, what leadership looks like is not really that much different in those technical roles compared to the business roles or the finance roles.

Andy Penn pointed out that Telstra has significantly lifted the number of female technical engineering graduates it employs.
Andy Penn pointed out that Telstra has significantly lifted the number of female technical engineering graduates it employs.

Diane Smith-Gander: Shayne, you've made three appointments in the not too distant past that have all been people that haven't come necessarily a traditional pathway to the role… Catriona Noble [former ceo of McDonalds] and Maile Carnegie [former CEO of Google Australia]. How did you think about what defined merit to bring those people through?

Shayne Elliott: They passed the test of merit in the sense they're enormously capable of doing the jobs. The fundamental nature of what we're doing is changing so fast … mobile banking didn't exist six years ago. Now it's one of our biggest channels. What we need done in the future is not what we've done in the past. What we really need are people who are agile and people who can analyse situations and think of new ways forward. I spend a lot of time writing job descriptions myself, not getting what was the old job description and tidying that up, but starting with a blank piece of paper and thinking about what do I really want.

I didn't appoint Catriona, but it's an enormously relevant appointment. Here's a person who has massive experience in the business of retailing, of attracting customers to a business. Banking is relatively simple, what we do is not rocket science. We can teach people that. What we need are people with the creativity and the ability to kind of analyse situations, competitive structures, thinking new ways of doing business.

Jo Gray: How do you manage the backlash and push back. How you deal with that redefinition of what merit is, and whether you make that an explicit thing?

Shayne Elliott noted that creativity and the ability to analyse situations are skills that are crucial to the banking sector
Shayne Elliott noted that creativity and the ability to analyse situations are skills that are crucial to the banking sector

Shayne Elliott: There is an absolute backlash of middle management males who, and who write all the comments, who resent the fact that in their mind we are choosing diversity candidates over merit. Now they may not use that word 'merit' but it is absolutely apparent. And it's quite a strongly held view.

Part of that, in my opinion, in reading some of the comments also reflects there's a general fear in the economy about loss of jobs. Whether it's about robotics or about offshoring, whatever it is. And of course that typically is more impacting that, and it's a cliché, but that 45-year-old kind of white male. What's interesting about that is it's not the people in manufacturing, it's people in professional jobs. That's quite confronting for those people. What we have to do is just really step up our communication and explain why we choose people … right across the whole country in terms of how we rethink appointments, rethink what good performance is defined as.

Cindy Hook: If you don't manage that transition in a very fair and transparent way, you're going to set that leader up for a really hard go. So [you must take] an incredible amount of time up front, what's the process going to be, what input are you going to take, why are you doing it? And then afterwards managing the fallout, and an inordinate amount of time going into the people who didn't get the role, what do they see as their career paths? If you don't take that time I fear that these women that you're giving real opportunity won't be as successful.

Martin Parkinson: It's really important to understand the culture of your organisation, to contextualise how you put the argument. At Treasury, you have a bunch of people who are highly analytical, the way you start off is by posing the question: Do we believe that the distribution of skills, innate skills, is uniform distribution across economy, or uniform across gender? You say okay, give me a hypothesis that explains why if women are equally as skilled as men they're not equally distributed in leadership positions across the ASX 200. I said "I'm very open for you to give me a hypothesis that explains these numbers, and while you're at it, here's all of our data, tear our data apart and give me a hypothesis that explains our results". You put the challenge to people, they actually convince themselves.

Kathryn Fagg commented that the performance of teams as well as individuals matters.
Kathryn Fagg commented that the performance of teams as well as individuals matters.

Otherwise, I think we brought in two women who 12 months earlier from this discussion, they would have been slaughtered by the organisation. Because we've had that discussion, they came in, people gave them time, 12 months later if you went round and asked the organisation randomly who would be the top five people at this level, both of those women would have been mentioned in that group. And they would never have got in the door before we started that process.

John Lydon: I think the next stage is every evaluation, every performance report, every promotion essentially throughout the whole organisation being made on merit, which is incredibly hard. I just wondered if people can share in the experiences, how they're going on that journey?

Ian Narev: You've got to be across the details. I mean, you see the aggregated data and we look at the performance management and the pay data at all levels, by gender, by a whole lot of other levels. And last year I just changed some recommendations. You could just see in certain areas numbers were skewed, and you ring a couple of people and you ask, and you actually say "Well, I'm changing the pay", or "I'm changing the format, based on what you've said, I'm changing the assessment from A to B". Even in huge organisations those sorts of interventions are going to make a big difference on changing the culture because it shows interest and it shows that the same level tools that are being applied here [that] you expect to be applied everywhere.

Martin Parkinson: We published the gender split on applications, interviews, success and promotion rounds, but we also did it on performance appraisals. At every level of performance by every level in the organisation the gender split was published.

Kevin McCann said it's important to have access to a full talent pool.
Kevin McCann said it's important to have access to a full talent pool.

Elizabeth Broderick: Transparency is absolutely critical to creating change, because most people don't think there is a problem. Because normal looks like what I've got around me. We shouldn't underestimate the power of the stories that currently exist in the organisation. And many of them will be stories of exclusion, unintentional exclusion, as a result of how the current system is operating.

Ian Narev: I'm a big believer in having a discussion. But at a certain point if you're a senior male and you genuinely believe that an appointment's been made other than on merit, and you genuinely believe you won't get a chance because you're a male, you're probably not a good fit anymore. If people are starting to whinge about "It's getting tough here", then boy, that's not the top 10 list of tough things going on. And it's kind of like, if you can't adjust, there's a bit of a selection process.

Alan Joyce: This definition of merit is not to in some way bias towards females getting a job, which I think maybe people interpret. Communication's key on this. This is so that you get the right people in senior management, or management generally. And your organisations are changing, and the definition of what is needed to be a good manager has changed over a long period of time. And I think it's really important here, because therefore we're competing against other companies and we want the best people in the roles.

Kathryn Fagg: If you start saying at an institutional, organisational level it is really important that we have diversity. And it's just not looking at the merit of the individual but the overall performance of the team, you can get people over the line.

Ian Narev: My team will now be half women when our General Council starts at the end of the year. And if you expect the team to work together, that does bring this whole question about organisational team diversity. And it does change the job description, because a candidate who's adding diversity and other strengths to the team is going to have a string to her or his bow that somebody else may not have, which is a critical part of the criteria.

Cindy Hook: There's a major shift happening that can actually transform and put forward this merit definition – moving away from performance ratings and having real career conversations on an ongoing basis. When you're having a career conversation, you're defining what you want in those leaders and how they can succeed in the future and you're doing it over time. If organisations move away from ratings to career conversations the definitions of merit are going to come out really strongly in that, and we could see this fast tracked.

John Lydon: Our ratings were full of language like "cut through problem solving" and "sharpness" and "command an audience". And I think the shift has been to really see "Well, what do clients need, what does our country need?" It's about moving and inspiring people to action, building capabilities. We've got people at the top who have made it through the old way. And while they completely agree with support, and intellectually get the imperative to make the shift, there's all sorts of history and unconscious biases that can come in.

Diane Smith-Gander: Kevin said to me once, "Diane, for God's sake please stop calling it unconscious bias, just call it out for what it is. It's bias." This is what we're talking about here. Because bias is the enemy of merit, clearly.

Andy Penn said technology innovation, and the internet in particular, are lowering barriers.
Andy Penn said technology innovation, and the internet in particular, are lowering barriers.

Andy Penn: We've lifted our level of technical engineering graduates, of which we recruit about 300 a year, from 29 per cent to 44 per cent female over the last three years. And I was having an interesting debate with my Head of Diversity last night about whether I could actually set a target for 65 per cent by 2020, and whether it's acceptable to set a target up above 50 per cent.

Of course the technical competence is really important. But a lot of our engineers get very passionate about download speeds and gigabits per second and stuff like that, whereas actually what our customers care about is "How am I experiencing the service that I'm receiving?" and the two are not the same.

And so as we shift the emphasis on not just the technical competence, but actually what is the outcome that we're really seeking to achieve, which is a complete transformation in the customer experience, you then bring in a different set of skills.

Kevin McCann: Most of the people around the table are CEOs, and they're a very enlightened group of people. As a non-executive director out there in board land, it's very different. In some very successful companies we have discussions of when you're trying to interrogate merit, the CEO will push back and say "We're a very successful organisation, and we only depend upon merit" … we have a variety of diversity programs, but nothing's happened. The progress is glacial. And so the conversation then gets somewhat tense as there's a discussion about what we mean by merit. And the push back is "Well, look, if you guys want to socially engineer you're going to ruin the company". And that's the final statement by the CEO, and everyone packs their books and then goes home. The rest of Australia is a long way behind us.

And so I'm delighted I've got this template In the Eye of the Beholder: Avoiding the Merit Trap. I'm going to order about 50 copies, because there's a lot of colleagues I've left behind at other companies who have had this debate, and we're struggling with number two, [we haven't seen a big increase in women in senior roles.]

It's really important that we get the full talent pool.

Tony Boyd: So if we're going to redefine merit and meritocracy … what is this new definition we're going to use?

Meredith Hellicar: The old definition of merit is somebody that looks like me. The new definition is somebody that looks like what this company needs for the future.

Diane Smith-Gander: We use merit as shorthand for a package of admirable qualities that we innately recognise. And when we do it that way, that's the devaluing of merit. I think it's a constant re-evaluation each time. And that's why it was really interesting Shayne in how you got to the Maile Carnegie appointment.

Shayne Elliott: The capability we needed wasn't about how to do banking, it was about how to engage our customers, and increasingly they wanted to engage with us in a digital way, and so we need people who have capability, the ability to think in that world, as opposed to thinking in a banking world. So you know, deliberately wanting a changed perspective. When you then start scanning the market, actually funnily enough all the bankers drop off the list really fast, because they don't have what you want.

Andy Penn: It's also about what's the strategically differentiating skill. Network engineering skills are readily available, and actually the strategically differentiating skill is that ability to connect with the customer, with those capabilities and competencies. If you put the customer at the heart of every single conversation you have, whether it's a performance appraisal conversation, a job description conversation, a recruitment conversation, that will force you to look for a set of skills which are not necessarily about the technical competency.

Martin Parkinson: It's not so much "what is merit", but "what is leadership". The new definition of merit is actually about understanding strategically the context of your organisation, what's coming across the horizon, and knowing the known knowns, the known unknowns, and recognise the unknown unknowns, and asking yourself "What is the skill set that I need to operate in that really fluid dynamic environment?". And the answer is almost certainly "Not these 27 technical skills that the last five people in this job have had".

If your default is simply to leave the same skill requirements, or the same leadership requirements around the job, then you as a leader are at risk of having your organisation drop behind.

Ian Narev: I certainly am not necessarily appointing the person who's going to be the best on day one. I'm appointing the person who with my help, the team's help, the board's help, over two to three years is going to be the best person. And that might be in some roles, I've taken a four to five-year view.

Alan Joyce: What is the potential of this person to the next role and maybe the role after that, because we're taking a long-term plan to say where your gaps are going to be in the future.

Cindy Hook: Merit is evolving from the merits of that individual in a silo by themselves to that individual in combination with skills and capabilities of the people around them. I think a lot of time about teams. And this person doesn't have the old definition of a job in a silo, but in combination with three or four other people, that team is going to be a powerhouse.

Diane Smith-Gander: The boardrooms are not up with where this conversation is at. And that's going to be a real challenge for all of us. A lot of boards just don't really actually know what to do with their CEO and their leadership team. How do we drag the boards kicking and screaming into this conversation?

Meredith Hellicar: Diverse groups of people are more inclined to admit to their uncertainties. And so in a world where everything is less certain, and we have to connect with the public more, and own errors, own mistakes, own whatever, you actually don't want a bunch of people that are really certain in their rightness.

Martin Parkinson: That reinforces why this discussion about merit is not about women per se, it's not about women and men, it's actually about all people. How do we create an environment where all people of merit have the opportunity to develop to their full potential? And we as employers and as citizens of the nation benefit from their capability.

Andy Penn: We've got to move faster, because one of the dynamics is happening with technology innovation, and the internet in particular, it's lowering the barriers to entry, it's transforming how people are receiving customer experiences today, it's giving a voice to everybody across the whole of the country and internationally via social media, it's democratising innovation and it's challenging all of us.

If we don't respond and react and adopt some of the things that we've been saying today, they will be adopted for us, and at our cost. I know it's hard in management, how do you change boards? You've got three-year terms. It's a slow process. Somehow we have to change the paradigm to free the system up so that we can all move faster.